The UCAS Weekly
November 20, 2024
Now - Dec. 6th - Quarters for Christmas and Food Drive donations
Nov. 20 - HOSA RMU Activity
Nov. 27-29 - Thanksgiving Break
Dec. 6 - Winter Dance
UCAS is collecting canned food for the food care coalition and also quarters for Quarters for Christmas. There are competitions going at each campus for these collection drives.
The canned FOOD drive is an advisory competition and the Quarters for Christmas drive is a grade level one. Please bring your canned food to your advisory or careers class before December 6th!
Donations for Quarters for Christmas can be brought to the front office.
Let the Battle begin!!!!
To win: Put your donations into the “other” grades jars.
Donations are points against that grade.
The grade with the least points against them wins.
Please, only quarters or bills for this donation.
Will your grade get the na na nana bragging rights?
****All donations will go to the KSL’s Quarters for Christmas Drive.
Are you looking for a service opportunity? On Friday, January 24th , from 4:30 to 7, at Cherry Hill Elementary School in Orem, UVU will be having a family fun night focused on having students do fun math activities with their families. The goal is to help families see that math can be fun! UVU is looking for volunteers to help run stations where students and families will get to engage in fun mathematics activities. They would also need help setting up before the activity and probably with some clean-up.
Volunteers would be helping facilitate fun mathematical activities at various stations. They have some activities planned out, but if there are activities that students at UCAS want to do, they would love that!
If you are interested, UVU needs a firm commitment by December 10th. To volunteer, email Dr. Michael Gundlach at Make sure to let him know you are a UCAS student or parent.
It is almost time for our Winter Dance. The theme this year is The Polar Pajamboree and you can wear your pajamas for this fun dance - dress code does still apply. The dance will be Friday, December 6 on the Orem Campus. Get your date or friend group ready. Tickets go on sale Dec. 2 and are $5/person.
Found!! - one gold hoop earring. Please bring the matching earring to claim it.
Please label coats and lunchboxes with your student's name. That way we can return items to their owner instead of donating them when they have been forgotten and left behind in the lunchroom for too long.
Upcoming Wacky Wednesdays: 11/20 - Formal Dress Day, 12/4 - PJ Day
Upcoming Falcon Fridays: 11/15 - Musical Chairs, 12/13 - Gaga Ball
Student Drop Off and Pick up instructions: Please be aware that the streets in front of the building on either side of the parking stalls are two way streets. Please do not park in a way that obstructs the flow of traffic. With several businesses in the area, they are not limited to a one way flow for pick up or drop off. As you are dropping off or picking up students, please pull forward to the picnic table area in order to accommodate more vehicles. Drivers, look both ways for pedestrians coming from either direction before you proceed. Let's keep our students safe!!
We are in need of plastic grocery bags for a service project to make mats. Please drop off donations with Ms Garnet.
Turkey Bowl – Games will continue this week during Lunch and Advisory. Come cheer on your
classmates as they vie for UCAS football supremacy.
Battles of the Books - Teams are due by Thanksgiving! Pick up and turn in your roster to Mrs. Bragg before you leave for break to have your team locked in for the competition in March. If you want to participate and don't have a team yet, come talk to Mrs. Bragg. We'll get you sorted out.
It is almost time for our Winter Dance. The theme this year is The Polar Pajamboree and you can wear your pajamas for this fun dance - dress code does still apply. The dance will be Friday, December 6 on the Orem Campus. Get your date or friend group ready. Tickets go on sale Dec. 2 and are $5/person.
UCAS Talent Show - The Annual UCAS Talent show is coming up quickly. The talent show will be held on Friday Dec 20. Tryouts for the talent show will be held on Dec 3 & 4 starting at 3:00 in the Orem AC. Sign ups will be available by the front office. Please come and share your talents with us! It's so fun to see all the great things you can do!
Detentions - If you have any detentions you may take care of those with Mrs. Fife on Monday
and Friday mornings going forward. There is a calendar outside the main office. If you have any questions on your attendance please check with Mrs. Fife
Math Tutoring – There will be math tutoring available during advisories on Thursdays with Miss Hall.
NHS Tutoring - tutors are available in Mr. Ferlo’s room on Wednesday and Friday from 4:00 to 4:30.
Parking - Please do not park in visitor parking. Those spaces are needed for parents, subs and anyone visiting UCAS. If you need information on parking please talk to Mrs. Fife. If you get a ticket we will not be able to void it for you.
National Honor Society (NHS) Orem - Mr. Ferlo is the advisor.
National Honor Society (NHS) Provo - Mrs. Cannon is the advisor. The club meets on Fridays at 4 pm outside the counseling office.
Technology Student Association (TSA) - Mr. Binford is the advisor, and the club will meet in Orem.
Bible Club - Mr. Schiffman's is the advisor. Meetings are held in room 11 on the Orem campus at 8:00 am on Tuesdays. The purpose of the bible club is to gain Bible knowledge, and grow closer to Jesus Christ. We seek to foster a sense of interfaith community at UCAS. We read the Bible, have civil discussions, and eat snacks.
Future Health Professionals (HOSA) - Mrs. Jensen is the advisor. Meetings are held the 3rd Wednesday of the month and during 5th period advisory in Provo. For field trips, meet in room 207 or at the field trip location.
Robotics - Mrs. LaRose is the advisor, and the club will meet in Provo on Wednesdays and Thursdays from 3:45-5:00.
Science Olympiad - Mr. Johanson will be the advisor and the club will meet on Mondays sometimes in Orem in Room 8 and other weeks in Provo in room 214. Please check with Mr. Johanson for the latest update. He plans and holds meetings when needed. Most club work will occur in small groups.
Prism - Miss Lamb and Mrs. Fife are the advisors. The club meets in Orem on Wednesdays at 4:15 pm in Room #8 on the Orem campus.
Chess Club - Ms. Bills is the advisor and meetings will be held in room 2 in Orem. The club meets Tuesdays and Thursdays from 4:00 - 4:30.
TTRPG - Mrs. Amosa is the advisor for this club. They meet in her room on the Orem campus on Fridays from 4:00 - 5:00 pm.
Dungeons & Dragons - Ms. Miller is the advisor for this club. They meet in room 205 on the Provo campus on Tuesdays from 4:00 - 5:00.
SheTech - Ms. Miller is the advisor for this club. They meet in room 205 on the Provo campus on Mondays from 3:40 - 4:30.
Creative Writing Club - Dr. Hodson is the advisor for this club. They meet in room 204 on the Provo campus on Mondays from 3:40 - 4:40.
Students in Action - Mrs. Paz is the advisor for this club. They meet on Tuesdays from 4:00 - 5:00 on the Orem campus in Room 13.