The UCAS Weekly
March 5, 2025
Ongoing - Driver Education registration
Mar. 5 - Open House
Mar. 10-14 - Spring Break
Mar. 18 - ACT test day for Juniors
Driver Education Hybrid/Online Class
Registration Opens: February 27, 2025
Starts: April 1st with a mandatory Parent Meeting at 6pm via zoom
Canvas course will be opened after attendance of the parent meeting
Face to face required presentation dates:
April 8th: Railroad Safety
April 10th: Donor Connect
April 15th: Truck Smart
Unit Tests and Final will be taken face to face: dates TBD by instructor
Coursework/group chats: Online with Dr. Hodson
State Requirement: 30 hours (accumulated through online/face to face)
Behind the wheel: Begins in the summer
Coursework closes: May 15, 2025 (no extensions)
Cost: $175
How to register:
**Students may bring their permit to school and we will make a photocopy. Otherwise, the permit must be scanned, with nothing else in the background (no photos) and then sent via email.
Orem: email permit to lacy.fife@ucas-edu.net before calling with payment
Provo: email permit to garnet.kutterer@ucas-edu.net before calling with payment
Before you register:
Students should not have outstanding detentions.
Students will need to meet the grade requirements of no D’s or F’s.
Students need to meet the GPA requirement of 3.0 or higher.
Students and parents should be aware of the class expectations.
Permits should be provided before money is accepted.
Registration closes: when class is filled (35 students)
Next Dr. Ed Class: registration for Summer Dr. Ed begins May 1, 2025 and closes
May 20, 2025.
Parents and Students,
As the weather gets warmer we wanted to remind you of the importance of showering regularly, wearing clean clothes, and deodorant. It really helps the learning environment when others are not distracted by body odor. If you need items to help you in any of these areas, our counselors have resources you can use. Please check in with them.
Jennilyn Derbidge
Principal - Utah County Academy of Sciences
Do you have friends and neighbors who would benefit from UCAS's unique environment? Please invite them to attend one of our upcoming open houses to find out more about the opportunities we offer. UCAS is ranked as the #1 high school in Utah on Niche!
Our mission is to provide a quality early-college education to a diverse student population emphasizing science, technology, engineering, and mathematics (STEM) with the opportunity to earn both a high school diploma and up to two years of college credit in a safe, supportive, dual-campus environment. UCAS is Utah’s premier early college high school, partnered with UVU.
Open House Dates
Wednesday, March 5th, 4:30-6:30
Congratulations to the robotics club for qualifying for state!!
We can use more donations of plastic grocery bags for our ongoing service project of making mats for the homeless. This is a great way to get them recycled.
Parents, the easiest way to excuse an absence is to open the text message regarding the absence, and then click on the link included in the text message. You may then excuse the absence. If the absence is excused for medical reasons, such as for a doctor's or dentist's appointment, please send a note from the medical office with your student.
Please label coats and lunchboxes with your student's name. That way we can return items to their owner instead of donating them when they have been forgotten and left behind in the lunchroom for too long.
Battle of the Books! The tournament starts today! Teams, check out your battle times and locations on Mrs. Bragg's bulletin board. You will be excused from Advisory. The winning student team will challenge the teacher all-stars on Friday in the AC!
March Madness Basketball Tournament – Just an FYI letting you know that it will be held at the end of March. It will start March 24 th with teams due the week before.
Parents, the easiest way to excuse an absence is to open the text message regarding the absence, and then click on the link included in the text message. You may then excuse the absence. If the absence is excused for medical reasons, such as for a doctor or dentist appointment, please send a note from the medical office with your student.
Juniors - check out Boys and Girls State opportunity. This is a chance to participate in mock legislature and qualify for scholarships unique to the organization through the American Legion. Applications for this program will include an interview. Deadline for Girls State is Feb 15 and for Boys State is sometime in March. See the linked websites or Mrs. Marcano for more information.
Detentions – There is a new updated calendar on Mrs. Fife's board. Please get your detentions taken care of. You will not be eligible for field trips if you have outstanding detentions.
Applications for new clubs have closed for the 2024-2025 school year. We hope you can find a club you love using the list below!
National Honor Society (NHS) Orem - Mr. Ferlo is the advisor.
National Honor Society (NHS) Provo - Mrs. Cannon is the advisor. The club meets on Fridays at 4 pm outside the counseling office.
Technology Student Association (TSA) - Mr. Binford is the advisor, and the club will meet in Orem.
Bible Club - Mr. Schiffman's is the advisor. Meetings are held in room 11 on the Orem campus at 8:00 am on Tuesdays. The purpose of the bible club is to gain Bible knowledge, and grow closer to Jesus Christ. We seek to foster a sense of interfaith community at UCAS. We read the Bible, have civil discussions, and eat snacks.
Future Health Professionals (HOSA) - Mrs. Jensen is the advisor. Meetings are held the 3rd Wednesday of the month and during 5th period advisory in Provo.
Robotics - Mrs. LaRose is the advisor, and the club will meet in Provo on Wednesdays and Thursdays from 3:45-5:00.
Science Olympiad - Mr. Johanson will be the advisor and the club will meet on Mondays sometimes in Orem in Room 8 and other weeks in Provo in room 214. Please check with Mr. Johanson for the latest update. He plans and holds meetings when needed. Most club work will occur in small groups.
Prism - Miss Lamb and Mrs. Fife are the advisors. The club meets in Orem on Wednesdays at 4:15 pm in Room #8 on the Orem campus.
Chess Club - Ms. Bills is the advisor and meetings will be held in room 2 in Orem. The club meets Tuesdays and Thursdays from 4:00 - 4:30.
TTRPG - Mrs. Amosa is the advisor for this club. They meet in her room on the Orem campus on Fridays from 4:00 - 5:00 pm.
Dungeons & Dragons - Ms. Miller is the advisor for this club. They meet in room 205 on the Provo campus on Tuesdays from 4:00 - 5:00.
SheTech - Ms. Miller is the advisor for this club. They meet in room 205 on the Provo campus on Mondays from 3:40 - 4:30.
Creative Writing Club - Dr. Hodson is the advisor for this club. They meet in room 204 on the Provo campus on Mondays from 3:40 - 4:40.
Students in Action - Mrs. Paz is the advisor for this club. They meet on Tuesdays from 4:00 - 5:00 on the Orem campus in Room 13.