NPS Engage News

April 12, 2024
Upcoming Important Dates
April 15-18: April Vacation - Closed
April 24: Early Release Day for PreK & Elementary
Dear Natick Public School Students, Families and Staff,
The Boston Marathon is one of the six great “World Marathons” that include Berlin, Chicago, London, New York, and Tokyo. These OTHER marathons run in a loop or fold back in on themselves for some part to stay within the city proper. Boston is the ONLY one that runs in a ‘straight’ line from start to end. As such, it runs through the center of seven towns–Hopkinton, Ashland, Framingham, NATICK, Wellesley, Newton, and Brookline, before reaching the finish line in Boston which I think makes our stretch the MOST special. : - )
Apart from the infamous ‘HeartBreak Hill,’ it’s the swarm of spectators that set this marathon apart. Our communities share a special intimacy with the race. Miles from the finish line you develop an affinity for to that part of the course as if it is your personal responsibility to shepherd the runners from one neighboring section to another. Growing up along the course, it never occurred to me to ‘abandon’ my home spot to go watch somewhere else.
I watched my first marathon in Brookline with my new best friend. We were eight years old. I remember the crowd getting louder and louder as we squinted, to see what they saw–the exhilarating sight of the lone first runner followed shortly by a torrent of others. Then came the first woman. We were absolutely fascinated by her. We craned our necks to see how she secured her hair, held her arms, and struck the ground from heel to toe until we finally lost sight of her mixed among the men. We stayed and cheered until runners became walkers and then time to go home for dinner. We came back every year until we both finally went away for college.
There are always honors to the winners of the race on Marathon Day. But the best part of the marathon has always been more than that. It is as much about the winner as it is about every runner who comes after. It is one long train of inspiration as we witness thousands of ordinary people–many of whom are running to support charities in need–demonstrate an extraordinary personal perseverance of spirit. Together, they represent the positive power of the marathon to inspire goodness and brotherhood among us. Thank you and good luck to them all! We are lucky to be this close to one of the world’s greatest events.
Enjoy Marathon Monday and our break next week!
Bella Wong
Students will enjoy week-long courses for enrichment, exploration, and fun! The Summer Enrichment and Summer Scholars programs will allow your children to explore their interests and help prevent summer slide. Pre-approved students are welcomed into the Extended School Year (ESY) program and the High School Credit Recovery Program. Our Strength and Conditioning Program provides dynamic exercises and drills from some of the best coaches in the area.
Registration through Active.com is open now. Our popular Summer Enrichment program courses include Cooking, Arts and Crafts, Pondology, Chemistry, Sports, and much more. Students from rising Kindergarteners up through rising 8th graders are grouped by grade level.
NEW THIS YEAR: All participants in Summer Enrichment & Summer Scholars will receive a complete schedule of classes (subject to availability) running from 8:15 a.m. to 12:15 p.m. View our website for more info. Please complete our financial aid form, if applicable.
FINAL In-Person Registration Night: Thursday, May 2
Stop by from 6 p.m. to 7 p.m. inside Natick High's main entrance lobby for assistance with the summer programs registration process. Program directors will be on hand answer questions. (Online registration without attending an in-person event is always allowed.)
Discover Upcoming Events
8th Grade Step-Up Night
Mark Wednesday, April 24th for this event. Held at Natick High, from 6:30 p.m. - 8:30 p.m.
Parents and rising 9th graders will get a chance to learn more about the clubs and activities at the high school, meet some upperclassmen and meet some new peers. This is an important chance for our newest Redhawks to come together as a class for the first time!
NPS Music Events
Come April 26th to see the NHS Choral Program present Spring Sing, 7 p.m. at NHS Auditorium. Review the music department calendar & contact your school’s music department for additional details.
Tools for Resilience & Well-Being: Elementary Parent Workshop Series
In-person workshop series held on Mondays, including May 6th, 13th, and 20th from 6:30-8:30 p.m. at the Cole Center, Natick.
Laura McCarthy, MA, parent educator and Natick mom will share practical ideas and strategies to help you increase connection, manage emotions, behavior, and stress, while building a positive mindset and hope. Free childcare available for children ages 4+ (registration required). Light dinner will be offered. Click here to register: Registration Link, or find out more at www.sparkkindness.org
April 25 Panel Discussion: Suicide Prevention, Awareness and Education
With Panelists:
Paul Carew, Director of Veterans Services in Natick (Moderator)
Harold Sock, Ed.D.
LTC Katherine Murphy
Gold Star Mother Lynn Patton, Mother of Matthew Patton
Art Fergusson, Ph.D., NPS Director of SEL & Equity
Attend in person on Thurs., April 25 from 6 p.m. - 8 p.m. at the Natick Community-Senior Center. Sponsored by Town of Natick Veterans Services.
Special Education Parent Programs
Natick Office of Student Services and SEPAC-sponsored events.
April 25 @ 6:30 p.m.: Neurodiversity Presentation led by NPS Staff. IS NOW A VIRTUAL EVENT.
DATE IS NOW TBD: End of Year Wrap-Up/Update Parent Forum. Families will be notified about the new date after April break. Please follow Natick SEPAC on Facebook & contact the Office of Student Services for more information about these events.
Parent Workshop From Landmark Learns
Wed. April 24: Building Your Child's Positive Self-Concept - Strategies for Students with Learning Differences. 7 p.m. Register for webinars and access resources from previous events on the Landmark School website.
Cheer on NPS Teams
Check out the Athletics Calendar!
Support athletes on the track, diamond, field, court and more this spring!
April 12 School Newsletters
Please visit the NPS Transportation Department webpage to access the online registration form or to download the paper registration form (translations available online). Ensure that your family is ready to go when school starts! Contact the transportation department with any questions.
Students who participate in the METCO program are thriving from the elementary to high school grade levels. Natick became a partner METCO district in 1969. Learn about METCO's history.
Natick Schools Shine in Statewide Music Competition
Last weekend, four ensembles from Natick attended the MICCA festival. Please congratulate these educators, musicians and performers on their impressive results!
- The NHS Chamber Singers, under the direction of Kate Burns, received a Silver medal in Westborough.
- The NHS Concert Band, under the direction of Scott Morrill, received a Gold medal in Hopkinton.
- The WMS Wilson Winds, under the direction of Kevin Goddu, received a Silver medal in Hopkinton.
- The NHS Wind Ensemble, under the direction of Scott Morrill, received a Gold medal in Hopkinton.
👏Additional SHOUT OUTS to the West Street Singers and Kate Burns! They were named Grand Champion of their division at the Show Choir Festival.
A Different Sort of March Madness Competition
The Literacy Staff organized a reading bracket, a Ben-Hem tradition. This year's champion was The Tree of Hope: The Miraculous Rescue of Puerto Rico’s Beloved Banyan by Anna Orenstein-Cardona (Author) and Juan Manuel Moreno (Illustrator). This moving story is a perfect pick for Earth Day or for NPS families looking for something to read over break. Ask a Ben-Hem student you know if they read The Tree of Hope! Let's talk more about reading!
Next meeting: Date change: April 29
Location: The third floor meeting room at Natick Town Hall and through hybrid virtual viewing or on Pegasus local access TV.
Please note that 2024-2025 School Year Calendar was approved.
Parent Academy
Transparency Center
NPS Registration at Community-Senior Center
Registration appointments are available four days a week at the Natick Community-Senior Center. Appointment times can occur Monday, Tuesday, and Wednesday from 9 a.m. to 3 p.m. and on Thursdays from 12 noon to 7 p.m. Please contact Lynda Berg, Registrar at 774-721-7500 or registrar@natickps.org. Registration information can be found on our website.
Get free online tutoring for students in grades 5-12 via Paper. Explore by clicking the blue "P" in the Chromebook browser plug in. Access Parent Guides and additional information. If you have a comment to share about how Paper has worked for your child, email communications@natickps.org.
Coming soon: Hazardous Waste Collection & Rx Drug Take Back Events
Household Hazardous Waste Collection Day
The 38th Annual Household Hazardous Waste Collection Day will be held on Saturday, April 27 at the Natick Dept. of Public Works from 9 a.m. to 12 noon. Natick Residents only. $10 per car. Limited to 300 cars. Tickets must be purchased in advance. For more information, visit this link or call the Natick Health Dept. at 508-647-6460.
Prescription Drug Take Back Day
National Prescription Drug Take Back Day is taking place on Saturday, April 27 from 10 a.m. to 2 p.m. at the Natick Police Department. This is a great opportunity to easily dispose of your unused & expired medications. To find a disposal site near you, visit this page.
TOWN OF NATICK PROJECT: Human Services Study
SURVEY OPPORTUNITY: Please help Town staff to better plan and prioritize programs & services for people of all ages and abilities in the Natick Community.
The Town of Natick invites you to complete this survey about the provision of human services. Human services includes all things that enable residents to survive (e.g., food, housing, financial stability) and to thrive (e.g., meaningful engagement, childcare). This effort is a grant-funded program that will help shape Natick's future. Click here to take the survey. Click here to learn more about the project. This survey will be live until 4/26/24.
Natick Community Organic Farm's 2024 Summer Programs on the Farm
The hands-on programs are open to students ages 3 to 14. For details about scheduling, pricing, and more, visit www.natickfarm.org/summer-programs.
Memorial Day - Special Rededication Ceremony
The Natick Veterans Council and the American Legion Post 107 will rededicate Memorial Field to honor all wartime veterans killed in action. Observe this solemn, meaningful event on Mon., May 27 at 11 a.m. on Natick High School’s Memorial Field.
Visit EcoNatick.org for information about on April 27-28 Earth Day events.
Use this link or click on the flyer below for more information.
Is someone in your household not receiving the Engage biweekly district newsletter or important notices related to bus transportation? Direct them to communications@natickps.org to let us know. Reminder: Review your school newsletters produced by your principal teams.
Smore.com newsletter HYPERLINK + FILE & ATTACHMENT notice: Files and attachments download best on a desktop computer. These files should be viewable on most mobile devices as well. While images might be hyperlinked, this is done in addition to inserting key links throughout the text. The links and files inserted in the newsletter are included in order to condense the space used.
Have a story idea to share? Submit it here. NEXT newsletter: May 3.
SchoolMessenger Home: Get Notified
If you want to get notifications on your iPhone about messages from Natick Public Schools, download the SchoolMessenger Home app. Make sure you enter your email of record (listed in PowerSchool) to sign up. Email us to let us know more about the performance of this new app.
Natick Public Schools does not discriminate in employment nor its educational programs, services, and activities based on race, creed, color, age, sex, gender identity, religion, nationality, sexual orientation, disability, pregnancy and pregnancy-related conditions, physical and intellectual differences, immigration status, homeless status, or any other basis prohibited by law. Please be aware all electronic communication to and from Natick Public Schools is public record and subject to public disclosure per Massachusetts General Law Chapter 66, Section 10.