Parent & Guardian Update
Windsor PreK-12, March 8, 2024
Dear Parents & Guardians,
We hope you have a wonderful weekend. We have some great student activities happening this weekend.
Come down to the Windsor High School theater Saturday March 9th @ 1:00 for a performance from the McFadden Academy of Irish Dance. This is a fundraiser to help junior, Sam Peckinpaugh, who qualified for the World Championships, travel to Scotland to compete later this month. Donations accepted at the door or via Venmo. We are so proud of you, Sam!
Our Girls Varsity Basketball team travels to the Barre Auditorium this Saturday in the D3 State Championship. Our team faces Hazen at 7:30pm.
Thank you for your continued support. We hope you can join us on Wednesday March 27th for our Community Budget Presentation. Dinner will be served at 5:30 in the cafeteria with a 6:00pm Budget Presentation in room 210.
Sergio Simunovic, Colleen DeSchamp & Kate Ryan
Important Dates
3/14 - K-5 Community Event - Pi Day, 5:30pm
3/15 - Noon Dismissal
3/27 - MASD Budget Presentation 6pm, rm 210
3/28 & 3/29 - Parent Teacher Conference Days
Elementary News
Another great week here at Windsor Elementary and finally some sunshine! We wanted to send a huge thank you to all our families and caregivers for coming out to support our play and LiM assemblies! We are excited to continue to build more events into our schedule that bring your all into the building in partnership!
3/14 (pi day!!) we will be hosting a community meal and math/reading curriculum night. This will also be our annual Title I information night. Kick off @ 5:15... The program will start at 6 with Math and Literacy activities for all to highlight our curriculum. All students get a free book!
A big thank you to our awesome Activities committee for all their work on our Winter Enrichment/Ski program! 4 times on the mountain at AO is pretty good for this funny low snow winter we have had. More pictures of all we have been up to will be shared at our 3/14 curriculum night.
Walking Wednesdays! Please join Wednesday mornings @ 7:30 in the Price Chopper plaza for Walking Wednesday!
We are always thrilled to see you all in the morning at drop off! We do ask however that parents remain in the lobby or outside for all drop offs, beginning of the day and those arriving later. If students need help getting to their classroom, school staff are happy to assist. Thank you all for your help with this!
An important note: The school day begins at 8. We have supervision on the playground and for indoor breakfast in the Elementary cafeteria/gym starting at 7:40am. Please remind your student(s) that if they are here at school between 7:40-8:00am they will need to be in one of these two supervised spaces. School dismissal is 2:30 Many thanks in advance for the support!
Middle School News
Looking Forward to the our March Conference days, we will be excited to have our students presenting their student portfolios at their Student-Led Conference, formally known as Parent/Teacher conferences. Please ask your child how their portfolio is coming along and what they are most proud to share with you later this month. More information to come.
Homework Club Offered - Wednesday & Friday morning Homework Club, from 7:30- 7:50 am. If you would like to sign up your student please contact Ms. Sampson,
Middle School Dance, TONIGHT - 6th - 8th grade SU-wide semi-formal dance, hosted by the Weathersfield School Leadership Team, at Weathersfield School from 6-8 pm. There is a $2.00 admission and games, prizes and refreshments.
High School News
Spring Sports:
Don't wait! Registration is open for Spring Sports now. Get signed up early. #swarmasone #gojacks
Please help your student if they are a driver they need to have their parking tag visible on the mirror. If they don’t have one they should see Wendy Moody to get one. Also help keep our parking lots safe and remind your student driver that the back row of the parking lot is a one way and you should go around to drive out through it to park.
Flexible Pathways Opportunities
Applications are now open for the Dartmouth Hospital paid Summer Internship Program! Applicants must be 16 years old, and be willing to commit to the 7-week summer program. Application Close March 15th, 2024. Bethany LaHaye for SH Workforce Development will be visiting the school on Feb, 2 during Swarm. Interested applicants should be there and visit the DH website: See Mrs Gogan if you have any questions or want to make an individual appointment with Bethany when she is here
Girls Technology Day 2024 for 9th or 10th-grade students interested in manufacturing and STEM careers. Date: April 5, 9 am – 1:15pm. Location: Hypertherm Associates, 71 Heater Road, Lebanon, NH (includes lunch). Apply no later than February 16, 2024, space is limited. See Mrs Gogan ASAP to get on the list - looking got take 10 girls from grades 9 &10.
Applications are now open for the Governor's Institute Summer GIV programs in the Art, Engineering, Entrepreneurship, Environmental Science and Technology, Goglab Issued and Youth Action, Health and Medicine, Mathematical Sciences, and Technology and Design. A representative from GIV will be visiting Windsor on Jan 31st during SWARM to share information on these programs, answer questions, and help apply for programs. Some are very competitive and students are encouraged to visit the GIV website and begin their applications ASAP! see Mrs Gogan if you have any questions or need help with your application.
Have you ever been to the Claremont Makerspace (CMS) in Claremont NH? It's a local non-profit Makerspace building that encourages creativity, innovation, and entrepreneurship. CMS offers regular workshops and classes for those who like to tinker, build, and make. This spring they are offering classes in Quilting, Sewing, and Crocketing, Electronics, Amateur radio, Mig Welding, Photography, Making a cutting board, using repurposed metal to make Art, and More! Some classes may even be worth credit depending on length. See Mrs Gogan to discuss this. Visit their website to see some of their cool spring offerings.
Applications are now open for the Mt. Acscutney Hospital Daring to Care Student volunteer summer program.The program begins with six days of classes, divided into two weeks on confidentiality, infection control, patient safety, empathy, integrity, communication, etc. The 2nd portion of the program allows for between 16 and 30 hours of volunteer and job shadowing experience in departments such as Acute Medical/ Surgical, Cardiac Rehabilitation, Emergency, Inpatient Rehab, and Radiology. You could get .5 credits and 16-30 hours of community service and great career experience! Submit an application as soon as possible as class size is limited. Visit: for more information and to apply online!
The Cold Regions Research and Engineering Laboratory (CRREL) is proud to sponsor the Science and Engineering Apprenticeship Program (SEAP). If you are interested in applying, please email Kate Ryan directly at
This program provides a unique opportunity to area high-school JUNIORS (rising Seniors) with an aptitude for math and science.
Our Mission:
To provide STEM opportunities to attract, develop, and mentor the next generation of our nation’s diverse talent through U.S. Army educational outreach programs.
Program Intent:
To reach underserved, underrepresented, and vulnerable students who might not otherwise have access to STEM programs.
It is the schools responsibly to know who these students are and encourage those (who fit this situation) to apply to the program.
Selection criteria:
Students are selected for interview based on aptitude, grades, science, and math courses taken, teacher and/or guidance counselor recommendation, hobbies, and areas of interest.
Students work on a one-to-one basis with a CRREL scientist or engineer who acts as a mentor. Students learn techniques for dealing with scientific and engineering problems and may have the opportunity to use highly sophisticated equipment. Internships may be held within the following Science, Technology, Engineering and Mathematics fields: Geography, Meteorology, Biology, Ecology, Architecture, Civil, Mechanical, Electrical, and Material Engineering, Hydrology, Chemistry, Geology, Physics, Mathematics, and Computer/IT Sciences just to name a few! During the summer (June-Aug), the students gain valuable on-the-job experience and information to help them make important career choices. Students each present a poster at the end-of-summer poster symposium session, summarizing his or her project. In the past, approximately 90% of our apprentices have remained in the science or engineering fields.
CRREL commitment:
Students accepted into this paid apprenticeship program (held during the summer June-Aug 2024), will be provided the opportunity to return to CRREL during holiday and summer breaks, (if the project has the continuing needs) to work on projects throughout their undergraduate degree program.
Where is the apprenticeship located? CRREL, 72 Lyme Road, Hanover, New Hampshire
- Student applicants (spring 2024) are current JUNIORS in High School (rising Seniors) with an interest in the science and engineering disciplines.
- Student must be a US citizen.
- Student must be at least 16 years of age.
- Student responsible for their own transportation to and from the worksite.
Application packages must include:
- SEAP application form (fillable application attached)
- Signed recommendation form from teacher and/or guidance counselor (fillable form attached)
- Copy of current high school transcript
School Representative:
- Please select a representative from the school for the communication and submission of the application packages.
- Inform students their applications must be submitted by the representative of the school for acceptance and interview consideration.
- Submit a maximum of (3) completed student applications for consideration (please follow the program intent and student situation outlined in this email).
- SEAP application packages are due by Friday, March 08, 2024, e-mail packages to Michele Hammond @
We look forward to receiving applications from you on behalf of your eligible students!
Please contact me, Michele Hammond (603-646-4298) with any questions.
Registration is open for the
Vermont Education Justice Coalition's Education for Social Justice Conference
WHEN: Saturday, April 13th
TIME: 8:45am-4pm
WHERE: White River Valley High School in South Royalton, VT (with hybrid online options to attend)
*Seeking students & staff interested in attending - email
Sharing from the Main Office
Arrivals & Dismissals
Reminder when emailing for any late arrivals, absences, or early dismissals, we request that you send information to the attendance office, even when emailing the teacher.
Call # 802-674-2310:
Kristin Martaniuk (K-5) at ext. 2301 or email
Wendy Moody (6-12) at ext. 2200 or email
Please allow time to get a message to a student for any changes to their dismissal or pick up plans. It is appreciated if such messages can be communicated to our attendance secretaries prior to midday.
Weather Related Announcements for our school will come with a robocall, robo-email, and will be listed on our website.
Title I
The purpose of this federal program is to provide all children significant opportunity to receive a fair, equitable, and high-quality education, and to close educational achievement gaps.
Title I - Improving the Academic Achievement of the Disadvantaged
Windsor Athletics
Find all Windsor Sports Teams' schedules here.
PTO Parent Teacher Organization
PTO is sponsoring a Meadow Farms fundraiser for grades K-8.
Booster Club
Project Grad
Windsor Recreation Department
Yellow Jacket Merchandise
Windsor School Store Password: yellowjackets
Windsor School, Windsor, Vermont
Sergio Simunovic, PreK-5
Colleen DeSchamp, 6-8
Kate Ryan, 9-12
Location: 127 State Street, Windsor, VT, USA
Phone: (802) 674-9822