St Mary's School Donnybrook
2024 Term 2 Week 5
We want our students to graduate as confident, capable and compassionate members of society who lead with their head, their heart and their hands
Spot an error in the newsletter? Earn yourself a freddo frog!!
Dates to Remember
Thursday 16 May: Year 3 Reconciliation Retreat during school hours and Reconciliation @
Friday 17 May: RAK (Random Acts of Kindness Week) Free Dress
Wednesday 22 May @ 6pm: SAC Meeting
Friday 24 May: Year 4 First Holy Communion Retreat
Sunday 26 May @ 10am: First Holy Communion in the Church
Friday 31 May: PUPIL FREE DAY
Monday 3 June: WA Day PUBLIC HOLIDAY
Friday 14 June: Winter Carnival @ Hay Park Bunbury Years 4-6
Friday 21 June: DISCO
Year 6 Confirmation - Sunday 8 September 10am (Church)
Winter Carnival - Friday 14 June (years 4-6)
Faction Cross Country - Thursday 27 June TBC
Peter Sell Cup - Friday 9 August (years 4-6) TBC
Interschool Cross Country - Tuesday 30 July
School Photo Day - Term 3 date to be confirmed
Swimming Lessons (year 1 - 6) Week 1 and 2 of Term 4
Year 6 Camp - Tuesday 5 November - Friday 8 November
Friday 31 May
Monday 15 July
Monday 7 October
A note from the Principal
Dear Parents & Caregivers
This term, we have both our Year 3 and Year 4 students participating in the sacraments of Reconciliation and First Holy Communion respectively.
Both sacraments are important for children in the Catholic faith. Reconciliation helps children understand the importance of saying sorry and making things right when they do something wrong. It teaches them about forgiveness and starting fresh. First Holy Communion is when they receive the Eucharist (bread and wine) for the first time. This sacrament helps them feel closer to Jesus and be part of the church community. Both sacraments help children grow in their faith, understand their beliefs, and feel connected to God and their church family.
We look forward to celebrating both these occasions with our students and invite parents and friends to attend and share with us.
Year 3 Reconciliation is being held tonight at 5:30pm in the Church.
Year 4 First Holy Communion will be held on Sunday 26th May at 10pm in the Church.
National Simultaneous Story Time 2024
National Simultaneous Storytime will take place on Wednesday 22 May at 11am. This year's selected picture book is 'Bowerbird Blues' by Aura Parker. Bowerbird Blues is a moving story of longing and connection, that unfolds as the bowerbird's search for blue things sends him soaring across the sea, sky and city. This year, Mr Skehan will be reading this to the whole school.
Pupil Free Day / Staff Berry Street Training
Please note that there will be a pupil free day on Friday 31st May as all staff will be trained in the Berry Street Education model. The Berry Street education model is a four-day, two-year commitment that helps educators gain new perspectives, strategies and skills to build safer, healthier and more engaging classrooms for all students. It is envisioned that Berry Street will compliment our efforts in creating an emotions aware RULER climate in our school.
WA Day Public Holiday
Please note that there will be no school on Monday 3rd June.
Semester One Reports
Semester One Reports will go home in preparation for the last day of this term. Reports will be provided in line with the Schools Curriculum and Standards Authority which outlines the requirements for each year level and learning area. This year, reports will be provided to parents electronically rather than on paper. This is in line with many schools across Catholic Education, cutting associated costs and reducing workloads for teachers.
Our next Merit Award and Making Jesus Real Awards Assembly is booked for 9am Thursday 23rd May. At this assembly we will also be recognising National Sorry Day, with a prayer lead by our Year 3 students. All parents and friends are invited to join us.
Wardandi Gift
Last Thursday 9th May, our Year 5/6 students participated in the Wardandi Gift at BCC. Whilst we did not win the main event this year, a great day was had by all the students and they had the opportunity to learn about aboriginal culture and history.
Mother’s Day Morning Tea and Liturgy
A massive thank you to all our mums and our P&F who attended and supported our Mother’s Day Liturgy and Morning Tea. Our students certainly enjoyed having you in the school for this occasion. I hope you had a great Mother’s Day and that your children let you sleep in to 7:30am, made you a coffee or tea in bed, cleaned your car and aimed all questions for the day at someone else.
BEBRAS Challenge
Our extension students from Years 3-6 recently competed in their first BEBRAS challenge for the year. Whilst we won’t know the results for a while it was great to see our students so focussed and being provided the opportunity to extend their mathematical and computational thinking.
School Presentations
The school has recently been recognised for our implementation of the RULER approach to the teaching of social and emotional learning, and in our leadership development efforts. As such, we have been requested to present at a number of different conferences.
Early Years RULER presentation – Mr Skehan and I recently presented our schools RULER journey to approximately 40 early years educators and consultants at the recent Early Years Conference. The presentation was a huge success with many appreciating the lengths we are going to in creating an emotions matter climate where students develop the skills of emotional intelligence and build positive and respectful relationships with staff and their peers. Additional to this, Mr Skehan, Mrs Wright and I have also been asked to present again during Catholic Educations Webinar Week later this term.
Australian Council for Education Research (ACER) presentation – In June, I will be presenting to a group of innovative school leaders at an upcoming ACER meeting. I have been asked to present on the journey and efforts we have gone to in building a high performing leadership team, and the research supporting our decisions. This is a great honour for our school and team and one I feel very humbled to have been nominated for.
Parent and Friends
Our next P&F Meeting will be held at 9am in the staffroom in Term 3. Date is yet to be advised.
Orders for the Cookie Dough fundraiser have now closed. Delivery of orders is due in Week 9.
School Website
Our school website is live, updated regularly and able to be accessed at Please look here for all school related parent information.
Term Calendar
The term calendar can be found on our school website or by clicking HERE
3-Year-Old Kindergarten
On Thursday 2nd May, we commenced our first ever 3-year-old program at St Mary’s. The classes run each Thursday from 9-12:30pm with Mrs Nina Fiumano and Mrs Anne Dixon-Hotchkin in the Kindergarten room. There are now limited places available so please share this information with potential families and ask them to call 97324700 as soon as possible to book their place in the program.
We are still taking enrolments across all years for 2024. If you know of anyone who may be interested, please ask them to contact 97324700 and I will give them a personal tour.
Thank you
Andrew Gammon
St Mary's School Donnybrook
Location: 30 Bentley St, Donnybrook, WA, 6239
Phone: 08 97324700