Ottawa Area Center Parent Link
November 11, 2024
OAC Administrators
Julia Plaggemeyer
Assistant Director
Chelsea Dykstra
Assistant Director
Ottawa Area Staff
Important Upcoming Dates at OAC
- November 13 - OAC Outing to the Grand Rapids Griffins Hockey Game - select classrooms attending(all volunteers must have approved volunteer forms on file to attend with classrooms)
- November 15 - Early Dismissal for Students - - Student busing starts at 1:25pm, expect students home 1.5hrs early
- November 25-29 - No School for Students and Staff - Thanksgiving Break
- December 6 - OAC Holiday Program - Save the Date
- December 15 - Early Dismissal - - Student busing starts at 1:25pm, expect students home 1.5hrs early
- December 23-January 3 - Holiday Break for Staff and Students
What is Happening at OAC
Upcoming HVAC Controls Construction Project
We want to inform our school community about an important construction project that will be taking place at our school over the next 10 months. Beginning November 25, 2024, OAC will launch a multi-phase project to upgrade the HVAC controls in our building. This construction work will span several stages and impact different areas of the school through the end of August 2025.
To complete this essential upgrade, sections of the school will close temporarily, following a carefully planned, five-phase schedule developed by our facilities department in coordination with school administration. During these phases, certain offices, classrooms, and areas will be closed off, and some staff and students will be temporarily relocated within the school.
Phase One Details:
The first phase will begin on November 25 and is expected to finish before we return from the Holiday Break.
We understand that this project may raise questions and cause some disruption. Rest assured, the administration, teachers, support staff, and office teams are working to minimize any impact on our students’ learning and activities. We are committed to maintaining a safe and supportive environment throughout each phase.
What to Expect Moving Forward:
We will continue to communicate updates and logistical details as each phase approaches. Please be patient and supportive as we work to complete this important project. More specific information on Phase One will be shared with parents in communication in backpacks and this newsletter.
Thank you for your understanding and cooperation during this time as we work to improve our school’s facilities for everyone’s comfort and benefit.
Save the Date
OAC will present their Holiday Program December 6 at 1:30pm. All Family and friends are welcome to attend. Students will be bused directly home following the conclusion of the Holiday Program.
****If you plan to attend the program and will be taking your student home with you, please notify your classroom teacher and bus driver prior to the day of the program.****
Absences for Medical Appointments
Any time your child is absent from school for a medical appointment, please send in a Dr. excuse note to the office or to your teacher. The office will code the absence as a medical appointment and then the absence does not count towards the overall absence total. We can only mark it as a medical appointment if we have documentation from the doctors office.
Volunteering at OAC
Any person who volunteers at OAC must complete the volunteer form and have a background check done before volunteering in a classroom, attend any school outing or classroom field trip. This process does take several weeks to complete the background check process, so please plan accordingly to get your volunteers forms turned into the office or your classroom teacher. well before the date you would like to attend a field trip or volunteer in the classroom. The forms must be completed each school year. Please contact the office if you would like volunteer forms sent home in backpacks.
OAC Needs Substitutes!!!
OAC needs substitute aides and teachers. If you are interested in a flexible schedule where you work on the days you want, this is the job for you. If you have any questions please call Michell at 616-738-8960 ext. 4608.
Want to sub at OAC - Contact Edustaff
Start an Application
Call Edustaff at
Changing Seasons Event
Autism Diagnosis Awareness Event
2025 Care Giver Retreat
Caregivers give so much every day, often with little time to recharge.
We see you.
We understand the weight of the responsibility—the long nights, the stress, and the emotional toll.
It’s time for renewal and filling up YOUR tank.
Come share a day with caregivers and those who love them.
Be rejuvenated in mind and spirit.
This day is all about you.
Imagine a day where you can step away from your daily demands; a day where you’re not just acknowledged but deeply valued. A day to treat yourself to connection with others on the same journey.
This isn’t just another event-it’s a sanctuary for your soul. You’ll find laughter, maybe shed a few tears, and most importantly, a supportive community of people who truly understand your journey.
OAC Social Work/OCSN Parent Resources
This is your one stop location for parents/guardians to go for community supports and resources. Please check out this resource at Social Work/OCSN Resource Warehouse. Bookmark this resource on your computer and refer back often. It will be continually updated with fresh and new information.
2024-2025 School Hours
Full Day – 8:37am-3:03pm
½ Day – 8:37am-11:50am
Early Dismissal – 8:37am-1:35pm
Student AM Bussing begins at 8:27am
Student PM Bussing begins at 2:53pm
Early Dismissal Bussing begins at 1:25pm
1/2 Day Bussing begins at 11:40am
About Us
Location: 10160 96th Avenue, Allendale, MI, USA
Phone: (616)738-8960