Oakhurst Weekly

From Ms. Triplett
CSD has canceled school on Friday due to the impending winter storm. Be safe, and also have some fun out there. Get out early to play in the snow. The forecast looks like the precipitation may change to freezing rain later in the day.
In students’ backpacks today you will find a worksheet for remote learning if needed on Monday. Also in your child’s backpack is a Chromebook and charger. You all have been provided your student’s Quick Card with a QR code that directs students to the CSD Launchpad (all students are familiar with this). If you need a digital version of your student's Quickcard, please email Erin Guerrieri (eguerrieri@csdecatur.net). Additional support for logging into the CSD Launchpad can be found here (in print) and here via video. Please send the Chromebook and charger back with your student the first day we return to school.
- IT help links: Access to Chromebook+ Google Meet and Google Classroom Help and At Home Google Workspace and Chromebook Support
- Friday: School will be closed. No remote learning.
- If necessary, Monday: Remote Learning
- K-5 students have learning packets to work on at home.
- If necessary, Beyond Monday:
- Students K-12 will be able to access learning platforms such as Google Classroom, Lailio, Freckle, and others as usual.
- Teachers will be available via email or Google Meet at scheduled times to support students and families. Teachers will communicate their availability for both morning and afternoon sessions.
- We understand that power outages or connectivity issues may affect your ability to access online learning. We will be flexible with expectations and will do our best to accommodate any challenges families or staff may face.
Another activity to consider is to have your child enter the 2024-2025 Young Georgia Authors (YGA) Writing Competition. See the blurb below for details. The deadline for submissions is January 17.
From Ms. Williams
We’re excited to share that your child’s report card for the first semester will be available for review today at 4 p.m. You can access it through the Parent Portal.
This is a valuable opportunity to celebrate your child’s accomplishments and identify areas where they can grow. If you have any questions or concerns about their progress, please feel free to reach out to their teacher.
Thank you for your continued support in your child’s education!
Arlethea Williams
CSD Closed Friday, January 10 Due to Severe Weather
CSD has continued to monitor the weather due to the potential of severe weather conditions. The safety of our staff and students is always our top priority. After consultation with local and state officials and the National Weather Service, CSD, including ECLC and the Frasier Center, will be closed tomorrow, Friday, January 10, 2025. All athletic and after-school activities for Friday and Saturday are canceled.
Out of an abundance of caution in case of a continued closure on or beyond Monday, January 13, students in grades K-5 and Adapted Curriculum classes will be sent home with work packets and a CSD Chromebook for an independent learning day. Grades 6-12 will continue to take Chromebooks and chargers home to access Google Classroom for assigned work.
Staff and families should check email, the CSD website, and social media channels for updates.
Arrival and Dismissal Reminders
❗Plan accordingly for cold and/or wet weather.❗
The car rider line will be longer on these days, and we are thankful for your patience.
The school doors open and the car rider line starts at 8:00 a.m. If you arrive to any door after they've closed, you will need to check your student in at the front office.
Please be sure your student is dressed appropriately for the weather when walking to school or standing at bus stops! (Thank you for labeling the jackets, hats, mittens, scarves, etc.!)
Dismissal begins at 2:50 p.m with our bus riders being dismissed first. Car rider line typically starts dismissing students at 2:58 p.m.
Every car must have a car rider sign with your child's name and teacher name clearly displayed in the car window. If you do not yet have one, please contact your classroom teacher.
Any change in dismissal needs to be updated via Pickup Patrol.
Even if your child is typically NOT a car rider, it is very important that you understand how the car rider line works because it is likely that at some point in the year, you will pick up your child in the car rider line because there will be rainy days, doctor appointments, etc.
Please read below for reminders and tips to keep the car rider line moving safely and smoothly!
Food Insecurity Request Form
Oakhurst families, please complete and submit this food insecurity request form if your student is experiencing food insecurity within the home and is in need of some supplemental weekend snacks.
The Decatur Education Foundation supplies Oakhurst with snack bags for any student in need. This request form will go directly to our school counselor, Ms. King, and she will send home a snack bag with your student every Friday. Please go through each week's snack bag to remove any snack you may not want your child to have due to allergy concerns, etc.
Please take our school’s climate survey and make your opinion count!
This survey expires March 31, 2025. Survey participation is critical because the data will be used to calculate School Climate Star Ratings for the 2025-26 school year. City Schools of Decatur appreciates the contributions of parents, students, and staff!
From PTA
Sweatshirts for sale- Limited availability!
A small number of crewneck sweatshirts are available at the link above. When they’re gone, they’re gone! Available for backpack delivery or front office pick-up.
A few reminders:
You can check out multiple books from the DEI Book Cart at once.
Return books at the next DEI Book Cart event in the coming weeks.
Watch for an automatic due date reminder via email from the new Libib system, used by both the DEI Book Cart and Game Center.
Community News
Run With the Dogs 5K Is Back!
Run With the Dogs 5K and Pup Trot, presented by Green Orthodontics, is a 21-year tradition supporting Decaturs Bulldog Boosters. In addition to being a Peachtree Road Race qualifier and a great community event, all proceeds support 19 sports programs at DHS and BHMS, which include 57 teams and over 1,100 student athletes.
Grab your friends and your pups and join this fun event on January 25 to support an amazing cause. All 5K and Pup Trot participants who register before Saturday, January 11 will receive our iconic long-sleeved t-shirt designed by artist (and Decatur lacrosse coach) Adam Pinsley. Register early for the best rates!