Colonial Park Weekly News
Final Edition 23-24
Principal's Note
Dear Colonial Park Families -
Here we are at the last two and a half days of the 2023-2024 school year! June 12 will be my 28th last day of school as an educator, and the mix of emotions has not changed one bit.
Last week was a very exciting week, with a number of classroom celebrations, Field Day, our preschool graduations, and of course our Fourth Grade Moving-on Ceremony. The dedication of our staff and our PTO truly made every occasion a success, and we are grateful to all our families for joining our many joyous events.
As we have done in past years, your child's class placement will be emailed in August. Please remember that the process for class placement is complicated, and there are multiple factors that teachers need to consider. I encourage you to celebrate your child's placement, even if they aren't with a preferred friend or the teacher he or she was hoping to have. We all know that our children follow our example, and we want every student to be excited about the upcoming school year.
Our last day of school will be Wednesday, June 12. All students in grades K-4 will be dismissed at 12:00, and our Preschool friends will be dismissed at 11:40. On our last day, we will have a Clap Out for our graduating fourth graders! At 11:45, our fourth graders will walk through the building to the cheers of students and staff, and then exit into the recess area. We invite all families to arrive a little early to dismissal to cheer on our fourth graders as they leave Colonial Park for the last time!
I hope everyone has a safe and fun summer! I will miss seeing your child's smile everyday:)
Rosa Flynn
A Message from the SPS Technology Department
Just a reminder, per our SPS Chromebook Policy, families will be charged for a missing Chromebook or charger. If you have any questions, please email the Help Desk at
PTO News
Thank you to all parents, guardians and staff for a wonderful and successful school year! We're thrilled to have such a supportive school community and we look forward to seeing you in the fall. Have a great summer!