Paradise Place ETNS Newsletter
31 January 2025
Dear parents, carers, staff and friends,
Reminder - Bank Holiday on Monday
A reminder that this is a bank holiday weekend. School will be closed on Monday, 3rd February. We will be back open at the usual times on Tuesday, 4th.
Enjoy your day!
News this week
Athletics Ireland
We are very lucky to have Shane from Athletics Ireland working with 2nd, 3rd and 4th Class this term. The children are loving the sessions and making lots of progress in their athletics skills - running, jumping and throwing.
2nd Class - Roots of Empathy
Neasa’s 2nd Class were excited to see baby Conor again this week! He has grown so much and the children had lots of questions about what he could now that he wasn't able to do last time they saw him.
Music Generation
The children in Senior Infants, 1st and 2nd Class have been drumming and playing percussion instruments in their Music Generation classes this term - so much fun!
Anti-Bullying Ambassadors
Our Anti-Bullying Ambassadors were working in Molly's class this week. They talked to the children about what bullying is (a repeated, deliberate action that makes people feel hurt, sad, worried and unsafe) and how we can 'upstanders' and stand up when we see someone saying or doing the wrong thing.
The children in Molly's 1st and 2nd Class thought about what they could do to support their friends and classmates and wrote pledges to promise to be upstanders.
3rd Class to National Museum
Greg's 3rd Class had a great visit to the National Museum as part of their learning in history.
5th and 6th - Bohemians
5th and 6th Class have had two workshops this month with the community team from Bohemians Football Club. The children are taking part in the 'Belonging to a Fair City' workshop and learning about teamwork, empathy, and diversity through the lens of sport with staff from the club.
Time to Read - Library Visit for 2nd Class
Craze of the Week
Every week, our team of Play Leaders and teacher Rosalia plan fun games for the yard. On Fridays, we do 'Craze of the Week' and our new game this week is skittles! These games keep everyone active, help us to make sure everyone is included and support children to develop their play and friendship skills. The children in 4th Class had great fun trying to knock down the skittles with the ball. Thanks to the Play Leaders and Rosalia for organising for us!
Wellbeing Practitioner
Last year, the Minister for Education announced a new programme of mental health supports for primary schools. In Dublin 7, all schools have been allocated an Education Wellbeing Practitioner under the supervision of an educational psychologist.
We have been working with our Wellbeing Practitioner, Emer, since September and she has supported staff and children with different programmes to promote wellbeing and mental health.
This term, Emer is going to continue to work with the children in their classes. She will be supporting 6th Class with the preparation for secondary school by leading a programme called 'Get Up, Stand Up'. She will be working with classes and small groups on a programme called 'Emotion Coaching' to help children identify and deal with different emotions. These programmes are 'universal' - they are good for everyone. We want all children to understand their feelings and to have strategies to manage those feelings in different situations.
Later this term, Emer will also offer sessions for parents/carers to help you to help your child at home. Keep an eye out in the newsletter for more information in the coming weeks.
Attendance at school
Our aim is for every child to have attendance of 95%+. Well done to all the children and families who are getting to school on time every day.
Well done to Ali's 3rd Class and James's 6th Class who met our target this week and won our attendance trophy at assembly!
Board of Management election
A reminder that the election for a parent onto our Board of Management will take place on Tuesday morning, 4th February at 9.00 a.m. in the Parents' Room. The vacancy is for a male parent and any parent can put themselves forward. If there is more than one candidate, there will be a vote at the meeting to decide on the nominee. We hope to see you there!
Lunar New Year Celebrations
Wishing all our families celebrating the Lunar New Year this week a very happy celebration! There are lots of celebrations for everyone in the community to join in with this weekend. Do go along!
Brigit - celebrations
Dublin City Council have a programme of events over the bank holiday to celebrate women - lots of free family events available - click on the picture to find out more:
Dates for your Diary
Monday 3rd February - Bank Holiday - School Closed
Tuesday 4th February - Election for Parent Nominee to BoM
11th February - Safer Internet Day
13th February - Sean's 4th Class to Chester Beatty Library
17th - 21st February - Mid-Term Break - School Closed for one week
26th February - Alannah's 1st Class to The Ark Cultural Centre
4th March - 3rd, 5th, 6th Class to Science Blast at RDS
6th March - Parent Session - Reluctant School Attendance workshop
7th March - 5th and 6th Class to National Children's Choir Cluster Rehearsal
10th March - Andy's 4th Class to Fighting Words Writing Workshop
17th March - Bank Holiday - School Closed - St Patrick's Day
20th March - Parent Session - Emotion Coaching
Contact us
Email: office@ppetns.ie
Website: www.ppetns.ie
Location: Paradise Place, Phibsborough, Dublin 7, Ireland
Phone: +353 1 8300 841
Twitter: @ppetns