On the Prowl for Success at HCJ!
Week of December 23, 2024
Upcoming Dates
Upcoming Dates:
Ice cream is available for sale in the cafeteria each Friday. Cost is $1.25
Friday, December 20- 1/2 Day, Dismiss at 11:30 am
December 23-January 3- Winter Break
Monday, January 6- Asynchronous E-Learning Make Up Day for students (assignments will be sent home before winter break)
Monday, January 20- No School (Martin Luther King, Jr. Holiday)
Monday, February 3- Teacher Work Day- No school for students
February 24-28- Intersession Week- No School
Wednesday, March 19- Early Release Day- Dismiss at 11:30 am
April 21-25- Spring Break
Monday, May 26- Memorial Day Holiday, No School
Thursday, May 29- Last Day of School
Fundraiser Blankets AVAILABLE
The blankets that were ordered for the fundraiser have been delivered. They were very popular! We have 19 extra blankets available for purchase. If you would like to purchase one, please stop by the main office or call to reserve one. They will sell out quickly! Send in your $20 cash or check made payable to the HCJ PTO.
Happy Holidays from HCJ
We have come to the end of the first semester! We are so proud of our students' growth and achievement. We look forward to an even more successful second semester. Enjoy the holiday season with your family, and we will see you in 2025!
Transportation Information
Bus information has been loaded into Parent Portal. You may also access the information by downloading the My Ride K-12 app. Please check Parent Portal for more information on your bus stop and approximate pick up time.
Remember that we dismiss at 2:15 pm. Car riders in 4k through 1st grade will use the front car line. Car riders in 2nd through 4th grade will use the side car line. If you have children in multiple grades, please report to the car line for your youngest child. Please remain in your vehicle during dismissal, and be sure that students may enter the car on the passenger side. Due to safety concerns, we cannot allow children to walk to the driver's side of the car. Your assistance with this matter is appreciated.
Please send a note to your child’s teacher any time their regular mode of transportation will change.
Do You Need Health Services? Try Affinity Health Clinic
Affinity Health Center, located in the York Family Resource Center (York One Academy), is a local community health facility in York, SC offering affordable, accessible primary care services for all families, no matter your income. Whether you’re covered by Medicaid, Medicare, are uninsured, or simply unable to afford expensive co-pays, this community health center and satellite office in York are here to help. If you need to see a doctor, the caring staff will work to find payment options that will meet your needs.
Services offered are: well checks, sick visits, vaccines, primary care, and sports physicals (sports physicals have a $10 flat rate). Mental Health Services are also available. The clinic is open year-round.
Where: Mondays @ York Middle
Hours 9am-4pm
Tuesdays @ The Family Resource Center in York
Hours 8am-5pm
Rent the Spirit Rock
Families may rent the rock to share special birthday messages, well wishes, or other congratulatory messages. Rentals may begin now! The link to the Sign Up may be found on the school website. Click on the “Menu,” then “For Parents,” then “Spirit Rock.”
Or, you can use the direct link:
Our Spirit Rock is located in front of our school near the flagpole. Families may rent the rock for $6 per day (3 day maximum) to recognize birthdays, accomplishments, celebrations, well-wishes or congratulatory messages.
*All funds collected go to the HCJ PTO.
We also need volunteers for our School Improvement Council (SIC)! This group of parents, teachers, and community members works toward school improvement goals.
If you are interested in serving as a member of either group for this school year, please email Mrs. Sandifer at crsandifer@york.k12.sc.us or call the school office.
Lunch Procedures
Every Moment, Every Day
Students may be dropped off as early as 7:15 am. The tardy bell rings at 7:45 am, and direct instruction begins promptly. Please have your child at school by 7:40 am so that your child will not miss instruction. If your child wants to eat breakfast, then please get them to school by 7:30 in order to allow time for breakfast. We don't want to waste a second of instructional time. We also continue instruction until dismissal time. Early dismissals mean that your child is missing valuable instructional time. Please help us make the most of every day by having your child arrive on time and stay until the end of the day.
Attendance is extremely important in order for your child to get the most out of his/her school experience. Please avoid absences unless your child is sick. If your child is absent, his/her teacher will reach out to you via Remind. Finding out the reason for the absence helps the teacher know how to best plan to work with your child to make up for lost instructional time.
Harold C. Johnson Elementary School
Website: www.york.k12.sc.us/hcj
Location: 400 East Jefferson Street, York, SC, USA
Phone: 803-818-6040
Facebook: facebook.com/YORK1HCJES