The Banks Bulletin
October 11th, 2024
Bulldog Blast: Message from Mrs. VanWagnen
We are grateful to live in a community where support is provided to families in need, especially around the holidays. We have much to be thankful for, and the partnership we share with our families and the community organizations is one to celebrate. Attached, please find the Lakes Area Youth Assistance (LAYA) Holiday "Adopt-a-Child" application. Applications are being accepted for consideration from now until the deadline of Friday, Oct. 25, 2024.
The link to the online application is linked below, as well.
In Partnership,
Jennifer VanWagnen, Principal
We Are Banks!
Upcoming Events
10/14- Volleyball vs. Oak Valley-Away
10/15-RESCHEDULED- Banks PTSA Meeting @ 6:30 PM in Learning Commons
10/16- Volleyball vs. Creek-Away
10/18- Picture Retakes
10/18- XC @ LVC Tournament-Away
10/19-Volleyball @ LVC Tournament-Away
10/21-Banks/GMS MS Orchestra Concert @ WLW, 6:30 PM
10/25-Fire Drill
10/25-NJHS Retreat
10/25-FIrst Marking Period Ends
10/25- WLW MS Band Night @ WLW
10/25-WLW Warriors for Warriors Pink Out football game vs. WL Central @ 7 PM
10/31-Half Day for Students, Dismissal at 11:40 AM
11/14-Parent-Teacher Conferences
New Information
Update from Ms. Smith
Hello Banks families! Our fall sports teams are continuing to work hard and represent our school as respectful and responsible student-athletes! We are, however, quickly approaching our Winter I Sports Season. Sports offered are Boys basketball and Co-ed Swimming. See important dates below:
Boys Basketball try-outs: October 21, 22, and 23
Co-ed Swimming: December 2
6/7th Grade Basketball Sign-Up:
8th Grade Basketball Sign-Up:
Banks & Geisler Swim and Dive Team:
Please see attached PDF below for more information
BANKS POP! Fundraiser
Thank you to all who have participated in and/or donated to our PoP! Fundraiser! We are excited about what we have raised thus far, and with your help look to continue adding to it through Tuesday, October 22. Please see the link below to donate!
8th Grade Washington, D.C. Trip
Thank you to all the families who were able to attend the Washington, D.C. Trip Informational Meeting on October 10th. For those families who were unable to attend, please visit our Sarah Banks D.C. information and registration link through American Expeditions, click on "GO TO MY TRIP" and enter the tour code: sarahbanksdc2025.
To view the meeting presentation from October 10th, please click here.
If you have any questions about the DC trip, please reach out to Mr. Morrow at
Progress Reports
As a reminder, progress reports have been posted to Skyward Family Access. Please take some time this weekend to review your student's grades. Praise them for the classes where they are working hard. Take some time to set some goals for improvement in classes where they may be struggling. Setting challenging, yet achievable goals, is a great way for students to maximize their learning! There are still a few weeks left in the first Marking Period, so it is not too late for positive changes!
Previously Shared Information
PTSA Update
Want to help your child’s school?? JOIN THE PTSA!! Your membership includes volunteering at school events OR not! Monthly meetings OR not!
We would love to have you as much or little as your time allows but your Membership Donation helps no matter how much time you have! HELP us meet our membership goal of 100 members! In return we are raffling off this fantastic FALL BASKET! Have you already joined the PTSA? No worries you will automatically be entered into the raffle! Virtual tickets will be drawn after we have reached our goal!
Want to have the inside scoop on what is happening in your child’s school?? JOIN THE PTSA and JOIN US for our monthly meetings! We love to have parents/guardians at our meetings! Join here…
Upcoming PTSA Events: Mark Your Calendars
Upcoming PTSA Events..
POP! Prepare for the Day of Awesome!
1st annual Turkey Trot - More info coming soon!
Follow us on social media..
PTSA Reflections
Is your student looking for a creative outlet? We are looking for students to enter into our yearly nationally recognized Reflections contest! This year's theme: Accepting Imperfection
Use this link to gain insight on this Theme.
Explore the 2024-2025 PTA Reflections Theme: Accepting Imperfection
Use this link to enter the contest.
Want to pick PTSA Reflections theme for next year? Enter the theme contest here…
Teacher of the Year Nominations Now Being Accepted
Banks Middle School Community,
The Walled Lake Consolidated Schools is again participating in a program to honor exemplary teachers/educators. We hope you will join us in an effort that will result in the selection of the Teacher/Educator of the Year for the Walled Lake Consolidated School District at the elementary, middle school, and high school levels. This honor will be bestowed at our Thursday, January 9, 2025 school board meeting.
Please use the attached fillable nomination form to nominate a deserving Sarah G. Banks Middle School educator NO later than Friday, October 18, 2024. Nominations can also be emailed directly to or turned into the front office. Any full time, certified, tenured teacher/educator who spends 50% of his/her time in a classroom with a minimum of five (5) full years of classroom teaching experience is eligible to receive this award. Any person in the school community may nominate any teacher/educator in the District for this honor.
It can be tricky to nominate a teacher so early in the year, as you are just getting to know them. Some nominations are based on a family’s experience thus far this school year, some are based on a teacher they had on the past, and some are based on a family’s experience with a teacher through the years with multiple children from their family.
Teacher of the Year Nomination Form
For families that have a primary language other than English, if it is easier to complete a nomination in your first language, please do and we will work to have it translated to English for consideration.
Thank you for helping to acknowledge the great staff at Sarah G. Banks Middle School!
Buy books at the Wixom Public Library, 49015 Pontiac Trail, Fall Used Book Sale sponsored by the Friends of the Wixom Library. Advance Sale for Friends Members only on Wednesday Oct 16th 5 – 7:30 p.m. (memberships available at the door.) Public Sale begins Thursday, Oct 17th from 10 a.m. to 8 p.m. and will run Friday, Oct 18th from 10 a.m. – 6 p.m. and on Saturday Oct 19th from 10 a.m. to 2 p.m. Saturday – Fill a bag $5. Thousands of books and multimedia items for all ages, priced between 25 cents and $2, plus specially priced items.
Banks Receives Very Generous Donation
WOW! We owe a massive THANK YOU to our local Wixom Meijer! Store Director Seleana Yancey and Area Leader Megan Vigna just surprised us with a jaw-dropping $10,000 check! Thanks to their generosity, we're building new Gaga pits and loading up on awesome indoor recess gear!💙
Dear Banks Middle School Families,
Thank you for your partnering with us in your child’s education. Corrected Parent Reports have arrived and have been mailed home. As a reminder, the previous reports included an error in subscore reporting. Specifically,
- The previously shipped Parent Reports had an error in subscore reporting categories.
- Overall scale scores were correct and have not changed on the corrected Parent Reports.
- Overall proficiency calculations were not affected by this error.
If you have any questions regarding this printing error, please contact Jennifer VanWagnen at (248-)956-2200 or the Michigan Department of Education by email at or by phone at 877-560-8378 and select Option 1.
Thank you for your continued support.
Jennifer VanWagnen, Principal
(248) 956-2200
Walled Lake Western High School Safety Guidelines and Admissions
Visiting team spectators should park on the north side of the school and enter through the visiting side entrance for admissions. Visitors attempting to enter on the home side will be directed to walk around to the visiting ticket booth.
Home side spectators should park on the south side of the school and enter through the home side entrance for admissions.
WLCSD Athletic events are now cashless. All tickets for home events MUST be purchased through the GoFan website (Walled Lake Western High School Events) or by using credit/debit card at the ticket booth. Pre-Purchased tickets will be the quickest way to enter games. NO SCREENSHOTS of tickets will be accepted for any athletic events. Anyone over 62 and under 5 years old are admitted at no charge.
Ticket Takers will be enforcing the following expectations for the safety of all. Admin and/or law enforcement on site will be contacted should any spectators refuse to comply.
-No Pets/animals are permitted on WLW’s property
- No alcohol, drug, tobacco, or any illegal substances are permitted on campus or on school property.
- There is NO RE-ENTRY to the stadium for any reason.
-No outside food/drink, coolers, thermoses, cups, bottles, cans, flasks, or any other outside containers (including open bottled water) are permitted inside the stadium.
-No electronic noise makers, speakers, or Bluetooth devices are permitted in the stadium.
-No parking in the bus loop on the south side. Violators will be ticketed.
-Bags are NOT permitted into the stadium unless they are clear/see-through. Any approved bag is subject to search by ticket takers, administration, and/or Oakland County Deputies on site.
All middle school and elementary school-aged children must be accompanied by their parent/guardian for the entire athletic event in order to attend any and all Western Athletic Events. Those who are not supervised, will not be permitted to enter the gyms and/or stadium or will be asked to leave if not continually supervised upon entering.
Student Safety Drills
In the next few weeks and throughout the year, we will be conducting Safety Drills with our staff and students. These drills include Tornado, Fire and ALICE drills. ALICE is a federally endorsed safety protocol. WLCSD has adopted ALICE curriculum and safety protocols for all of its schools. At Banks, we do our best to prepare our students for emergency scenarios, but strive to ensure our students social and emotional well-being as well.
Pick Up/Drop Off Information
Please consider the safety of our entire Bulldog Community when you are dropping off or picking up your students. Following the procedures at SLOW SPEEDS is the best way to keep everyone safe. Say long good byes while you are driving to school. When dropping off, make sure your student is prepared to exit the car quickly. Families who are prepared for this will help ensure more efficient traffic flow.
Morning Bell Schedule for Students
First Bell, 8:00 a.m. - This is when students are permitted to enter the hallways from the front lobby and buses.
Warning Bell, 8:05 a.m. - This bell lets students know that they have five minutes left to make it to class.
Tardy Bell, 8:10a.m. - This is the official start of 1st hour. Students arriving after this bell are considered tardy for their first class.
District seeks operating millage replacement in November election
Walled Lake Consolidated Schools is asking the community to replace its current operating millage with an 18 mill non-homestead millage that represents roughly $31 million and a 3.6297 mill hold harmless that represents approximately $2 million of the district’s budget. The total of $33 million accounts for 18 percent of the district’s $187 million revenue budget.
Every District in the state is expected to levy, with voter approval, 18 mills on all non-homestead properties in order to receive full state funding under Proposal A. The 3 mill "Headlee cushion" will allow the district to collect the full 18 mills over the duration of the operating millage. The proposal will not increase property taxes on any primary residence property that is within Walled Lake Consolidated Schools boundaries. Since the approval of Proposal A in 1994, the Walled Lake Consolidated Schools’ community has overwhelmingly supported the operating millage, most recently in 2014.
If the November 5, 2024 proposal is not approved, the school district will lose more than $33 million in operating revenue every year and the state will not make up the shortfall.
More information about the 2024 Operating Millage Replacement can be found at
Food Service Information-Free Breakfast and Lunch for All!
During the 2024-25 school year, all Michigan public school students in grades Pre-K through 12 will have access to free breakfast and free lunch every day through the "Healthy School Meals for All" program. This includes a meat/meat alternative, grain, fruit/vegetable and milk. A la carte items will be available for purchase.
Families are still encouraged to complete the free/reduced meal form in Skyward to help secure additional funding for the District including Title I funding. By completing the form, eligible families may also receive access to other free and reduced programs within the District including SAT testing, pay to participate, and more.
District Chromebook Repair Process
Please follow the steps below when your student's District Chromebook needs to be repaired.
- If a student needs support, he/she should fill out a Student Chromebook Support Form linked on all of the Google Classrooms and on the school website under Students. Being logged on to the school google account is required to access the form.
- The information in the form will be sent to Mrs. Stasak, our Middle School Computer Resource Teacher. She will reply to the student at his/her school gmail account. She will offer suggestions to fix the issue or, if it needs service, she will tell the student to take the chromebook to the office and give it to building admin secretary (enter the name for your building).
- The chromebook in the case will be sent through inner office and the student will be allowed to use a loaner chromebook AT SCHOOL. It will be the student’s responsibility to pick it up each morning from the office and return it at the end of the day.
- When the chromebook has been repaired, it will be delivered back to the school for the student to pick up.
- If the family purchased insurance, the first repair is free and all additional repairs carry a deductible. Deductible invoices or repair invoices, for those that did not choose insurance, must be paid before the repaired chromebook is returned.
- If a student with a personal chromebook has a network issue, the same form can be used. We are not able to fix physical problems with personal devices and loaner chromebooks will not be provided.
Signing up for SMS Messages in Skylert
In addition to receiving phone calls and email notifications from the school district in the event of a school closing or emergency, parents can also sign up to receive SMS Text messages.
Please find the helpful step-by-step instructions linked below as well as the video tutorial on signing up for SMS messages.
Connect With Us
Jennifer VanWagnen
Kellan Watkins
Principal's Secretary:
Becky Smith
Interim Assistant Principal:
Jennifer Dean
Assistant Principal's Secretary:
Important Phone Numbers:
Main Line: 248-956-2200
Attendance: 248-956-2290
Location: 1760 Charms Road Wixom, MI 48393
Phone: (248) 956-2200