Lenox Elementary
Family Newsletter--April 26, 2021
Since we started Hybrid and continued CDL, we have noticed some trends with attendance. Here are a few reminders of expectations for our students in both Hybrid and CDL:
- Wednesdays--all students are still expected to virtually join morning meeting and any other small group opportunities their teacher has provided for them. They also are expected to do asynchronous learning and tasks posted in the Google Classroom.
- 3rd-6th grade Hybrid students--on your at home CDL days, you are still expected to participate in synchronous and asynchronous learning.
- K-2nd Hybrid students--if you are unable to attend on your in-person days, please remember you can still join virtually and do assignments in Google Classroom.
- All CDL students--please make sure to join synchronous lessons and complete the asynchronous work daily
Families, please continue to check in with your student, whether they are in CDL or Hybrid. Have them show you their Google Classroom, the assignments they have turned in, assignments that have been given feedback by the teacher, etc. I also encourage you to check ParentVue for attendance and grading.
Please take a look at the schoolwide Lenox Attendance Calendar below for this past school year. A trend you will see is more red days (<=92% attendance rate) and less green (>=95% attendance rate) in the months of March and April. Attending school is critical to your child's learning. This includes attending in-person for our Hybrid students, and asynchronously or synchronously for all. Thank you for you support. Please reach out to your child's teacher if you have any questions. Let's get back into the green!
Warmest Regards,
Mrs. Gina McLain
Important Dates to Remember
- Monday, May 3rd--Lenox Booster Club Mtg., 7:00-8:30pm. Join for our monthly virtual meeting on Google Meet by clicking here! Click here for info.
- Tuesday, May 4th--Lenox Virtual Kindergarten Orientation and Q&A session, 6:00-7:00pm. Google Meet joining info https://meet.google.com/kkd-cbbe-psk Or dial: +1 929-299-3264 PIN: 696 674 268#. This is for our incoming Kinders for the 2021-22 school year.
Tuesday, May 11th--Dining Night Out at Panda Express, 10:00am-9:30pm, located on Cornelius Pass Rd & Imbrie Dr. Bring this flyer or show an electronic version to the cashier when coming to place your order and 20% of your purchase will come back to Lenox! You can also order online or use the App and enter 323495 in the PROMO CODE box to make sure the school receives credit!
View the HSD 2020-21 Calendar HERE
State Testing: 3rd-6th grade students only
Please see the 2021 Lenox State Testing Letter for information about state testing and how to opt out if you choose to do so as a family. Also, please see the Lenox State Testing Survey below. CDL ONLY families, if you want your child to take the assessment, we need you to fill out this survey. Thank you!
ALL Students & Families
- This spring, as part of our district health education program, Lenox will be delivering our age appropriate, comprehensive sexuality education (CSE) lessons for all students, K-6. Please read the letter linked below for all of the details. Lenox CSE Parent Notification Letter 2020-21--English and Spanish
Lenox Virtual Kinder Orientation is for students who will be entering Kindergarten for the 2021-22 school year. See the info above in the important dates. Click here for our Kinder Presentation and here for HSD Kinder information
Students can still check out Lenox library books by reserving them online. If the student is in Hybrid, their books will be delivered to their classroom. If the student is in CDL only, there are curbside pickup days. Click HERE for all the info.
Right Brain Art Kits stories & photos--do you have any great stories or pictures of your child using the art kits during CDL? RBI, specifically Director Kim Strelchun would love to hear and see them. Please send stories/photos to Kim at kim@ya-or.org
CDL Students & Families
- If you are wanting student meals, please make sure to fill out this FORM by Friday at 9:00am for pick-up of a 5-day meal bag for the following week . The five-day meal bags will be available at Lenox for pick-up on Thursdays and Fridays from 1:00-2:00 for those who ordered them. You will need to fill this form out each week. The form opens each week on Monday at 7:00am and closes Friday at 9:00am.
HYBRID Students & Families
- COVID Reminders--Your partnership is extremely important in helping to keep our students, staff and school community healthy and safe. Please review this document to help prevent the introduction and transmission of illness. Thank you!
- If your student is absent on either a Thursday or Friday, they are still eligible for a 3-day meal bag. If you let our Kitchen Manager, Susan Woodman at 503-844-1360 know before 12:00pm, we can have it available for pick up between 1:00-2:00pm that day.
Lenox Booster Club: Staff Appreciation Week Info
Help us celebrate our awesome and amazing staff at Lenox during Staff Appreciation Week beginning on Monday, May 3rd all the way to Friday, May 7th! Visit our Staff Appreciation page for more details!
We are in need of students to color, design, and add kind notes to these apples and hearts for as many staff members as they would like! Let's help our Lenox staff members know just how special they are to us!
To submit your apples and hearts:
- Hybrid students: Printed sheets will be coming home soon with students. If they would like to fill out additional sheets, they are welcomed to use the links above to do so. When finished, please return apples and hearts to your classroom teacher who will put them in a collection envelope for delivery later in the week.
- CDL students: If your family has access to a printer and would like to turn in hearts and apples, CDL families are welcome to drop off finished projects to Mrs. Zmolek in the office. For those who do not have the ability to print or drop off items at the school, students can color and write special messages using KAMI (the PDF extension) in Google Classroom and email a copy to lenoxboosterclub@gmail.com.
* IMPORTANT: The deadline to turn in apples and hearts is on Friday, April 30th. THANK YOU in advance for your participation in making this a great week for the staff!
Lenox Elementary School
Website: https://www.hsd.k12.or.us/lenox
Location: 21200 Northwest Rock Creek Boulevard, Portland, OR, United States
Phone: (503) 844-1360