Moorhead Junior High
February 2025 Newsletter / Course Registration Information
This newsletter is divided into five sections.
I. General Moorhead Updates
II. All things registration for 6th to 7th grade
III. Athletics, Cheer, Dazzlers Dance Team Information
IV. All things registration for 7th to 8th graders
V. Course selection registration for incoming Caney Creek High School students
Course Selection Information
Dear Panther Family,
Welcome to our All Things Registration Newsletter for incoming 7th and 8th graders at Moorhead Junior High. We will host a Course Selection Information Night for our incoming 7th graders on February 11, 2025 at 6:00pm in the cafeteria.
I have attached 8th grade course selection information in section IV of our newsletter.
We will host a course selection meeting for future 8th graders on February 11th at 7:30pm in the LGI.
We look forward to working with your child throughout the spring semester course registration process. We are dedicated to making this a smooth and successful transition. Should you have any questions, please email your child's counselor directly. Below are our counselor assignments and contact information.
- Theresa Randall, trandall@conroeisd.net
- Dan Wheeler, dlwheeler@conroeisd.net
- Melodie Sharpen, mwaldosharpen@conroeisd.net
- Fallon Johnson, fjohnson@conroeisd.net
Robert Garcia
Valentines Dance
Our next school dance is on February 7th from 6:00pm to 9pm in the cafeteria.
Dress code is regular school day attire.
Tickets are $10 and will go on sale on February 3rd during lunches.
Lockdown Drill
Students, next week on Monday, February 10th, we are going to practice our Lockdown Drill. We practice this drill to make sure we are ready in the event that anything should ever happen. Many times, when we have to go into a lockdown, it is to keep the bad guys out of our building.
Conroe ISD has already ensured that our building is safe through 120 video cameras that are watched by Officer Quiller and the front desk during the school day. Adults entering our school have their ID’s scanned and checked as they enter.
During a lockdown drill students will hear “LOCKS, LIGHTS, OUT OF SIGHT” When students hear this Their teacher will instruct them on where to go in the classroom. They will remain there while we conduct the drill. Just like class, there should be no cell phones out during the drill. Don’t ever open the door if someone knocks, remember the good guys have keys. You will remain where the teacher will seat you until you hear “ALL CLEAR”
I want to emphasize that this is just a drill and I anticipate never having to use this drill. But in the event that something should happen here at Moorhead Junior High, I would like us to be prepared.
Thank you for your time today Panthers and have a great day.
Dusty Joiner
Asst. Principal / Safety Coordinator
MJH Car Rider/Walker Dismissal Rules
Dismissing 1400 students is not an easy task and we need your help! To make dismissal safe and more effective, we ask that everyone follow these procedures.
- The car rider line should stage on the far-left side of the building until 3:45 PM.
- Why? The curb in the front of the building is a marked emergency lane. We need to keep it clear until we are close to dismissal in case of an emergency.
- Walkers should use the marked sidewalks to walk off campus.
- Please try and move all the way up to the main entrance.
- Why? This helps the line to constantly move forward and prevents huge gaps from forming.
- Parents should NOT park and have their child walk across the car line into the parking lot.
- Please do not ask your child to cross a line a moving line of traffic.
- Why? Telling your child to run across moving traffic is not a safe practice and can lead to accidents and injuries.
- Please do not ask your child to walk to the 4 way stop to be picked up.
- Why? Students waiting on a curb at an intersection is very dangerous! There is nowhere to seek safety from vehicular traffic.
- Students will not be able to walk down the side of the building to get in the car.
- Why? Students cannot be supervised on the side of the building. This also creates large gaps and takes longer for the line to move.
The car rider line can look intimidating, but the bulk of it is usually completed in about 15 minutes. If that is too long of a wait, plan to arrive after 4:20PM and the line will be much shorter.
Your child's safety is our priority!
Choir News
Over the weekend, the MJH Choir took 6 students to compete in the region all-state process. This is a very rigorous audition process, as students compete against lots of schools in the area. We had one student advance and make it into the All-State Choir! If you see Saul Rodriguez in the hallway, please make sure to congratulate him on this amazing accomplishment.
Hanana Beatty
24-25 Yearbooks
Click below to order:
7th and 8th Grade STAAR Test Schedule
April 8 -7th Grade Reading STAAR
April 9 - 8th Grade Reading STAAR
April 15 - 8th Grade Science STAAR
April 16 - 8th Grade History STAAR
April 22 - 7th Grade Math STAAR
April 23 - 8th Grade Math STAAR / Algebra EOC
Moorhead Jr. High 2025 Science Fair participants
A few of our 2025 Science Fair participants with their projects!
Christian De La Cruz advanced to the regional science fair! Christian has worked diligently all semester, and we are proud of his accomplishments! Good luck at regionals!
-Mrs. Zamora
No school on President's Day
CISD will be closed on February 14th and 17th.
2024-2025 and 2025 - 2026 Calendars
The 2024-2025 school calendar has been approved by the school board.
2024-25 Calendar (conroeisd.net)
The 2025-2026 school calendar is under review by the school board.
ESL Program News
Attention parents of students who are in the ESL program:
The TELPAS testing window is February 18, 2025 through March 7, 2025. Students enrolled in the ESL / EB (English as a Second Language / Emergent Bilinguals) program will be taking a Listening, Speaking, Reading and Writing TELPAS exam.
This exam measures student progress in English language proficiency. Once a student meets the exit requirements from the ESL program they will no longer be required to take this exam in subsequent years. Please encourage your child to do their best on this exam!
- Mrs. Grati
Spring Break 2025
Did your child get a cell phone for Christmas?
You can protect your child from the dangers of the Internet on their phones by following these simple steps:
IOS/Apple I-Phone Users go to:
then scroll down to USE SCREEN TIME PASSCODE (it's in blue)
Set a passcode that only you know.
Then go back up to:
CONTENT RESTRICTIONS (Set more restrictions here)
Make sure that it's locked and you are done!
iOS and Android Parental controls
Apple Instructions
Android Instructions
Conroe ISD Ambassador Awards
Past recipients
2024 Teacher winner - Jessica Stark
2024 Paraprofessional winner - Candelaria Cuellar
2024 Student winner - Asa Selph
2024 CISD Heart Award - Sherry McGrath
Black History Month
Students are invited to join us in the library as we showcase books from various African American authors.
Communities in Schools Updates
Communities in Schools News
Moorhead Junior High has a Communities in Schools (CIS) Social Services Coordinator, Ms. Wendy Kardorff. Ms. Kardorff is on campus daily and is available to help with the basic needs of our students. Some of the resources offered by our CIS counselor include:
- Food Pantry (shelf stable items as well as fresh and perishable foods when available)
- Clothing
- School Supplies
- Lunch groups (by invitation)
- Holiday Assistance
- Weekend Food Assistance
The CIS office is located near the front office. You may request assistance by contacting Ms. Wendy Kardorff directly at (936)709-6001.
Students who met attendance requirements for the 2nd 9 weeks will be able to purchase food from the Donutnv Food Truck on February 7th.
February Events
February Events
2/4 Sports/Club picture day
2/5 - Principal visit to Grangerland Intermediate for student orientation at 9:30am
2/6 - Principal visit to Veterans Intermediate for student orientation at 10:30am
2/7 - Valentines Day Dance 6pm - 9pm
2/11 - NAEP test for a select group of 8th graders.
2/11 - Course selection Info Night for Incoming 7th graders at 6:00pm in the cafeteria.
2/11- Course selection presentation for incoming 8th graders at 7:30pm in the LGI.
2/14 and 2/17 - No School
2/17 - TELPAS testing window opens
2/20 - McTeacher Spirit Night - Come by between 5pm and 7pm and support our school at the McDonalds on Loop 336/Hwy105 in Cut N' Shoot, TX.
2/21-22 - Orchestra Solo and Ensemble contest
2/28 - Sci Story Competition
March Events
3/5 and 6 - Choir UIL Contest
3/7 - Last day of the 3rd 9 weeks grading period
3/10 - 3/14 - Spring Break
3/20 - Choir Spring Concert
Saturday, January 18th, the 7th/8th grade Girls Basketball teams were welcomed to Sam Houston State University to watch SHSU vs Jax State Basketball. This was an opportunity for our athletes to not only experience a college game but for them to learn a little more about a local university near home.
Many of our athletes had the privilege to take part in timeout and halftime activities.
Moorhead Jr. High Athletics Schedules
Summer 2025 Washington DC trip
It's NOT Too Late!!!
Our Washington DC Trip for this summer still has some spots available. This might be the trip of a lifetime for your child. We also still have scholarship money available. Email Mrs. Smith for more information at dasmith@conroeisd.net
Orchestra News
Orchestra Solo and Ensemble Recitals
2/21 Orchestra Solo & Ensemble Recital
2/22 Orchestra Solo & Ensemble Contest at College Park HS
3/22 is the Orchestra Pre UIL Contest
Orchestra Solo & Ensemble Recital is Friday, 2/21 in the Orchestra Room, during Orchestra class periods. Family is invited to attend! Please sign in at the front office and then come to the Orchestra Room. All students will perform their solo or ensemble music. Some students will also compete in the Conroe ISD Solo & Ensemble Contest on Saturday, 2/22 at College Park HS.
SECTION II - MJH Course Selection & Registration Info. for incoming 7th graders
Click on the link below to learn about our 7th grade course offerings!
7th Grade Course Selection Information
Should I Take Honors Courses?
All general education classes, level and honors, are college preparatory. The ultimate choice on which core course, level or honors, you wish your child to be in lies with you as long as it is made before the final deadline of April 2nd.
- Honors courses taught at Moorhead and Caney Creek prepare students to be successful in Advanced Placement, Dual Credit courses, and beyond.
- Higher expectation of students
- May move at a quicker pace than regular courses
- Be wise in making course choices for your child based on his/her unique characteristics.
Honors Science **
- Science
Honors Science
Independent Study Project is OPTIONAL and students have three options:
Science Fair Project (traditional testable hypothesis)
Engineering Design Competition (partner required, design, build drivable robot)
Sci Story (research, video documentary creation, website design and creation)
All options are research based endeavors
Time commitment outside of school is approximately 38 hours of preparation
Science Fair is traditionally on a Friday in Jan/Feb
EDC is traditionally on a Saturday in February
Sci Stories is a campus based competition with only a select number advancing to regionals
Elective Choices - 7th Grade
Art (A/B) *
- Color Guard*
Theater Arts I
Theater Troupe *
- Yearbook *
- PE / Athletics*
- Debate
- Music Appreciation
- Agriculture, Food and Natural Resources
- Culinary Arts and Human Services
- Manufacturing, Industrial Technology, and Engineering
- Audio / Video Technology, Communications and Business
A little about Moorhead for incoming 7th graders
School Day
Let’s run through a typical day at Moorhead. Next year, students may be dropped off as early as 7:10 a.m. Those students involved in sports may arrive as early as 7:10am but should be dropped off by the gym. At Moorhead we have a seven period day. We have three 30-minute lunches that occur during fourth period. The school day starts at 8:55am and ends at 4:10pm.
Dress Code
Please refer to page 12 of our Student/Parent Handbook. (Link below.)
Students have multiple opportunities to receive tutoring assistance. Students report to 1st period upon arrival. Tutorial sessions are held Monday - Friday with each core subject assigned a specific day of the week. Tutorials begin at 8:20am. After school help is also available by appointment until 5:05 p.m.
Late Bus
The late bus departs Moorhead Junior High at 5:15pm every Monday - Thursday. Late buses drop students off at satellite locations not at their normal bus stop.
Register for the late bus here: Transportation (conroeisd.net)
Level 7th grade English Language Arts classes are blocked and meet daily for 90 minutes. However, higher preforming level students may be placed in a one period class.
Class change and Bathroom Passes
Students in junior high enjoy a few more freedoms than they may have had in intermediate school. They walk from class to class on their own with an allowance of 2 free tardies each week. There is plenty of time for students to get to their next class. Because students are allowed to carry their backpacks to class, locker use is minimal. Regular school attendance is extremely important for success. Students use E-Hallpass which allows them 3 opportunities per day to leave class for a bathroom break.
Cell Phones
Students are not allowed to use electronics during the school day. Lost phones or other electronics are turned in to the grade level office. Other lost items are found in our lost and found area in the cafeteria.
Moorhead Small Groups
We offer a variety of small groups for our students led by our fantastic counselors. We help our students deal with a variety of social issues.
Required Immunizations for Incoming Seventh Graders
If you are a parent or guardian of an incoming seventh grader, please be aware Texas state law requires all students to have paperwork indicating receipt of the flowing immunizations before they can begin the first day of school:
NOTE: You can also request and Exemption from Immunizations for Reasons of Conscience form from the Texas Department of State Health Services. 1-800-252-9152.
Section III - Athletics, Cheer, Dazzler Dance Team Information
Tennis Tryouts
Tryouts are February 4th and 5th. Click on the link to sign up!
Golf Team Tryouts
Golf team tryouts
Boys and girls Golf team tryouts are February 18-20th before and after school at Moorhead.
Parent meeting is Friday, February 21st at 6:00pm in the gym.
Please email Coach Davidson if you have any questions at cdavidson@conroeisd.net .
Girls Athletics Meeting for incoming 7th graders
Football Student/Parent Informational Meeting
Fall sports interest meeting is on May 15th, 2025 at 6pm in the boys gym.
Fall sports parent meeting is on August 6th, 2025 at 6pm in the boys gym.
We encourage any incoming 7th graders who are is interested in playing fall sports (football, basketball, cross country) to attend this information session on May 15th at 6pm in the boys gym.
Dazzlers Dance Team Tryouts
Cheer Tryouts and Informational Meeting
Boys Athletics Information for the 2025-26 school year
Students must have a physical on file in order to tryout and participate in sports. Please wait until after April 17, 2025, to have your physician complete a physical for the upcoming school year. Physicals done prior to this date will not be accepted.
Caney Creek High School will be hosting Physicals Day on April 17th from 11AM - 5PM. Physicals will cost $25.
Boys Athletics:
Boys Athletics for the fall semester is for those students that intend on participating in football.
If you are not interested in football, but want to try out for basketball, cross country, track, soccer, golf, and tennis - you will need to sign up for Physical Education (PE) and then when those sports start, we can potentially move you into athletics.
We have a choice 8th grade basketball class and choice 7th and 8th grade soccer classes that you can sign up for with coach approval. Being in these classes does not guarantee you a spot on the team. You must try out and earn your spot.
7th Graders:
Have the choice for signing up for Athletics to play football in the fall, General Physical Education, or choice 7th grade soccer class.
Cross country, football, and basketball practice in the morning starting at 7am. Please ensure that your child is signed up for the early bus or that they have transportation to practice. Locker rooms will be locked at 7am as coaches will be outside coaching and will not be able to unlock the locker room once practice has begun.
8th Graders:
Have the choice of signing up for Athletics to play football in the fall. We also offer a choice 8th grade basketball class and a choice 8th grade soccer class.
All 8th grade sports (football, basketball, track, soccer, tennis, golf) except for cross country will have practice in the afternoon. Practice will start during the athletic period and end at 5pm. Cross country will start at 7am and end prior to the start of first period. Please ensure that your child has signed up for late activity bus or has transportation at the end of practice. Late buses will drop off your child at a satellite stop close to your residence where you can pick them up or they can walk home from. If you pick up your child, please pick them up behind the school where he gyms are located.
If you have any questions – Please contact:
Jesus Gonzalez (Campus Athletic Coordinator) jegonzalez@conroeisd.net
Sylvia Avila (Assistant Coordinator) savila@conroeisd.net
Girls Athletics Information
School year 2025-2026
Students must have a physical on file in order to tryout and participate in sports. Please wait until after April 17, 2025, to have your physician complete a physical for the upcoming school year. Physicals done prior to this date will not be accepted.
Caney Creek High School will be hosting Physicals Day on April 17th from 11AM - 5PM. Physicals will be $25.
7th grade Girls Athletics
Moorhead coaches will visit Veterans Memorial and Grangerland PE classes in the spring to evaluate the girls interested in basketball, volleyball, track and soccer. The girls will be informed by mail in the spring on who will be scheduled in the Athletic class. Any girl may try out for any team even if she is not in the athletic period. Practices for 7th graders are generally in the morning before school at 7:00. The athlete must be dropped off by a parent or can ride the CCHS bus before school with a pass. Please ensure that your child is signed up for the early bus if she plans on riding it in the morning.
There will be a daily 7th grade soccer class in which students will be scheduled in with approval of the soccer coach. Being in the soccer class, does not mean the athlete is automatically on the soccer team. She will still need to try out for the team.
8th grade Girls Athletics
Volleyball, basketball, and track will be scheduled in the athletic period. Girls are evaluated by the Moorhead coaches throughout the current year and will be selected by the coaches for the athletic period for the upcoming school year.
There is a daily 8th grade soccer class in which students will be scheduled in with approval of the soccer coach. Being in the soccer class, does not mean the athlete is automatically on the soccer team. She will still need to try out for the team.
7th & 8th Cross Country, Tennis and Golf do not need to be in the athletic class. These sports will practice before and /or after school.
All after school practices will be over at 5:00. Athletes need to be picked up no later than 5:10. There are also late activity buses that will drop athletes off at satellite stops, not at the athlete's home. A late bus pass is required to get on the late buses. Parents can pick up the student at the stop or the student can walk home with parent approval.
Coach Avila
Jesus Gonzalez (Campus Athletic Coordinator) jegonzalez@conroeisd.net
Sylvia Avila (Assistant Coordinator) savila@conroeisd.net
Section IV - Moorhead 8th Grade Course Selection Information
Click on the link below to learn about our 8th grade course offerings!
Registration update
Moorhead Counselors are meeting with current 7th graders beginning February 12.
7th grade students will be selecting their courses for their 8th grade year.
Should I Take Honors Courses?
All general education classes, level and honors, are college preparatory. The ultimate choice on which core course, level or honors, you wish your child to be in lies with you as long as it is made before the final deadline of April 2nd.
- Honors courses taught at Moorhead and Caney Creek prepare students to be successful in Advanced Placement, Dual Credit courses, and beyond.
- Higher expectation of students
- May move at a quicker pace than regular courses
- Be wise in making course choices for your child based on his/her unique characteristics.
Honors Science **
Independent Study Project is required: Students have three options
Science Fair Project (traditional testable hypothesis)
Engineering Design Competition (partner required, design, build drivable robot)
Sci Story (research, video documentary creation, website design and creation)
All options are research based endeavors
Time commitment outside of school is approximately 38 hours of preparation
Science Fair is traditionally on a Friday in Jan/Feb
EDC is traditionally on a Saturday in February
Sci Stories is a campus based competition with only a select number advancing to regionals
- Art A/B
- Theatre Arts I or II*
- Teen Leadership*
- Theatre Production
- Ukulele Class (Music Appreciation) *
- Yearbook II
- Communication Applications*
- Health*
- Spanish I
- Spanish for Native Speakers (2 credits)
- Art I (prerequisite class: Art A/B)
- Algebra I (prerequisite class: Pre-Algebra)
- Geometry (prerequisite class: Algebra)
- Principles of Agriculture, Food and Natural Resources
- Principles of Arts and Audio/Video tech.
- Principles of Engineering
- Principles of Business, Marketing, and Finance
* Semester class
Section V - Caney Creek High School Registration Information
A message from our Caney Creek Counselors
Dear 8th Grade Moorhead Parents,
In January, Counselors from the high school met with students through Social Studies classes to discuss high school graduation requirements, as well as walk them through completing a four-year plan. Please check your email for two messages from the high school. One will allow you to access Naviance where you can view your student's plan. The other has a link to a video outlining the PowerPoint students went through with the counselors. The high school counselors will return to campus in March to finalize the courses for next year. You can adjust your student's schedule for next year at home with them until February 28th.
Please join us at our February 8th Caney Creek High School - Academic Showcase from 6pm-8pm.
Caney Creek Cheer Information
The MANDATORY meeting for the 2025-26 Co-Ed Cheerleading Tryouts will be held on Feb. 19th @ 6:00pm in the LGI.
All candidates must attend and have 1 parent present at the meeting. Tryouts will be held March 3-6th.
Starlettes Dance Team Information
Caney Creek HS Latin Dance team info
CCHS Atheltic Trainer Program
The Conroe Independent School District (District) as an equal opportunity educational provider and employer does not discriminate on the basis of race, color, national origin, sex, religion, age, or disability in educational programs or activities that it operates or in employment matters. The District is required by Title VI and Title VII of the Civil Rights Act of 1964, as amended, Title IX of the Education Amendments of 1972, the Age Discrimination Act of 1975, as amended, Section 504 of the Rehabilitation Act of 1973, the Americans with Disabilities Act, as well as Board policy not to discriminate in such a manner.
For information about Title IX rights or Section 504/ADA rights, contact the Title IX Coordinator or the Section 504/ADA coordinator at 3205 W. Davis, Conroe, TX 77304; (936) 709-7752.