*CTB Stuff the Subaru 2024*
sponsored by the CTB Student Council
What is 'Stuff the Subaru'?
Friday, November 1st - Thursday, November 21st
Here are some important facts about our annual food drive:
1. Students will be encouraged to fill up their homeroom's bag with donations.
2. If you would like to contribute a monetary donation, cash and checks made out to Barkalow Student Activity Account are accepted. Please be sure to label all monetary donations with "Stuff the Subaru" before you bring it to the CTB main office.
The History of Stuff the Subaru
Mr. Rob Mayer, a longtime CTB TA, helped coordinate Student Council service projects and fundraisers for more than a decade. We do this service project each year in memory of Rob because it was one of his favorite projects. Every year, he donated a car of his own - he "collected" cars! - for our fundraiser. We started by borrowing his Suburban then his Sierra pickup followed by his Subaru. His friends at Freehold Subaru promised us a vehicle to use in Rob's memory after he passed during the summer of 2022.
CTB x Freehold Subaru
Thanks to our friends at Freehold Subaru for helping us with our annual Stuff Subaru food drive. We are extremely grateful for their kindness, their generosity, and their support. Each year, they help us by donating one of their vehicles to use as the symbol of our collection efforts. Thank you, Freehold Subaru!