
Happy New Year, 2025!
New Year's greetings as we turn the calendar to 2025 - We hope that this update finds you well, having enjoyed rest and time with loved ones over the recent break. We welcomed our STARs back to campus on Monday morning and dove back in as we have much to accomplish over the next four weeks.
January marks the end of our fall/first semester and the midway point in our school year. Over the coming weeks, we will work to remind our students of any missing assignments and loose ends that need attention before semester grades become final in late January. As always, families can check progress through our Home Access Center.
Lastly, our return means that our after school clubs are back in full swing. Please note that our BIONIC Club has switched to Thursday afternoon. Other club schedules remain unchanged. For a complete schedule of clubs, concerts, and other events, please see our school website/calendar. Other important dates are noted in the below section.
Thank you for your time in reading this update - Enjoy & goNorth!
Upcoming Dates/Events of Note:
This Month at North:
- 1/20: (NO SCHOOL) Martin Luther King, Jr. Day, National Day of Service
- 1/21: Winter II Athletics Begin
- 1/21: North PTSA Meeting (6:30pm/Library)
- 1/21: Winter Choir Concert (7:00pm/Everett Civic Auditorium)
- 1/22: Theater Arts Semester I Showcase Event (6:00pm/Commons)
- 1/30: End of Fall Semester
- 1/31: (NO SCHOOL) Grading/Semester-End Day
Future Dates of Note:
- 2/3: Spring Semester Begins
- 2/17: PTA Takeover at South Fork Bakery (all day - southforkbaking.com)
- 2/17, 2/18: (NO SCHOOL) Mid-Winter Break, including President's Day
- 3/11: PTA Takeover at Brooklyn Bros. Pizza (all day - brooklynbros.com)
- 4/7-4/11: (NO SCHOOL) Spring Break
2024/2025 EPS Cultural & Religious Observances Calendar
Athletics Schedules:
North Orchestra Delights w/ Winter Concert
Congratulations to our North musicians and Orchestra teacher, Kornelia Cesarz - Their Winter Orchestra Concert last month, in collaboration with Evergreen Middle, provided an outstanding evening of music for all. The concert highlighted the growth that our young musicians have made across this first semester. Additional musical performances are forthcoming with our North Choir performing later this month at the Everett Civic Auditorium (1/21 at 7:00pm). A special thank you to the families of our North musicians as your involvement and support are sincerely appreciated.
Honoring the Life and Legacy of Rev. Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr.
This month, students in our Leadership class alongside our North ASB student leaders and North Orchestra will host our school for our annual tribute to Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. on Friday, January 17th. Our 2025 tribute is inspired by Dr. King's 1963 work Strength to Love. This tribute utilizes only the voices of our students to amplify King’s words, focusing on four traits from the book - tough minded, tender heart, non-conformity, and resilient hope. Each trait is paired with an exemplar leader from the Civil Rights Movement to illustrate and provide context. The four Civil Rights leaders we will honor, along with Dr. King are Bayard Rustin, Marian Wright Edelman, Claudette Colvin, and Mother Pollard.
The multimedia nature of this tribute includes live segments, recorded videos with student narration, and two related musical pieces to be played by our North Orchestra.
Additionally, please note that the Snohomish County Black Heritage Committee will be hosting various events as part of a larger community celebration honoring Dr. King. This year's theme is Working Together to Achieve a Dream and will include two connected events (listed below). Please click here for additional information.
- Sunday, 1/19: Sunday Service from 3:30pm to 5:30pm (First Presbyterian Church of Everett)
- Monday, 1/20: Community March and Rally beginning at 11:00am (Everett Memorial Stadium)
Yearbooks on Sale
Our 2024/25 yearbooks are avaliable via presale for $25 between now and January 19th. Students/families can reserve/pay for a yearbook in our North Office. These will be avaliable in June with presale yearbooks guaranteed to students who purchase them now. Additional copies will be avaliable in June but they will be limited and we always sell out. To avoid missing out, please consider purchasing an advanced copy this month.
Coming Soon: Winter II Athletics
As our calendar turns to January, our Winter II athletics season is just around the corner. Winter II includes Girls Basketball (7th and 8th grade teams) and our combined Coed Wrestling team.
Please note that Girls Basketball is limited to two teams, seventh grade and eighth grade. Middle schools do not have sixth grade teams for this sport. However, sixth graders can participate in wrestling as a practice-only sport. Seventh and eighth grade wrestlers do participate in meets and while sixth grades cannot compete against other schools, this practice-only season provides a great opportunity to learn and grow in the sport.
Should you have any questions about this upcoming season, please see our North Athletics site or contact our North Office during regular business hours. Student-athletes must have full clearance to participate in practices, beginning later this month.
Forthcoming Math & ELA Pilot
Please note that North Middle has been selected to take part in a valuable partnership with Curriculum Associates. Later this month, we are planning to introduce a new platform of targeted reading and math content to our students, entitle iReady Pro. This pilot will include brief, daily online lessons, with content curated according to each student's specific needs. These adaptive lessons are tailored to individualized needs - whether the student requires foundational support or they are ready to engage in grade level or above grade level content (content reaches to/through high school content/skills). This pilot is supplementary in nature and will not supplant our curriculum or curriculum-based classroom instruction.
Please look for additional, forthcoming updates related to this planned pilot. In the interim, please know that our students (6th, 7th, and 8th) will be participating in our midyear/winter iReady diagnostic exams later this month (1/22, and 1/23). These exams are part of our ongoing efforts to monitor the academic needs of our students. Individual results from these forthcoming diagnostics will inform the beginning content that will be curated for each student (reading and math specific).
Forthcoming After School Theater Class
North Middle is partnering with Mari's Place for the Arts to offer free, after school theater arts classes beginning in February. These free-to-all classes will be open to all students (6th, 7th, and 8th) but spots are expected to be limited. Again, these are free classes requiring only that a student express sincere interest, register (directions below), attend weekly, and secure transportation home at 4:00pm. If a student regularly takes a bus to/from school, they are eligible to ride our after school activities bus home at 4:00pm.
Mari's Place for the Arts is a local organization staffed by knowledgeable artists who are passionate about what the arts can/should be in the lives of our students. To register with Mari's Place, please click here and complete the "scholarship" application. We will work with the team at Mari's Place to confirm and communicate registration. Students/families will be notified of their enrollment later this month.
Youth Bike Club | Sharing Wheels
North Middle is excited to announce its partnership with Sharing Wheels Community Bike Shop. If students are interested in participating in this eight-week program which starts on February 4th, please have them come by the main office to sign up or scan the QR code. Students will meet after school once a week and walk across the alley to the Sharing Wheels Bike Shop where the club will be held. Students will learn bike maintenance and repair skills, practice safe route planning/riding, and be part of a community bike shop. Space is VERY limited. Please visit https://sharingwheels.org/youthbikeclub/ or come by our North office for more information
Exploring the World of Artificial Intelligence in Education
Our Everett Public Schools are hosting a interesting, forthcoming discussion related to Artificial Intelligence in Education as part of our monthly, Let's Connect meetings. This event is perfect for families eager to learn how AI is shaping our homes, our schools, and our future. If you are interested and avaliable, we hope that you will join us for an thought-provoking evening (no registration required)
Event Details:
Event: Let's Connect: Exploring the World of Artificial Intelligence
Date: Thursday, January 16th
Time: 6:30pm to 7:30pm
Location: Eisenhower Middle School.
January Edition of EPS District News
Each month, our Everett Public Schools produce a district newsletter specifically for our Everett families. Please CLICK HERE to access this month's edition of News Links
Again, Happy New Year to you and thank you for taking your time to read through this edition of North News. On behalf of our entire North team, we value your partnership and the opportunity to serve your family. Our absolute best to you across this new year of 2025!
With Gratitude,
Holly, Drew, & Tyler
North Middle School
hsullivan@everettsd.org - abaewilliams@everettsd.org - tream@everettsd.org
Phone: 425-385-4800
Web: www.everettsd.org
North Middle School
2514 Rainier Ave.
Everett, WA. 98201