Committed to Good Stewardship!
June 27, 2024
Superintendent's Message
Good afternoon, ACS Raider Families!
I hope this newsletter finds you enjoying the start of the Summer Break with your family and friends. I can't believe the 4th of July is next week already...where does the time go?! Although our Michigan weather has been rather humid and warm thus far, I look forward to some cooler tempertatures coming our way this weekend.
The intent of this newletter is to provide some quick, but very important, updates around our district and community. We have some exciting, new staff updates as well as details about our revised bond proposal. ACS is so grateful for the partnership we have with our families and community and we want to ensure you are kept up-to-date on all of the great things happening in our distritct.
As always, please do not hesitate to reach out to me at 810-798-8561 or email me at kvonhiltmayer@almontschools.org if you have any questions. Make it a safe and wonderful summer!
-K. VonHiltmayer
If your child qualified to attend Summer School, please be sure to review the letter with all of the details from Mr. Szwejk (Teacher Leader for Summer School). If you have any questions, please call 810-798-8561. We look forward to working with your child very soon!
- Physical Education- Shannon Chayka
- 1st Grade- Katie LaPonse
- 1st Grade- Leah Chapman
- Special Education (MoCi)- Kimberly Odett
- Special Education- Kristin Affeldt (Recommended Candidate/NEW)
Almont Middle School
- 4th Grade- Sara Davis
- 5th Grade- Trent Brown (NEW)
- 5th Grade- Ashley Larson (NEW)
- 4th/5th Grade Special Education (Resource)- Laura Skinner
- 6th/7th Grade Special Education (Resource)- Laura Toner
- 7th Grade ELA- Jaimie Koehl (NEW)
Almont High School
- Dean of Students/Athletic Director- Zachary Zimmerman (NEW)
- ELA 11 & AP US History- Jennifer Blum
- Math/Geometry- Harmony Zielinski (NEW)
Other Staffing Updates:
- HS Principal Position- Three candidates have been invited to second-round interviews on Monday, July 1st. Third-round interviews will be conducted after the 4th of July.
- HS ELA Position- First and second round interviews are being conducted at this time.
- HS Special Education (Resource) Position- Accepting applications now.
Our school district is committed to being good stewards of taxpayer dollars, ensuring that every dollar is used wisely. We also recognize the importance of communicating with our community as to how we are using these funds to support an education of excellence. Here you will find a few ways we are maximizing taxpayer dollars to best serve our students with a positive educational experience:
- Effective Grant Utilization: By leveraging grant money, we protect the general fund balance, allowing more resources to be directed towards classroom instruction and student support services. For example, we have used ESSER (federal) funding to secure K-12 curriculum resources for core content areas. In addition, ACS has a long-standing partnership with the L&L Educational Foundation for STEM/STEAM learning initiatives (over $200,000 has been awarded to Almont Comm Schools over the last decade). Significant grants have also been secured through the Four County Community Foundation and the Lapeer County Community Foundation to support K-12 programming and initiatives. Examples include: Character Education/Positivity Project for K-7, Book Vending Machines, Choir Apparrel, Assemblies, Mulitple Field Trips (including experiences to support the arts & music), Classroom Supplies and Equipment, etc... A SPECIAL NOTE and THANK YOU to the Koerner Family for their generous donation to Almont High School this past year; AHS was able to secure programs to enhance student experiences in science instruction and robotics.
- Responsible Use of Sinking Fund: Sinking fund dollars are utilized for necessary repairs, maintenance, and infrastructure improvements, ensuring long-term sustainability and minimizing the need for emergency funding. Sinking Fund Projects have been identified by the District Administration. Examples of these projects include a new bus transformer, high school ventilation fans, AC replacement in the HS Auditorium, and a safety sidewalk at AMS.
- FUTURE OPPORTUNITY: Please consider joining The ACS Sinking Fund Committee this fall. I welcome and value the community's feedback to address the district's needs. More details about The ACS Sinking Fund Committee will be forthcoming!
- Maximizing Equipment Lifespan: The district uses equipment until the end of its life cycle, ensuring that every purchase is fully utilized and providing cost savings over time. We stretch the life cycle as far as possible with good maintenance practices; however, equipment eventually needs to be replaced (just like in our homes).
- Transparent Budget Practices: We maintain a transparent school budget, regularly sharing financial reports and updates with the community to foster trust and accountability. The Annual Budget was just held on June 19th; the projected budget for 2024-25 was approved this past Monday night at the Board of Education Meeting.
Congratulations to Mr. Andy Roosa! See pictured above with Board President Janaea Smith. After conducting interviews with five other outstanding candidates, Mr. Roosa was selected and appointed by the Almont Board of Education on June 6th. The board and I look forward to working with Mr. Roosa to ensure our district's continued success!
THREE (3) OPENINGS on Almont Board of Education
Please consider serving on the Almont Board of Education! If interested, please contact the Lapeer County Clerk's Office at 810-667-0356; you must file a petition by July 23rd (before 4:00 PM). Please click here to learn more about the responsibilities of being a board member.
Need more information about the REVISED School Bond Proposal? The following Bond Events are scheduled:
- Visit with Von & ACS Tour on Wednesday, July 17th @ 5:00 PM in AHS Media Center
- Visit with Von on Wednesday, July 30th @ 9:00 AM at Maria's Place Restaurant in Almont
- ELECTION DAY is on Tuesday, August 6th!
Please visit our website to access bond information to include informational videos, the preliminary bond application, a school finance presentation, and a tax calculator! If you still have questions, please call Central Office at 810-798-8561.
In a nutshell, here is a quick breakdown (not to include all projects) of what's in Proposal 1 and Proposal 2:
PROPOSAL #1 ($22,680,000)
- Safety & Security (Windows, Doors, Security Film, Upgrade Fire Alarm System at AHS, Upgrade Security Cameras at Bus Garage, ...)
- Mechanical/Electrical Updates & Upgrades (HVAC, Plumbing, Lighting, ...)
- Select Roofing Replacement
- Site Paving at ALL buildings including Bus Garage
- Interior Work at AHS (Renovation of Cafeteria, Media Center, Band/Choir Rooms, Science Labs, Locker Rooms, ...)
- Interior Work at AMS (Repair Select Corridor Flooring)
- Site/Athletic Improvements (Track & Football Field, Bleachers, Tennis Courts, Add Press Box for V-Softball, ...)
- Small Addition of Administrative Offices (to open addtional office and classroom space for high school staff and students)
- Playground Equipment at OP & AMS
- Classroom Furniture at OP
PROPOSAL #2 ($10,050,000)
- Additional Funding for Consideration of Synthetic Turf for Football Field
- HVAC Upgrades for Air Conditioning at OP and AMS
- OP Connector (Addition of 8 Classrooms + 1 STEM/STEAM Classroom)
- 7-16-24 Board of Education Work Session @ 6:00 PM in the AHS Media Center
- 7-29-24 Board of Education Meeting @ 7:00 PM in the AHS Auditorium
- 8-6-24 VOTING DAY for School Bond Proposal! We need ALL parents to vote! Please!