DH Virtual Backpack
September 1, 2023

January 10, 2025
Save the Date
- Read-a-thon begins 1/13/25
- MLK Day (No School) 1/20/25
- Late Start 1/22/25
Read-a-Thon is upon us! We are looking forward to seeing all those reading logs come flying in the next several weeks. Below is a little bit more information about Read-a-Thon and how your child can participate.
What is it?!
Read a Thon is a friendly reading competition that helps encourage students to get in some minutes reading. Students will log reading minutes OUTSIDE of the school day to compete against other students to win fun prizes! Reading iReady minutes done OUTSIDE of the school day can be logged. No reading done during the school day will count.
How do we keep track of our minutes read?
Every Friday, students will turn in their Reading Logs for the week. Each week, students will receive a new Reading Log that is color coded with the specified week. The first Reading Logs were sent home with your student today, January 10th and is due next week Friday! The last reading log will be due on January 31st.
Will we celebrate?!
Of course we will celebrate! Each week, Mr. Kouri will announce current grade level and individual reading leaders. Additionally, we will celebrate with a few fun events (see image below)!
Lockdown Drill Announcement
We will be conducting a lockdown drill next week on January 15th. Per state law, we are now required to complete one lockdown drill during a lunch period, which we will do on the 15th. All lunch periods will receive reminders on where to go if a lockdown were to occur during lunch, and one of the lunches will practice. As a reminder, these lockdown drills are done to help our students fully understand the safety protocols that we have established at Dundee Highlands. We will have at least one West Dundee Police Officer supporting us with the drill, simply as another set of eyes to ensure the drill is run smoothly and is completed as quickly as possible. Please feel free to discuss the upcoming drill with your son or daughter and reach out if you have any further questions.
Party Volunteer Reminder
As a reminder, our PTC organizes all volunteers for our parties during the year. In order to keep the amount of adults and individuals in a crowded space, we like to keep the amount of volunteers to five adults. This includes three volunteers per party, the head room parent, and the classroom photographer. If you wish to volunteer for a party, please watch your email for the specific sign up. In addition to signing up with the PTC, you must complete the districts Raptor Volunteer application each school year. It is always linked at the bottom of the Virtual Backpack, but have moved it just below for your reference. Thank you for your understanding and cooperation.
Kids Dental Clinic at Dundee Highlands
School Store
UPDATE: Thank you to all of the families that have participated in this opportunity! We have raised over $8,000 so far for our staff to use in school supplies! It does not stop here, continue to use your codes while you shop this holiday season in order to boost our funds!
60th Anniversary
The 90's are here!
I know there are many of you parents out there who went to Dundee Highlands in the 90'S Let's see those pictures! There are so many generations of families in our community and we know that there must be some great artifacts sitting in your attics or basement. So, if you have any fun Dundee Highlands memorabilia from the 70's, 80's, 90's, and today (This is W-ROCK DHES 99.9), please bring it in to our main office at your earliest convenience! Feel free to spread the news to neighbors and other community members that may have some items to share.
Community Flyers
Calendars and Links
About Us
Website: https://www.d300.org/dhes
Location: 407 South 5th Street, West Dundee, IL, USA
Phone: 224-484-4700
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/D300DHES