Leon Valley ES Parent Newsletter
December Newsletter
Welcome Leon Valley Families to the month of December!
We are so excited to start the month of December! We would like to thank our families who volunteered to watch our Lions so that our staff could enjoy a Thanksgiving meal together. Below you will find the video that we shared with our staff, as well as some pictures from the event.
We also want to thank all of our families who joined us for APTT Night. We appreciate you partnering with us in your child's education so that we can celebrate your child's academic growth together. Speaking of growth, 2nd-5th grade students will be taking their Reading & Math MAP test this month. Please see the testing dates below. We will be able to measure the growth your child has made since the beginning of the school year and ensure they are on track for their end of year progress. Our Kinder and 1st grade students will be taking their MAP in January when we return from Winter Break. Below we have a short video in English and Spanish about the MAP test.
Thank you for supporting our Popcorn Fundraiser. Our fundraiser is coming to an end and we will share how much money we were able to make in the next Parent Newsletter. Just a reminder that all money goes back to our students and staff. This money is used to purchase decorations for our events, balloon arches, breakfast/lunch for teachers, etc.
Lastly, as we get ready for the holiday season, please remind your child not to bring toys to school. Toys can get lost, damaged, or can be a distraction in a learning environment. We also want to make sure that any toys that may resemble weapons such as nerf guns, etc are kept at home. We look forward to providing your child with a safe and FUN learning experience in December!
Jessica Ruiz-Huerta
Leon Valley Principal
Everything's Better at LVE
November Events
Below are pictures of events that took place during the month of November...
Spanish Spelling Bee
Spanish Spelling Bee
Spanish Spelling Bee
Parent Cafecito
Middle School Transition Night
Pillar of Character Ceremony
Thanksgiving Meal Donations
Small Group Instruction
Small Group Instruction
Dick's Sporting Goods Grant Winner
A huge shout out to Coach Treviño for winning $15,000 for our Physical Education Program! We can't wait to see the new PE equipment that our Lions will be using. They deserve it!
Campus Information
Inclusive Spirit Week: Dec. 2nd-6th
Inclusion Week begins on Dec. 2nd. On behalf of our Counselors and Special Education Department, we would like for your child to join us in spreading awareness. Please see the flyer below. We hope that your child will celebrate with us by dressing up.
Note: Dec. 5th & Dec. 6th will overlap with our 12 Days of Christmas. Either dress up is fine.
12 Days of Christmas Dress Up
We are so excited to brighten up our hallways with the joy of this holiday season. We will start our Dress Up days on Dec. 5th and hope that your child will join us! Please reference the flyer below...
Evening of the Arts: Dec. 5th
Please join us on Thursday, Dec. 5th for our Evening of the Arts Night beginning at 5:30 p.m. Our Discovery Team has planned an AMAZING showcase for you to come and experience. Come see the Art that your child has made, meet our new STEM Teacher and Coach who will show you how they have transformed our STEM and Physical Education Program, and get into the holiday spirit with a performance from our Choir students in English and Spanish. We hope to see you there!
Buddy the Elf is Back!
PTA Holiday Shop: Dec. 9th
Our PTA Holiday Shop will run Dec. 9th-13th. Students are able to come by the Library to purchase gifts for their family. We hope that you will support this PTA event. Please see the flyer below...
Winter Parties: Dec. 20th
Winter Parties will be here before you know it. Our teachers will be reaching out to you soon for donations. If you are purchasing pizza, consider purchasing from Peter Piper Pizza on Bandera. They are one of our partners and donate to our campus often. We would like to show our gratitude by supporting their business.
Our Winter Parties will take place on Friday, December 20th. The following will be the itinerary for the day...
- 8:30 a.m.- Polar Express Movie and Hot Chocolate
- Santa will be in the Library for classrooms to stop by and take pictures throughout the day.
- 1:30-2:30 p.m.- Winter Parties for PK-5th.
MAP Testing
Your 2nd-5th grade child will be taking their Middle of Year MAP Test in December. Kinder and 1st Grade will test in January. However, 1st grade will be taking a Dyslexic Screener this month as well. Please watch the videos below to learn more about the MAP Assessment as well as view the date of when your child will be testing.
Dec. 2nd- MAP Math Window Opens for 2nd-5th
Dec. 3rd- MAP Math for 2nd and 4th Grade (8:30-10:30)
Dec. 4th- MAP Math for 3rd (10:00-12:00) and 5th Grade (8:30-10:30)
Dec. 9th- MAP Reading English Window Opens for 2nd-5th
Dec. 9th- MAP Fluency (Dyslexia Screener) Window Opens for 1st Grade
Dec. 9th- MAP Fluency Testing in English for 1st Grade from 9:00-11:00
Dec. 10th- MAP Reading English for 3rd (10:00-12:00) & 5th Grade (9:00-11:00)
Dec. 11th- MAP Reading English for 2nd & 4th Grade (8:30-10:30)
Dec. 16th- MAP Reading Spanish Window Opens for 2nd-5th
Dec. 16th- MAP Reading Spanish for 3rd (10:00-12:00) & 5th Grade (8:30-10:30)
Dec. 17th- MAP Reading Spanish for 2nd & 4th Grade (8:30-10:30)
Dec. 18th- MAP Fluency Testing in Spanish for 1st Grade DL/Bil classes from 8:00-10:00
What is MAP Growth?-Video for families below (English). Click here to learn more about MAP in English. https://www.nwea.org/blog/2024/12-common-questions-parents-ask-map-growth-assessment/
Qué es MAP Growth-Video for families below (Spanish). Click here to learn more about MAP in Spanish. https://www.nwea.org/kit-de-herramientas-de-la-familia/
Campus Reminders
Morning Procedures
7:00 - 7:30 a.m. Breakfast (Parents may use their Fast Pass to enter the Cafeteria)
7:30 a.m. Students begin to walk to their classrooms. (No more visitors in the building)
7:45 a.m. Tardy Bell Rings
7:50 a.m. All Parents are asked to walk their child into the building and check them in. Tardy pass will be given to the student to enter the classroom.
Afternoon Procedures
3:25 p.m. All parents are asked to walk inside the building and check their child out from the Front Office.
Note: Please make sure that the classroom teacher knows how your child will get home everyday. Any change in transportation needs to be communicated to the front office by 2:30 p.m. You may also message the teacher directly on SeeSaw. However, keep in mind that your child may have a substitute at some point during the year. Therefore, if you do not receive a response from the teacher. Please call the front office at 210-397-4650 to ensure that your message was received.
Birthday Celebrations
We LOVE celebrating our Lions but we still need to follow NISD Child Nutrition Guidelines. If you would like for your child to be celebrated at school, please communicate with your child's teacher. They can let you know when would be the best day for store bought cupcakes, donuts, or cookies to be brought to school. They will be passed out towards the end of the day. Please do NOT bring juice, goody bags, or other food items.
Field Trips
We LOVE having our parents join us for Field Trips. Teachers will communicate with parents once Field Trip dates are confirmed so that you may plan accordingly. Just a few reminders about Field Trips:
- Parents/Guardians must fill out a Background Check form (see link below)
- Parents/Guardians must wear a Leon Valley Spirit Shirt (Available for purchase in the front office) This helps our students identify Leon Valley adults since there may be multiple schools at the location.
- Younger siblings are not allowed on the Field Trip. Please plan for childcare on that day. (This is an opportunity for you to bond and create memories with your child. The teacher may also need and ask for your help while on the Field Trip). The safety of our students while on Field Trips is our priority.
- Parents/Guardians must provide their own transportation to and from the Field Trip.
- If you would like for your child to go home with you after the Field Trip, we kindly ask that you check out your child back at the campus. We want to make sure we properly sign out students in our system.
Background Check Link: https://hrvolunteer.nisd.net/TempMod.nsf/Main.xsp?Open
District Information
Attendance Warning Notice
Please make sure to communicate with your child's teacher and send a note if they will be out. Once a student has 3 unexcused absences in the system, NISD will generate an Attendance Warning Notice that will be emailed. This Attendance Warning Notice is added to your child's school record. You may also email our Attendance Secretary directly at lourdes.hernandez@nisd.net
Safety First 2024-2025
Click on the link below to read about the Safety Initiatives in NISD for the 2024-2025 school year and learn more about our Standard Response Protocol. Also please take the time to watch the 2023 Safety & Security Video.
Need transportation information? Click the link below.
Important Dates to Remember
Dec. 2nd- Inclusion Week
Dec. 2nd- MAP Math Window Opens for 2nd-5th
Dec. 2nd- LVE Community Tree Lighting Event @ 6:00 p.m.
Dec. 3rd- MAP Math for 2nd and 4th Grade (8:30-10:30)
Dec. 4th- MAP Math for 3rd (10:00-12:00) and 5th Grade (8:30-10:30)
Dec. 5th- 12 Days of Christmas Dress Up Days Begin
Dec. 5th- Evening of the Arts @ 5:30 p.m.
Dec. 6th- Advisory @ 8:00 a.m.
Dec. 6th- 5th Grade Field Trip @ NLC: Holidays Around the World
Dec. 6th- 1st Grade Field Trip @ Zoo
Week 2:
Dec. 9th- PTA Holiday Shop
Dec. 9th- MAP Reading English Window Opens for 2nd-5th
Dec. 9th- MAP Fluency (Dyslexia Screener) Window Opens for 1st Grade
Dec. 9th- MAP Fluency Testing in English for 1st Grade from 9:00-11:00
Dec. 10th- MAP Reading English for 3rd (10:00-12:00) & 5th Grade (9:00-11:00)
Dec. 11th- MAP Reading English for 2nd & 4th Grade (8:30-10:30)
Dec. 13th- Rudder Middle School Campus Visit for 5th Grade
Week 3:
Dec. 16th- MAP Reading Spanish Window Opens for 2nd-5th
Dec. 16th- MAP Reading Spanish for 3rd (10:00-12:00) & 5th Grade (8:30-10:30)
Dec. 17th- MAP Reading Spanish for 2nd & 4th Grade (8:30-10:30)
Dec. 18th- MAP Fluency Testing in Spanish for 1st Grade DL/Bil classes from 8:00-10:00
Dec. 20th- Winter Parties & Polar Express Day (Pajama Day)
Week 4 for December & Week 1 for January:
Dec. 23rd-Jan. 3rd: Winter Break
Jan. 6th- Staff Work Day/Student Holiday
Jan. 10th- Advisory @ 8:00 a.m.
Jan. 10th- Popsicles with Admin @ 2:00 p.m.
Jan. 10th- Report Cards Go Home
Leon Valley Elementary
Vision: Every day, every student grows in confidence, curiosity, capability, and character.
Email: leon_valley@nisd.net
Website: www.nisd.net/leonvalley
Location: 7111 Huebner Road, San Antonio, TX, USA
Phone: (210)397-4650
Twitter: @NISDLeonValley