Hornet News
December News #readytofly
A Note from Mrs. Phillips
Happy December- the hustle and bustle of the holidays is upon us!
We have many great things to celebrate at FCE from the month of November:
- We celebrated our local Veterans and enjoyed a special performance from our 6th graders and 5th grade readers. It was a very humble experience to celebrate this new event as the FCE principal- what a great school family we have here at FCE!
- American Education Week gave us a chance to those that serve in public education. We were spoiled by our PTO and can't thank them enough!
- School Rocks will is underway for grades 3-6 and will be complete by winter break.
- Book Blast was a huge success! We raised over $15,000 for our home libraries which earned our school 1, 251 books! The books will be in soon, be on the lookout for your child's brown bag of books!
- Our Scholastic Book fair was also a huge event! We raised $3, 800 Scholastic dollars to be spent on new books for our library. Thank YOU!
- Our students pledged to be drug free with Red Ribbon Week. We thank Mrs. McCann for organizing our week.
NWEA is in full swing for the month of December. Your child's semester one report card will go home after winter break. It will also include a copy of your child's NWEA report. Please take a look at both pieces of information and contact your child's teacher with any questions or concerns. I am excited to see the growth from all students!
As we finish up our first semester, we are deep into our curriculum maps, skilled reading groups, and math CFAs. Each thematic unit, on our maps, provides a clear path for our teachers that target the high priority standards. Interested in what your student is learning in both math and reading this quarter? Click on this link to access K-6 high-priority standards for quarter 2.
We look forward to our winter music performances. First, second and third graders will perform on Wednesday, December 14th at 6:00. This year's performance will be at Robert E. Wise auditorium at CHS. Please park next to the tennis courts and walk up the hill to enter by the pool. Your student needs to arrive by 5:30. We will also be joined by Grandview and Eastview.
Kindergarten students will also have a concert on Thursday, December 15th at 6:00 pm. You will need to enter the door next to the gym. Friends and families are invited for a night of celebration that will feature our kindergarten students and holiday cheer.
This year, our teachers will receive the gift of time during the last week of school. All students will be viewing a movie with their classmates in order for our teachers to have some time to complete our end of semester requirements. This allows our teachers to step away and enjoy their families over break, instead of working to prepare for your students return. There will be an opt-out form for you to sign if you do not want your child to participate. Be on the lookout for this form in your child's Thursday folder.
My goal is to be as transparent as possible as your leader. If there is anything we can do better, please let me know. You can always message me on Dojo, Facebook or Twitter. I am also available by email and phone. I will return your communication within 24 hours. I am thankful for your continued support of both your child and our school community!
Merry Christmas, Happy Holidays and a wish for a wonderful New Year!
Mrs. Phillips
12/6: 12 Days to Winter Break, Santa Shop- all items are $2.00
12/7: Santa Shop
12/8: Santa Shop, Bookmobile
12/9: Bookmobile
12/12-12/20: School Rocks for grades 3-6
12/13: School Board Meeting
12/14: 1st-3rd grade student practice in the morning for 6:00 pm concert
12/15: Kindergarten Concert at 6:00 pm
12/19: Gift of time for K-2
12/20: Gift of time for 3-6
12/21: CMS sing-a-long visit
12/22-1/3: Winter Break- No School
R.I.C.H.E.R Principles
December Principle: Excellence
Striving to do things to the best of your ability. Being prepared when your big chance comes.
Always doing one's personal best
School Rocks
Red Ribbon Week
K-Kid Pledge
K-Kids Meeting
Thursday, Dec 15, 2022, 02:45 PM
Fayette Central Elementary School, Harrisburg, Connersville, IN, USA
Home of the Hornets
Mrs. Kirsten Phillips
Follow directions, Listen and learn, Your personal best
Email: kphillips@fayette.k12.in.us
Website: https://faycentral.fayette.k12.in.us/o/fayette
Location: 2928 North County Road 225 West, Connersville, IN, USA
Phone: 765-825-6261
Facebook: facebook.com/fayettecentral
Twitter: @FayCtrPrincipal