Klein High Choir Weekly Update
Week 8
Next Week At A Glance
Mon 10/7 - Musical Workshop 3-5 KHS Auditorium (Auditions 10/8-10/10)
Tue 10/8 - Region Rehearsal (SA) 2:45-4:00 PM Choir Room
Wed 10/9 - Region Rehearsal (TB) 2:45-4:00 PM Choir Room
Fri 10/11- Region Rehearsal (SATB) 2:45-4:00 PM Choir Room
Fall Concert Success
What a great first concert of the school year this past Tuesday! Congratulations to each ensemble for putting together such a fun and beautiful Fall Concert. We hope you enjoyed the product of your hard work and we are excited to prepare for our Winter Concerts on December 10 and 12.
Soda Donations - We need your help!
Choir is selling sodas for the annual Homecoming Jamboree on Friday, October 25. This acts as a fundraiser for our program and we need your help to ensure that we make a profit. We are asking each Klein Choir family to donate 1 12-pack of soda (Coca-Cola, Pepsi, dr. pepper products, etc). A portion of our choir students did donate a 12-pack at our kick-off, but we currently do not have nearly enough sodas to successfully participate in the Jamboree event later this month.
Soda donations are due on Friday, October 11 by the end of the school day. Thank you for your help and support!
Spring Trip - Austin, TX
The letter of intent and the deposit payment ($125) is due NEXT MONDAY. As we are finalizing details with the tour company, this trip is shaping up to be a super fun weekend. If you have any questions (financial or other), please email sstultz1@kleinisd.net
Fall Festival Fun
We hope our students that attended our social yesterday enjoyed an afternoon of fall-themed fun! Thank you to our officers who put together the event and we hope too see everyone at our next social (my personal favorite), Potluck social on Tuesday, November 21 6-8 PM!
Coffee House
The coffee house audition window is open until October 11 at 11:59 PM. Students that want to audition will need submit the audition google form located in Schoology and below. Mark your calendars now to join us in the KHS Cafeteria for our Coffee House performance on Tuesday, October 29 at 6:00 PM.
Region Auditions
Region Auditions are on Saturday, October 26 at Tomball Memorial High School. As we get closer to the audition date, more details will be shared. Region students, make sure you are practicing every day to prepare for the second round! Below is a break down of what chairs advance to the Region Clinic & Concert Weekend and Pre-Area Auditions.
- Mixed Choir & Advancing to Pre-Area: chairs 1-20 for Sopranos/Altos & chairs 1-18 for Tenors/Basses
- Region Treble Choir: chairs 21-45 for Sopranos/Altos
Anastasia Auditions
Auditions for the school-wide musical, Anastasia begin next week! Auditions will take place from Tuesday to Thursday. This year we are holding a musical workshop day on Monday, October 7 3-5 PM to allow students to either get a head start on preparing audition material or to even see if this is something they would be interested in doing. All auditions details can be found below.
Upcoming Dates
October 7-11 - Anastasia Musical Auditions
October 7 - Spring Trip Deposit Due
October 11 - Coffee Audition Audition Videos Due
October 21 - Chorale Rehearsal 5-7 PM
October 26 - Region Auditions
October 30 - Tri-M Trunk or Treat 5-8 PM
Contact Information
The preferred mode of communication for us is email
Sean Stultz 832-484-4089 - sstultz1@kleinisd.netRebecca Berger 832-484-4088 - rhickman1@kleinisd.net
Email: sstultz1@kleinisd.net
Website: kleinhighchoir.com
Phone: 832-484-4089