Partnership Press
No school left behind!
Tuesday 5th May 2020
We have come so far
We have now been working as a Partnership for 12 months, and what an incredible 12 months it has been.
I am thrilled with the progress we have made in only two official teaching terms. Curriculum, Assessment and Leadership development have driven the improvement in the overall quality of provision in all schools. We have all got so much to feel proud of. Our Partnership Vision has underpinned our Partnership approach, where leaders, at all levels, support each other to ensure we are working together and 'No school is left behind'.
Thank you everyone, not only for your efforts and hard work in getting things done, but also in supporting the teaching and learning of other schools within our Partnership. What we have here and how we are doing it are quite unique. I feel exceedingly proud of what we have achieved. Notwithstanding this unprecedented pandemic, we have rapidly shifted our provision onto a digital platform, including the support we offer our most vulnerable families. Having continuously reviewed our Virtual School, we are improving day by day to secure the best possible outcomes for our children, during such challenging circumstances. Thank you x
Partnership Vision
Working together to secure the best possible outcomes for children, in line with the culture and diversity that exists within each school. Leaders, will support and empower each other to ensure no school is left behind. We will be relentless in our mission to enable each school to set high expectations for all.
Competition Winner 'My view from here'
Hopefully, you will have seen all our winners in the Competition Newsletter, which is also the backdrop of this communication.
Shout out!
It is most refreshing to know that our children are in the most nurturing and caring hands even without daily visibility. Thank you x
I was excited to hear about the PSHE curriculum meeting that took place last week. Thank you for all your contributions that was shared from our brief. I am keen to see the outcome of this Network union- Sophie Gibbons, Alice Walker, Alice Fahey, Frank Connelly, Jennifer Crabbe and Isobel Penaliggon.
Thank you to Clare Hudson and her team for their continued efforts in donating food to our most vulnerable families. We salute you!
Virtual School
Recently Added
-Story Time
Thank you to those who have already read a story/chapter to our children.
-Year 5 Book Club
Heard this went down a storm. Thank you to everyone who was involved in setting this up.
-Daily fitness videos at Bonneville
-Small group reading with key children
- Learning of the week videos
-Home Learning uploads
-Year 6 Quiz Club
In the pipeline
- Daily fitness videos for Stockwell and Jessop
-Quiz club in other year groups
-Book club in other year groups
Please remember Friday, 8th is Bank Holiday, so there will be no Virtual School.