Saying Goodbye
Bruin Press May 19, 2020 Edition
St. Bernard of Clairvaux Catholic School
Email: LSenecal@sbdallas.org
Website: https://www.stbernardccs.org/
Location: 1420 Old Gate Lane, Dallas, TX, USA
Phone: 2143212897
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/SBSBruin
Twitter: @SBS_Official
Principal Update Saturday, May 16th
In conclusion,
....There is much to be grateful for at St. Bernard. We have gone through a time in history like no other. This shared experience has shown our resolve and faithfulness. Let’s continue to stay focused on our mission and stay true to our school’s philosophy: to recognize the individual, spiritual, moral and intellectual needs of each student in an atmosphere rich in Catholic truths and values.
Looking ahead to next year, our vision is clear. We will return strong and united with a school culture built on faith. We are here, with you and for you.
In Love and Faith,
Laurie Senecal
Tuesday, May 19th - Books/Uniform Dropoff & Locker Cleanup - 8th Grade
Tuesday, May 19th - 6:00 - 8:00 PM, Church - Reconciliation (for Confirmands)
Wednesday, May 20th - 9:00 AM, Zoom - Passing of the Light
Wednesday, May 20th - Last Day of School for 8th Grade
Thursday, May 21st - Virtual Field Day
Thursday, May 21st - 6:30 PM, Church - 8th Grade Graduation
Friday, May 22nd - Inclement Weather Day - NO SCHOOL
Monday, May 25th - Memorial Day - NO SCHOOL
Tuesday, May 26th - NJHS Induction Ceremony
Tuesday, May 26th - Last Day of School for PreK3 - 7th Grade
Tuesday, May 26th - 7:00 PM, Church - Confirmation
Tuesday, May 26th - Friday, May 29th - Books/Uniform Dropoff & Locker Cleanup (PreK3-7th Grade)
Passing of the Light - Wednesday, May 20th
While we cannot hold this memorable ceremony at the end of a traditional end-of-school Mass at Church this year, we can still uphold the tradition with a unique virtual version of Passing of the Light. The virtual ceremony will be held tomorrow at 9 AM. Students are encouraged to wear school uniforms or spirit attire.
Virtual Field Day - Thursday, May 21st
We can't finish out the year without Field Day! So we are utilizing resources from OPEN (Online Physical Education Network) to host a Virtual Field Day right on schedule.
You will want to print or download the scorecard and event cards, then view the instructional video. Students/families are encouraged to enter at least 4 events, then submit the official scorecard with any photos and videos.
All Field Day events are designed to be done indoors or outdoors using common household items (see Equipment List). You won’t be asked to purchase any specialized equipment or supplies.
Please see the link below for detailed instructions on participating in this new and fun family version of Field Day. Gather the troops, and get ready for some action!
Graduation - Thursday, May 21st
Parents of 8th Graders: Information about the graduation ceremony has been emailed to you, and is available in the link below. Remember that if your student or any attending parents have symptoms associated with Covid-19, they cannot attend the ceremony. Please contact Laurie Senecal if you have any questions about the ceremony or health issues. Keep in mind that everyone (including graduates) must wear a mask to the ceremony!
Entire School: Please see Ms. Walsh's email about a surprise for our graduates. Don't forget to let her know if you are participating!
NJHS Induction Ceremony - Tuesday, May 26th
Confirmation - Tuesday, May 26th
As for graduation, all in attendance must wear masks, and must be free of any symptoms associated with Covid-19.
Reconciliation: All confirmands and their sponsors are being given the opportunity to receive the Sacrament of Reconciliation tonight between 6 - 8 PM outside the Church. Time slots must be reserved - see the link below if your student has not yet signed up. The guidelines for this process are outlined in the Confirmation Instructions above.
Books/Uniform Dropoff & Locker Cleanup
Mrs. Walsh also requests that you find and return all library books, and if possible, put them in a ziplock bag.
Locker clean out days will be Tue. May 26th - Fri. May 29th. Please click on the Signup Genius link below to select a time slot:
Uniform Resale
Virtues in Practice and SEL
Our 2019 - 2020 school year has come to an end and our Year of Faith Virtues integrated throughout the year were: Faith, Reverence, Stewardship, Generosity, Gratitude, Honesty, Mercy, Justice, and Zeal. Our Virtues in Practice assist us in teaching our kids the core competencies of SEL (Social Emotional Learning).
What is SEL, you might ask? Social and emotional learning (SEL) is the process through which children and adults understand and manage emotions, set and achieve positive goals, feel and show empathy for others, establish and maintain positive relationships, and make responsible decisions.
St. Bernard has long incorporated the 5 competencies of SEL with our GROWL cards. We are Bruins. Hear Us GROWL. GROWL is an acronym for GRIT, RESPECT, OWNERSHIP, WILLPOWER, LOVE.
This year our Bruin Bear spirit (GROWL) embraced the virtues of the Saints, and our students not only learned to mimic the saints but also learned core competencies for their emotional health. As primary educators of our children, let us embrace the lessons of the Saints at home this summer to reinforce what our children learned throughout the year.
G - GRIT / ZEAL (self-management) Strength of character, courage, backbone, perseverance, determination.
R - RESPECT / REVERANCE AND JUSTICE (relationship skills) Appreciating others, admiration, praise, esteem, recognizing and honoring the good in others. Respecting oneself.
O - OWNERSHIP / HONESTY AND MERCY (self-awareness) Taking responsibility for actions, recognizing your feelings, admitting when you are wrong and apologizing.
W - WILLPOWER / STEWARDSHIP AND GRATITUDE (responsible decision making) Doing the right thing, discipline, dedication, creating good habits.
L - LOVE / FAITH AND GENEROSITY (social-awareness) Love for God and love for others. Practicing Kindness.
Fall Athletic Registration
In addition, volunteer coaches are needed for 2020-2021. If you have any interest in helping out as a coach or assistant coach, please contact Coach Weaver at rweaver@sbdallas.org or 214-321-2897 ext 114.
Order Your Yearbook Now
Use SCRIP This Summer!
Thank you, parents, for sharing your 2020 Bruin Cub pics with us.
Bruin Cub #18
Bruin Cub #19
Bruin Cub #20
Bruin Cub #21
This Bruin Cub has attended SBS for 4 years. As a Bruin she played volleyball and basketball. She is also in both NJHS and Student Council. Her favorite subject is math and she is very excited to be a Bishop Lynch Friar next year. Who am I?
Bruin Cub #22
Bruin Cub #23
BL Summer Camps
The new Virtual Camp Clubhouse will bring the best of BL’s summer camps straight to you! With an all-access family pass for just $129, you can get both recorded videos and live streaming instruction throughout the summer months. You can access more information on their website.