Back-to-school 8/13

Tuesday, August 13, 2024
Welcome to the 2024-25 School Year
Welcome back to another exciting school year at Madison Elementary! I hope this letter finds you and your loved ones in good health and high spirits. As the new principal at Madison, I am excited to join this school community. I look forward to getting to know all students & families and beginning this important work together.
Our dedicated team of educators will be returning on Monday, August 26th to begin preparations for the upcoming school year. The Madison team will work hard to ensure that our school is a safe, welcoming and inclusive environment where all students are able to learn and grow. We want our Mustangs to thrive at school. We expect all students to be safe, kind, and responsible each and every day in order to make that happen.
Communication and collaboration are key to a successful partnership between home and school. We encourage you to actively participate in your child's education by:
- Attending parent-teacher conferences in October & February
- Attending PTO (Parent-Teacher Organization) meetings each month
- Participating in family engagement nights throughout the year
- Staying connected through our school newsletters and online platforms like Facebook & Instagram
- Staying connected through regular communication from your child's teacher via email, newsletters, and Seesaw
Your active involvement plays a critical role in creating a successful experience for your child. I am confident that through a strong partnership with each family, we will make this an amazing year for our entire school community.
Once again, welcome to a new year at Madison Elementary. We are excited to have you as part of our school community. Please do not hesitate to reach out to us if you have any questions, concerns, or ideas to share. Here's to a fantastic year of growth & achievement for all of our Mustangs!
See you all soon,
Mr. Anderson & Mrs. Conlon
Teacher Assignments
Teacher assignments are currently available to families in ParentVue. We will not be sending postcards or letters via USMail, instead we expect all parents to check in ParentVue so that you know who your child's teacher is prior to Open House on Wed. Aug. 28th. Please do not call the office to request this information. Here are instructions to find your child's teacher in ParentVue. If you need assistance logging into ParentVue, please see these directions - or contact the helpline at 763-506-HELP (4357) or by emailing 506help@ahschools.us
Welcome Back Message
Here is a short message from Mr. Anderson & Mrs. Conlon welcoming back our Mustangs!
School Supplies
The link below will take you to the K-5 school supply lists for the 2024-25 school year.
Student & Parent Handbook
It is our hope that all families are well versed in what is expected of our Madison Mustangs and how parents and families can support a successful school experience for all of our students. Please pay particular attention to the dress code, cell phone/smartwatches, and birthday treat sections, which contain changes from past practice. Once you have reviewed the handbook, here is a link to a short form for you to complete, entitled Madison Student & Parent/Guardian Handbook Review, confirming that you read our handbook.
Kindergarten Welcome Week
Tuesday, Sept. 3 through Friday, Sept. 6
Tuesday, Sept. 3 & Wednesday, Sept. 4 - Kindergarten Meet & Greets (click here to sign up)
Thursday, September 5 - Kindergarteners with last names beginning with A-L attend school
Friday, September 6 - Kindergarteners with last names beginning with M-Z attend school
Monday, September 9 - ALL Kindergarteners attend school.
Back-to-School Verification
It’s important that each family completes the verification process (back-to-school forms) before the first day of school. Verification ensures that each student’s school has confirmed emergency contact information and releases for the safety of each student.
Even if families’ contact information has not changed, it’s important for families to log in to access a variety of other student information in the coming weeks, including teacher assignments, attendance, school handbooks, report cards, activity/field trip fees and more. It’s expected that families complete the process before the first day of school. Parents/guardians can access back-to- school forms by clicking the lock icon at the top right corner of any district or school website, and selecting "My Student Information." If you need help finding your login/password, call 763-506-HELP for assistance.
Login to A-HConnect
Anoka-Hennepin District Calendar
Please plan accordingly...
The most current district calendar is linked below. We expect our Mustangs to be in school each day, unless they are sick. We appreciate our families prioritizing school attendance by consulting this calendar and scheduling family trips with scheduled breaks. Thank you!
Volunteer at Madison
Be ready, complete your volunteer application now!
- To start the process, please complete the Volunteer Application Form and the Criminal Record History Release Form.
- You will be contacted once the paperwork is processed. Please note some volunteer activities require additional processing, which can take up to two weeks.
- If you anticipate volunteer at any time this school year, please complete the paperwork now.
- We appreciate that you are willing to share your time and talents with us. Thank you.
- Please be patient with us as we are hiring a new Volunteer Services Coordinator. We hope that our VSC will be named prior to Open House on Aug. 28th.
Important Dates
Wednesday, August 28, 4:30-6:00 - Back to School Open House
Tuesday, September 3 - First Day of School for 1st through 5th Grade
Tuesday, Sept. 3 & Wednesday, Sept. 4 - Kindergarten Conferences (more info. in August)
Thursday, September 5 - Kindergarteners with last names beginning with A-L attend school
Friday, September 6 - Kindergarteners with last names beginning with M-Z attend school
Monday, September 9 - ALL Kindergarteners attend school
Thursday, September 12 - Sept. PTO Meeting, 6:30-8pm (Media Center)
Thursday, September 19 - Bingo Palooza for Grades K-2
Thursday, September 26 - Bingo Palooza for Grades 3-5
This e-newsletter is published by Madison Elementary School. Questions, comments or concerns about the school e-newsletter? Contact us.