Generals Connect Monthly Newsletter
October 31, 2024
Save the dates for the Scholastic Book Fair!" It will be here Monday, November 11th through Friday, November 15th. The Book Fair is open from 9:45 am to 3:30 pm daily.
Students may pay with eWallets, cash, cards, and tap to pay. https://www.scholastic.com/bf/shilohmiddleschool
Scoliosis Screening
Dear Shiloh Middle School Parent(s)/Guardian(s):
On November 7, 2024, scoliosis screening will take place at your child's middle school to identify children with suspected abnormal curvature of the spine. The screening is done yearly in the middle school grades as required by State Law, Department of Community Health and State Department of Education guidelines. You may opt out of screening for your student by contacting the school clinic.
**If your child has been screened by a health care provider or is under the care of a physician for scoliosis, please submit the completed 4400 form.
Scoliosis affects two to three percent of the adolescent population. If the condition is detected early and appropriately treated, progressive spine deformity can be prevented. The procedure for screening is a simple observation test in which the screener (student nurse, nursing school faculty, school nurse) looks at the child's back in the standing position and the forward bending position. Boys and girls are screened separately. Girls should wear a sports bra or bathing suit top. Accurate screening cannot be performed if girls are wearing camisoles.
If your child has a suspected curvature on initial screening, you will be notified by the Gwinnett County Department of Public Health. The Health Department will also provide information regarding further evaluation in the case of a suspected curvature.
If your child is absent on the day of screening, please contact your local health department or pediatrician for screening.
If you do not want your child to be screened, you must contact your school.
Chromebook Fines
This year, the Chromebook fines are as follows;
Damaged Chromebook: $25
Lost Charger: $25
Lost Chromebook: $200
Watch this video to see tips about caring for your Chromebook
Medical Authorization
A parent or guardian must bring any / all medications to the school and fill out a medication administration form. Students are not allowed to carry any medications with them at school or on the bus. This includes any over the counter medication, for example; cough drops, Tylenol, etc. If you would like your child to have any OTC medication left in the clinic, you must bring to school with a completed medical authorization form.
To give us authorization to give your student their medication you will need to complete the Medication Authorization Form. You may print it, complete it, and bring it in or you can pick one up to complete in the clinic. A separate form is required for each individual medication.
If your student requires an inhaler and/or an Epi-pen you will need to complete the appropriate form.
For your student to be permitted to carry their inhaler and/or Epi-pen on their person, their physician will need to complete the section of our form advising us of their authorization. If the student will be carrying their inhaler and/or Epi-pen on their person, we ask that you also provide the clinic with a backup in case one is needed.
Shiloh Middle School Clinic
Phone: 770-736-4030