BRMS July Family Newsletter
July 8th, 2024
A Word from the Principal Team
Hello Badger Ridge Families! We hope that you all are having a wonderful summer so far! Today we come to you with a few summer updates, including important upcoming dates, summer academics, and more. We hope you continue to have a restful summer, and we will see you again in another newsletter in August.
Important Dates to Know
August 28th - Back to School Night (5pm - 7pm)
September 2nd - No School (Labor Day)
September 3rd - First Day of School (6th grade students ONLY)
September 4th - All Students Attend School
September 11th - Picture Day (There will be NO pictures at Back to School Night)
September 15th - October 15th - Hispanic Heritage Month
Summer Academics
Logging into IXL on a Personal Device
Students can log in to IXL from a personal device or computer by going to clever.com. Click Log in as a student and type in your school name. Students should log in with Google using their school email address and password. Once in Clever, students can click on the IXL icon to get started.
Teen Summer Reading Challenge
The Verona Public Library offers a Teen Summer Challenge for reading! Teens ages 12 - 18 will keep track of the time they read during the summer on Beanstack. Visit veronapubliclibrary.beanstack.org and/or visit the library website at this link to learn more about the challenge.
Back to School Night
Save the Date! Back to School Night is August 28th from 5pm to 7pm at Badger Ridge. Student schedules will be available for pick up at Back to School Night. We kindly ask that families do not arrive before 5pm as our staff have a full work day in addition to the time needed to set up classrooms and common spaces for the event to be a smooth experience. We appreciate your cooperation with this, and are excited to meet with you and our middle schoolers!
As we are gearing up for the 24-25 school year, consider volunteering throughout the school year or even a one time opportunity at Badger Ridge! There are several upcoming opportunities for parents to be involved, such as helping out at Back to School Night, office help, recess supervision, and more. Please take a look at our BRMS Volunteer Registration Form. Please note that in order to volunteer, you will need to complete a background check. Information about this is embedded in the form linked above. Thank you, and we are looking forward to connecting and partnering with you!
Parent Resources
We know that needs don’t go away in the summer! Badger Ridge Social Worker, Sarah Hall, will be available to support families through July 19th. You can reach Sarah by email at halls@verona.k12.wi.us or (608)313-4797. You may also choose to reach out to Joining Forces for family (contact below).
Joining Forces for Families (JFF) 1200 East Verona Ave., Verona, WI 53593
Lisa Hemauer hemauer@countyofdane.com 608-575-1064
Ryan Estrella (Español) estrella@countyofdane.com 608-225-9871