Panther Press of Wild Rose

October 25, 2024
A Note from Mrs. Solomon
It's been a busy week! I have included new updated forms for our Veteran Day breakfast as we were not receiving responses. My apologies for the inconvenience, but please fill the form out again for the breakfast if you are able to come with a Veteran in your family. This will allow for us to be prepared.
Guidelines for our up and coming Halloween celebrations are included please see the information. We are super excited for the McTeacher Event at the South Elgin McDonald's on Monday.
Couple of questions to ask your child to help start conversations at the table this weekend -
-What is one thing about your school that is unique?
-Would your rather travel to school by horse or a hot air balloon?
Hopefully these help foster a better conversation than - how was your day?
Have a great weekend-
Mrs. Solomon
Highlights added to this week
McTeacher's Night
Halloween Information
BMX Assembly
Veterans Day
Picture Retakes
Big Hearts Wish List
Big Hearts Toy Drive
A Message From the Nurse
PTO Info
STCN Softball Clinic
STCN Volleyball Clinic
Other Information & Important Dates
McTeacher's Night
Come one come all to the South Elgin McDonald's the evening of Monday, October 28th from 4:30-6:30! Many of our Wild Rose staff will be present to: deliver your meal, serve you your to go order, make a sweet treat! 20% of all the purchases will be donated Wild Rose and 100% of the pie Purchases will be donated. All Pie purchases should be made with cash for the 100% donation! We are very excited to see all of our panthers come and be served by our staff! Hope you can come and join the fun!
Halloween celebrations will be next week on Thursday, October 31st. We will have an outside parade that will begin at approximately 2:00 pm on the blacktop outside. We will have the blacktop lines with cones for families to stand outside of. We run the parade by grade levels: Kindergarten leads the way and ending with fifth grade. When they return into the building they will have their classroom celebrations.
Costume guidelines: Students are allowed to come to school dressed in their costumes provided they are able to do all school activities. The following guidelines should be followed:
No inflatables until the parade. If a student has an inflatable costume they will not be able to wear that until the parade. They will need to let their teacher know that they need to put their costume on.
Please do not send your child in full face make-up, as they will be engaging in learning throughout the rest of their school day.
Please remember that students are not allowed to bring replicas of weapons as part of their costumes. We also ask that students tone down anything that might scare our younger students (blood, etc.).
Costume masks will be allowed for the parade, but not during the classroom parties.
If a child does not want to wear their costume to school and wants to change prior to the parade that is okay as well.
Just a reminder that food is no longer allowed for parties. Please do not send in treats for your child to pass out.
BMX Assembly
As part of the reward for a successful fundraiser, Monday Nov 4th the students of Wild Rose will get to enjoy a BMX assembly that also has an anti bullying message. Athletes will present on how to be inclusive while showing off tricks and flips on ramps on the blacktop.
Veterans Day
Veterans Day is quickly approaching. For our student assembly we like to have all students have their veterans honored. Please fill out the Veterans Day Assembly form to add to our slide show. All responses are due by November 1st.
Following the fist form is a second form. Our school and PTO would like to host a continental breakfast to honor our student's family members who are Veterans. Please fill out the form so we can be prepared for our honored guests. All responses are due by November 4th.
Picture Retakes are Wednesday, November 6th!! Use order code:123456U
Hello Wild Rose!
It's almost that time of year again, with the excitement of the holidays just around the corner! This year the Wild Rose PTO has requested 5 children to sponsor through Big Hearts of Fox Valley. This is separate from the toy drive that is currently going on at school.
We are looking for 5 volunteers to shop and complete a wish list for a specific child with their wants and needs that have been provided. Each volunteer will be asked to purchase 5-10 items, spending at least $75 on each child.
The drop off date will be Monday, Nov. 18th! Once you sign up I will reach out via email with the child's wish list in addition to more information and details!
Please send questions to Lisa Blossfield at wildroseptopresident@gmail.com
Thank you for your generosity and kindness!
Big Hearts Toy Drive
We will start collecting on Monday, and on Fridays there will be special collection appearances at drop off from the Wild Rose Student Council members and the Wild Rose Panther !
The following information is being provided as a reminder of District 303's attendance procedures and how information may be recorded and shared with a student's family throughout the school year.
REMINDER of 2024-2025 Start & End Times for Elementary School School Start Time - 9:05 am Earliest Drop-Off Time - 8:50 am School End Time - 3:25 pm
School Start Time - 9:05 am
Earliest Drop-Off Time - 8:50 am
School End Time - 3:25 pm
PTO Information
How To Be Involved with the Wild Rose PTO
Sign up for both the student directory AND parent portal on our new website https://wildrose.ptboard.com/home
Pay dues on PushCoin https://store.d303.org/?YCY57LFFT5=45AHLFR4YK#!/products/5VCN4P7CJW
The new website has a lot of new features that will help us parents stay informed, organized, and involved in Wild Rose events! Just click on the link, click on "Submit my student directory." Fill out your information to have access to our announcements, calendar, and access to an optional student directory which is great for birthday invites and playdates!
District 303 Partners With GPS Parent Series
District 303 is proud to partner with the Glenbard Parent Series (GPS) to offer our families broader access to information sessions and resources that support their child’s development.
For decades, GPS has been offering free programs that aim to empower and strengthen families, individuals and communities. As a partner organization, District 303 will support promoting upcoming programs and their importance to our local community.
Wild Rose Dates to Remember
October 28th - McTeacher's Night at McDonalds - 4:30-6:30 PM
October 30 - Early Release - 2:35 PM
October 31st - Halloween Parade - 2:00-2:15 PM
October 31st - Halloween Celebrations - 2:20-3:05
November 4th - BMX Character Assembly
November 5th - Election Day - No School
November 6th - Picture Retake Day
November 6th - Run a Tuesday Schedule
November 8th - Donuts With the Pride Wall Winners
November 8th - First Trimester Ends
November 11th - Veterans Day Assembly
November 11th - 22nd - CogAT Testing 3rd and 5th Grades
November 18th - PTO Meeting - 9:30-10:30
Wild Rose Elementary School
Email: Theresa.solomon@d303.org
Website: wildrose.d303.org
Location: 36W730 Red Haw Lane, St. Charles, IL 60174
Phone: (331)228-3000