December 2021
Barrington Middle School Library
Flying By!
This school year and the month of December seem to be flying by! We blinked our eyes and we are saying goodbye to 2021 and hello to 2022. If you are interested in getting recommendations for reading, check out my weekly suggestions in virtual bookshelf form or blog form. It is important to note that author Kate Albus will virtually join us on Wednesday, February 2, 2022, to discuss her debut novel A Place to Hang the Moon.
BMS A Capella Group Performed Before School on Friday, December 3
Mrs. Polando's Entrepreneurship Class Hosts "Shark Tank" with Community Members
Seventh-Grade Health and PE Students Begin UN Sustainable Goal Project
Mr. Altieri's Film Students Share Their Creations
Nonfiction Lesson with Lime Cluster
Many Lime Cluster students came during FAST the week of December 13th to learn more about nonfiction so they could choose an independent nonfiction title to read. Here is the slide deck they used to learn more about where to find a book of interest.
Razz Cluster Discusses Finding Media Balance
Sixth graders from Razz cluster came to the library on Monday, December 13th to do a Common Sense Media lesson on Finding Media Balance. They were very thoughtful as they created lists of online and offline activities they do throughout a given day. They then thought of ways to create a healthy balance for themselves. If you are interested in exploring the topics students will learn about this year, go to our BMS Library digital citizenship page.
Green Cluster Discusses Being Aware of What You Share
Eighth Graders came to the library on Friday, December 17th to do a Common Sense Media lesson regarding privacy. The best part about discussing these topics with students is that they always end up teaching the adults a thing or two as well. If you are interested in exploring the topics students will learn about this year, go to our BMS Library digital citizenship page.
Reilly the Therapy Dog Comes on Mondays at 8:30 AM
BMS Morning Show Livestreamed in the Library
Students Are Invited To Browse Before School 5X Week!
After School in the Library
The library is open to students Monday through Thursday until 4:20 pm. Students sign in and are welcome to study, read, or meet with peers.