May 10. 2024
Greetings from Pastor John
Hi Church
Happy Mother's Day weekend! Sunday will be a good chance to enjoy celebrating the moms in your life by connecting together with God in worship. Robin will be speaking this Sunday, talking through the idea of setting our tables.
Looking forward to being together this Weekend!
FAC Stream May 5, 2024
Click the picture to watch this week's service.
Prayer and Praise
May 1st to 8th, 2024
●Praise the Lord that Dawn Mattera had the strength and stamina to fly back to MA from Romania on April 30th after a serious bout with Influenza A while she was there. Pray for rest and continued
healing for Dawn.
● Pray for other families who have recently lost loved ones including the Demouras, Shermans, Bachelders, Jenkins and Joiners.
● Praise the Lord for the donations received to help fund the septic from the Palm Sunday flood.
● Pray for Cindy Sherman’s nephew, Jonathan, who needs a liver transplant out in Dayton, Ohio. We Praise the Lord that his kidneys are starting to function on their own. Pray also for Cindy's son Carl and his family who recently lost Amy's aunt.
● Praise the Lord for the beautiful memorial service for Paul Demoura last weekend.
● Pray the Penney's foster baby who got a 3rd degree burn on her forearm this week. Pray also for Deb and Andy as they travel back and forth to Shriners and care for their sweet little one at home.
● Praise the LORD for our several young people that have been, are or will be involved in short term missions including Annie Grace Smith, Toby Smith, Rachel Spader and Sophia Gotta.
● Pray for our upcoming events including Food and Friends Luncheon, Baptism Class, and Summer Art and Music Fun Shop
● Pray for Pat and Carol Donnelly as they make plans to sell their home and relocate to Tennessee to be with their daughter and granddaughter.
Debbie Dean will be leading an Alpha Group starting Thursday May 23rd from 7 - 8:30pm. All are welcome.
Family Discussion Starters
•How did Jesus’ miracles prove He is God?
•Who was Jesus going to send after He went away to heaven?
•Why did Jesus send Him?
Because Jesus is God, we live in full submission to Him, not only turning to Him in faith as our Savior but following Him in obedience as our Lord.
• HEAD: What attributes of Jesus’s deity comfort you the most, and why?
• HEART: How can you praise Jesus for His divine work in your life?
• HANDS: How is your life pointing others to Jesus, and thus to the Father?
Voices in Church History
“Looking at Christ is the way we see most fully the glory of God. . . No human son is the exact representation of his father. There is a close relation, but not an exact representation. Christ, however, is an ‘exact representation.’ He and God are of the same divine essence.”
–R. Albert Mohler Jr
Coming This Summer, Art & Music Fun Shop!
Never Too Soon to Think of Ideas to Decorate your Trunk!
Faith Alliance Church
Email: office@faithall.org
Website: faithall.org
Location: 833 Pleasant Street, Attleboro, MA, USA
Phone: (508)222-0856