Leander ISD Insider

July 29, 2024
We hope you had a wonderful and restful summer break. As we prepare to welcome our students back to school, we wanted to inform you of an important change in the traffic pattern along Raider Way, effective on Wednesday, Aug. 7.
New Traffic Pattern
First, we would like to thank families and staff for their feedback about the Raider Way improvement project. We know that traffic around the area has been challenging at best. Representatives with the City of Leander, the Central Texas Regional Mobility Authority (CTRMA), Leander ISD, Rouse High School and Wiley Middle School met this past week to discuss how to best meet the safety concerns and needs of our community. We have learned that utility work has slowed the pace of the project. This means the current phase of construction will require a one-way flow of traffic until further notice, impacting the 2024-25 school year. We acknowledge this may be news that conflicts with previous communication. Though, after thoughtful consideration, we believe we have a plan that provides the best outcome for parents, student-drivers and the nearby neighborhoods.
Effective Wednesday, Aug. 7, all traffic along Raider Way between Crystal Falls Pkwy. and Woodview will be one-way, heading southbound. Vehicles will not be permitted to enter Raider Way from Crystal Falls Pkwy. Traffic bound for Rouse High School and Wiley Middle School will head north on the 183A frontage road, make a right on Woodview, a right on Raider Way and a left into the campus destination. Residents in the adjacent neighborhoods to the north will enter the residential area via Woodview, making a left onto Nolan Ranch Rd. To exit the community, drivers must use Nolan Ranch Rd., making a left onto Woodview and a right onto Raider Way, heading south to Crystal Falls Pkwy.
Off-duty officers, from multiple jurisdictions organized by the construction company, will provide support along the route to ensure vehicles can make the left-hand turns appropriately along Raider Way. With a new sidewalk on the westside of Raider Way and designated crosswalks to each campus, we anticipate additional crossing guards along Raider Way as well.
The goal of the revised plan is to minimize the number of vehicles in the area at the same time in order to create a better flow of traffic in the area and a safer travel path for our young drivers as they leave school. We believe that creating a clockwise traffic flow from the 183A frontage road to Woodview to Raider Way to Crystal Falls Pkwy. keeps vehicles moving. Furthermore, residents nearby will have a point of entry and a point of exit, which should ease traffic congestion and provide easier access to Crystal Falls Pkwy. at non-peak school traffic times.
Please refer to these maps for visual guidance.
Wiley Middle School and Rouse High School also have individual traffic mitigation plans once vehicles enter their respective campuses. Traffic plans for each individual campus as well as other details regarding tardies will be forthcoming.
What to Remember
Ultimately, the key to safety during any road construction project is to minimize the number of vehicles on the roadway during ongoing construction. We strongly encourage everyone to explore alternatives to driving inside the construction zone. Here are a few options to help reduce the amount of traffic in the area:
Walk to school. Pedestrians will be able to access new sidewalks west of Raider Way and designated crosswalks. Please talk to your child about using the crosswalks to promote their safe crossing of Raider Way. Crossing guards will support walkers at the intersection of Crystal Falls Pkwy. and Raider Way. However, please do not drop off or pick up students on Crystal Falls Pkwy.
Utilize bus transportation. Buses have a dedicated route that takes students behind the schools for arrival and dropoff, minimizing the amount of time students are on Raider Way. All students who are zoned for Rouse HS and Wiley MS have access to bus transportation. Please consider this option as the most effective way to reduce traffic.
Carpool. Another option is making arrangements with other families to share rides. This is a great option for all parents to create more time for themselves by sharing responsibilities.
Keep in mind that change is challenging. However, your engagement, feedback and effort are vital to its success. Here is some guidance to help ensure the safety and efficiency of the new route:
Expect delays. Anticipate an added 30-45 minutes during dropoff and pickup times, particularly during the first couple weeks of school.
Be flexible. Eliminating “the hurry” can help awareness of traffic signs, pedestrians and other vehicles around you.
Be patient and courteous. The first few weeks with the new traffic pattern will require some adjustment. We kindly ask for your patience and cooperation as we all get accustomed to the changes.
Plan accordingly. While dropping off earlier in the morning does not negatively impact parking lot congestion, arriving early to pickup does. Please consider arriving just before school dismisses to avoid any backups.
Safety first. Please obey all traffic signs and directions. The safety of our students is our top priority, and your support in following the new traffic pattern is essential. Heads up, cell phones down.
What's Next?
City of Leander Workshop Presentation
On Thursday, Aug. 1, City staff will be presenting updates to Leander City Council on traffic
changes related to the Raider Way and Woodview Drive improvements project. More information about the timeline as well as the implementation of the new traffic pattern will be shared at this time.
Leander City Council Workshop
Thursday, Aug 1, 2024, 05:30 PM
Pat Bryson Municipal Hall, North Brushy Street, Leander, TX, USA
Town Hall Meetings
We know this will be a tough situation for everyone involved. Nevertheless, we are confident that our collective effort will make the best of this situation. In an effort to provide clarity and dialogue around these changes, Leander ISD and the City of Leander are partnering to offer two town halls -- an in-person and virtual option -- during the following dates and times:
Raider Way Town Hall
Tuesday, Aug 6, 2024, 06:00 PM
Rouse High School, Raider Way, Leander, TX, USA
Raider Way Virtual Town Hall
Wednesday, Aug 7, 2024, 05:30 PM
Additional Information
Further updates related to Leander ISD and its impacted campuses will be posted on the District webpage dedicated to Raider Way. Likewise, the City will have traffic plan updates and additional details on the City of Leander webpage.
Questions or Concerns?
If you are unable to attend the town halls, or if you have any additional questions or concerns, please submit a Let's Talk.
Again, we want to thank our partners with the City of Leander and CTRMA for working with us to create what we believe is a safe and effective approach to traffic during the construction phase of the improvement project. We are grateful for your care and attention. Together, we can make this transition smooth and successful for everyone.