MRE Update
January 1, 2025
Mark your Calendars!
Thursday, Jan. 2nd
School reopens for the new year!
Friday, Jan. 17th
Early Release Day
Students K-5 will be dismissed at 12:15. Lunch will be served. No PM Pre-Kindergarten.
Monday, Jan. 20th
No School - Holiday
Tuesday, Jan. 28th
Winter Concert for Grades 4 & 5
6:30 at NRHS Auditorium
Winter Break Reading Challenge
Students are invited to take part in the Winter Break Reading Challenge! To participate, students color in a picture for every 20 minutes they read or are read to during the winter break. Completed logs can be returned for a small prize. To receive the prize, logs must be turned in by Friday, January 3rd.
A paper copy will be sent home early next week, and a PDF version is linked below as a backup in case the original is misplaced or damaged.
Participation is optional; this activity is simply a fun way to encourage reading over the break!
Pre Kindergarten Information Session
Kindergarten Enrollment for Fall of 2025
In early January, families with children turning 5 by August 31, 2025, will receive application information mailed directly to their homes, based on data from the town census. If you intend to enroll your child in the Kindergarten program for Fall 2025 and have not received a letter by January 20, please contact Mrs. Frommer at
January Lunch Menu
Ski Club
Grades 3-5
- Parents picking MRE students up for ski club should park in the basketball courts next to the parking lot.
- Students will be called down for dismissal beginning at 2:40, and will not be dismissed for ski club before that.
- Parents should wait outside. A staff member will be checking names off of a list as students are picked up.
- If your child is being picked up for ski club by someone other than you (family friend, parent of another ski club student, etc.) please use the Change of Dismissal form:
- Vehicles are not allowed to park or drive through the MRE/LBMS Bus Lane, this includes the MRE peninsula.
- Please reach out to the Ski Club Coordinators, Sheila and David Mallette, for any information relating to the program.
Substitute Teaching
Calling All Parents and Guardians!
Are you looking for a way to earn extra income while maintaining a flexible schedule? Do you want a role that aligns with your child's school hours, or are you a former teacher looking to stay connected to education? Consider becoming a substitute—opportunities are available!
If you're interested or know someone who might be, please check the following link for more details:
Thank you for considering this meaningful way to support our school!
Cold Weather Gear
If your child wants to play in the snow...
We suggest that each student have a designated bag to transport their snow gear to and from school each day. It doesn't need to be fancy—just something your child can easily carry. (A grocery store bag, a reusable bag, or whatever works for your student.
Label your child's belongings, including jackets, sweatshirts, snow pants, and boots. Adding their name to these items makes it easier for us to return lost items.
Pack a pair of shoes! Please send a pair of shoes for your child to wear at school instead of their winter boots, as boots often become wet and heavy during recess.
Ensure gloves are dried before bringing them back to school. Many students request dry pairs, and our supply to share is limited.
Encourage independence! We recommend having your child pack their bag each night. This is a great way to foster responsibility and help them build independence.
No worries if gear is forgotten! If your child forgets their snow gear, it’s okay! This provides students with an opportunity to practice flexible thinking by adapting to the situation and finding alternative ways to play and participate during recess.
PTO Corner
NRSD Performing Arts Along the Great Road
Local Community Events and Programming
**Events posted on the bulletin board are community events, and as such they
are neither sponsored or sanctioned by the Nashoba Regional School District.**
Nashoba Boys Youth Lacrosse
To sign up for the spring season visit
Helpful Links
Main Phone: (978) 368-8482
Nurse's Phone: (978) 365-5870