DRES Family Message
March 19, 2023
Message From Mrs. Sanchez
Can you believe it is almost track out? This quarter went way too fast! We will be working hard to finish up Quarter 3 this week before we start our track out next week.
Please try to make it to our Camp Durant: Trail to Success event this Tuesday. If you are not able to make it, please try to send your child with a parent, grandparent, or trusted adult to share their school progress. We have lots of great raffles for those that attend!
To celebrate track out week, we will have a theme week. See below for more information about each day.
2nd grade parents- Can't wait to see you here on Thursday night for the "On Safari" play!
Don't forget this Friday is an Early Release Day! Students must be picked up by 1:30pm so staff can begin their Professional Development by 1:40pm.
Mrs. Sanchez, Principal
Track Out Spirit Week
To celebrate the First Day of Spring, wear your brightest colored clothing!
Tuesday, March 21st - It’s a Hiking Adventure!
To celebrate our Family Collaborative Night, which is tonight from 5pm-6:30pm, wear anything hiking-related!
Wednesday, March 22nd - It’s Pajama Day!
It’s Wednesday, so why not celebrate and wear PJs!?! YAY!!
Thursday, March 24th - It’s Safari Day!
To celebrate our 2nd grade play, On Safari, which is tonight at 7pm, wear any animal print or themed clothing!
Friday, March 25th - SOAR into Track Out!
To celebrate a great third quarter of SOARing at DRES, wear your DRES theme or colored clothing!
Quarter 3 Dates
DRES Chorus Meets Thursday Mornings from 7:15am-8:00am in Music Room
3/21/23- Family Collaborative Night 5:00pm-6:30pm
3/23/23- On Safari- 2nd Grade Performance @ 7pm
3/24/23- Last Day of Quarter 3, Early Release at 1pm
Important Q4 Dates:
Return from Track Out 4/24/23
EOGs begin 6/14-6/28
Last Day of School 6/28
EOG Retakes 6/29 & 6/30
It's Yearbook Time!
1. Order your yearbook(s) for only $20! Visit www.strawbridge.net and follow the directions in the image included in this post to order your yearbook in four easy steps! Access code is YB23132 (this info is also noted at the bottom of the directions). Orders must be placed by May 1, order now before you forget!
2. 5th grade families - place your yearbook celebration order today! Your celebration message and photos will appear in this year's yearbook (see example with this post). Order deadline is next Friday, March 24. Order here: https://drespta.memberhub.com/store/items/835427
3. We need your photos for the yearbook! Visit https://plicbooks.com/go/WCBEPH to upload your photos. From this link, select, the best album to upload your pictures to.
Interested in Purchasing DRES Spirit Wear?
DRES PTA Information
- Please join here if you have not already joined the DRES PTA! Also, please ask grandparents and family members to join!
- Check out the PTA website here: https://durantroadpta.weebly.co
Monthly PTA Meeting Dates, Times, and Location
- Monday, April 24th, 6:30 at DRES media center
- Sunday, May 21st, PTA meeting and Playdate at DRES playground
- Monday, June 26th 6:30 - location TBD
Interested in donating to the school, PTA project, or student?
- Check out options for donations here: https://durantroadpta.weebly.com/dres-wish-lists.html
Early Release Dates
The rest of the Early Release Days for the year for Track 4 are:
March 24
May 9
Past Principal Newsletters
School Messenger
Read more at this link: https://www.wcpss.net/schoolmessenger
Did you change your phone number or move?
If you've moved, please provide an updated gas, electric, water bill, signed lease agreement, or bill of sale for house purchase. Contact Mrs. Antonio for an appointment.