Fall Faculty Opportunities
Academic Initiatives
Twitter 2.0
Build your social media presence!
Wednesday, October 20
2 - 3:30 PM
Go beyond the basics and learn to engage on Twitter with thought leaders in your field. Using the topic of Health Equity as an example, we will explore ways to start conversations and connect.
Working With Journalists
Tuesday, November. 9
10 - 11:30 AM
Climate change, the economy, and ice worms. When the media has questions, Rutgers experts have answers. In July alone, more than 6,000 stories quoted Rutgers experts – in The New York Times, CNN, and NPR.
Yet dealing with the media can be tricky. Join us for a hands-on, practical workshop with RU communications experts John Cramer and Megan Schumann.
Make progress on your writing goals!
Join us for a day of dedicated time to focus on your scholarly writing in the company of colleagues.
Wednesday, November 17
10:00 - 3:00 PM
Writing Retreat Lunchtime Guest: Dr. Leslie K. Wang
Noon - 12:30 PM with Q&A
Dr. Wang, Associate Professor of Sociology at UMass Boston and co-creator of Creating Community in Higher Ed: Women’s Coaching Group, will join us Wednesday at noon to share her successes and challenges with the book publishing process. Dr. Wang will discuss her subsequent article, Demystifying Academic Book Writing and Publishing, filled with practical tips and practices around writing.
Please contact Karen McCarthy or Teresa Politano with questions.
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