Back to BCMS 2020-2021
Welcome Back Bulldogs!!
I am pleased to welcome you to the 2020-2021 school year. What an exciting and adventurous year it will be!
First, I would like to take the time to thank all of you who have reached out to us during this transition to the 20-21 school year. Your patience and understanding have been nothing short of remarkable. I am going to ask for your continued patience as we continue to work tirelessly to make the transition back to school as seamless as possible.
I hope this Q & A will help clarify some things and settle some of your concerns. If after reading it, you still have questions, please feel free to email me, Mrs. Clark, at .
We cannot wait to see our students in person or virtually!! No matter how we get to connect, we are looking forward to an amazing school year with our students!
When does school start? And what are the times for school?
School starts August 17th for ALL students. 8th graders will have virtual assignments posted on August 17th even though their first official in-person class is August 18th. So, their official first day is August 17th. 5th and 6th grade students will attend school on the Belle Chasse Middle School campus. 7th and 8th grade students will attend school on the Belle Chasse High School Campus. Start and end times for 5th and 6th graders are 7:15-1:15. Start and end times for 7th and 8th graders are 8:00-2:00.
Virtual learners can log into each of their classes any time of the day as long as they log in before 11:30PM in order to be counted as present. The classes are not live.
How many days a week does my student go to campus?
5th and 6th graders come to campus each day from 7:15-1:15.
7th graders attend the BCHS campus on Mondays, Wednesdays, and the following Fridays--August 21st, September 4th, September 18th, and October 2nd. The students will attend school virtually on the days they are not on campus.
8th graders attend the BCHS campus on Tuesdays, Thursdays, and the following Fridays--August 28th, September 11th, September 25th, and October 9th. The students will attend school virtually on the days they are not on campus.
Virtual learners log in to their classes each day of the nine weeks from August 17th to October 9th.
If my student will be attending school face-to-face, what will his/her day look like?
What types of supplies and/or money do I need to send to school?
For now, just send minimal amounts of supplies. Send a few binders, folders, paper, and pens and pencils. The teachers will inform them on the first day what else they need to bring. 7th and 8th grade math and ELA students should bring their books and a computer/electronic device if possible.
You may send in the fees after the first day. All teachers on both campuses will accept fees. You DO NOT need to purchase PE uniforms yet. So, please leave the amount to the PE uniform out of your check.
You may also send lunch money to school.
Checks should be made payable to BCMS.
Where can I find the supply lists?
How do I pay my fees if my child is attending school virtually?
I have a virtual student, how do I turn in the first day forms?
How does my student know where to report on the first day?
If you have a 7th or 8th grade student, the class number at BCHS is written on the bottom of the schedule that was in the packet that was picked up during book pick up on August 7th, 8th, and 9th. This is the classroom the student will remain in during the day. The teachers will move to the students. The students will stay in one location.
5th and 6th grade students who are attending face-to-face will be sent an email with the class number to report to on the first day. This will be the class the student will remain in all day. The teachers will move to the students. The students will stay in one location. Class number emails will be sent out sometime Friday. The student will be given his/her powerschool schedule on the first day.
Please be sure your student knows his/her "report to" class number or you write it somewhere that is easily accessible. You may pin the number to the bookbag if that is more convenient.
What will happen when my student gets to campus?
Students will be temperature checked by an employee who is wearing a mask, shield, and gloves. If a student has a temperature of 99 or higher, the student will be isolated in a supervised room until an adult can come get them. Please make sure all of your phone numbers are correct and have someone pick up your child as soon as possible to avoid possible exposure to others.
The students will then be monitored while walking to class. If the student needs a breakfast, the student will grab the breakfast and go directly to class. Breakfast and lunch will be eaten in the classroom.
PLEASE! Do NOT send your child to school if they have ANY SYMPTOMS whatsoever.
What kind of masks will students be allowed to wear?
**This is a change as of two days ago**
Students will be able to wear a mask of their choosing as long as it does not contain any logos or writing of any kind. Students cannot wear masks for promotional purposes or masks containing profanities or obscenities. The BCMS logo is the only acceptable logo. All others are not allowed. If a mask is deemed unacceptable, the parent will be notified.
We will also give students paper masks and one cloth mask.
What time should I send my student to the bus stop and what are rules regarding the bus stop?
Students coming to Belle Chasse Middle School should be at the bus stop between 6:00 and 6:15. 7th and 8th grade students attending school on the BCHS campus should be at the bus stop at 7:15. **These times may be different as bus drivers become more familiar with the routes**
Students will not be picked up at houses. You must send your student to the bus stop. Please be sure that your student understands that he/she is to wear a mask at all times and must social distance from the other students at the stop.
How can I find out my child's bus number?
If I drive my student to school, where should I line up and what time?
BCMS 5th and 6th grade parents will line up on the shoulder of the highway and wait until the sheriff's officer and/or the crossing guard allows entry into the parking lot. The car rider line will not be allowed into the parking lot until all of the school buses have exited. We will start exiting the school buses at 6:50, so you should be in the car rider line by then. Once you are allowed into the parking lot, proceed to the back. You will dismiss your student under the overhang in front of the cafeteria. You will then drive around the gym and exit the same way you entered.
BCMS 7th and 8th grade parents will pull into the student parking lot and proceed to the back of the parking lot where the 7th and 8th graders enter the back wing of the school. The student parking lot is the parking lot on the south end of the school (between BCHS and the Belle Chasse Auditorium). Students may be dropped off anytime between 8 and 8:30 so there is no need to line up early. Please do not enter from the Belle Chasse Auditorium parking lot. This is the BCHS student driver entrance. Once you enter the parking lot, turn right and proceed to the back of the parking lot towards the band room. The 7th and 8th grade students will be dropped off at the last gated entrance. Parents are to proceed around the parking lot and exit. Please be careful. There will be students entering the lot to park at the same time you are entering to drop off your student.
Should students bring clear or mesh book bags?
Can I change my mind and have my student attend virtually even though I signed up for face-to-face instruction?
How will attendance be taken for virtual students?
Virtual and Hybrid students will be required to log into their Google Classroom for EVERY virtual class daily. If they do not log in by 11:30PM, they will be counted absent for that day.
Virtual learners can log into each of their classes any time of the day as long as they log in before 11:30PM in order to be counted as present. The classes are not live.
I am a student, how do I contact my teacher?
1. Students will contact their teacher(s) through Google Classroom. We will send out an email with all codes and will also post the codes on our website by the end of the day on Friday, August 14th.
2. Via email. (First initial, last name and add Example:
3. Remind or other app set up by the teacher.
4. Call the front office and leave the teacher a message. All teacher calls should be made to Belle Chasse Middle School, 595-6640, even if your student is in 7th or 8th grade. We will notify the teacher of your call.
Please give teachers 24 hours to respond. Most of them will do it much sooner, but 24 hours should be the longest it will take.
Can my student bring a water bottle to school?
5th and 6th grade students may bring their own water bottle to school. The water fountains have been shut off due to sanitary concerns. However, the district has purchased bottled water for all students and staff. Students will have access to free water as needed throughout the day.
7th and 8th grade students MAY NOT bring their own water bottle to the BCHS campus. Their water fountains are shut down as well but students will have access to free water as needed throughout the day.
Where can I find a copy of the student handbook?
What are the attendance and truancy rules as set forth by the PPSB and the DA's office?
If I have a virtual learning student, can he/she receive meals from school?
How can I view the Plaquemines Parish School Board's complete plan for addressing Covid-19?
Is parent portal up and running? How can I access it and the Powerschool App?
The Parent and Student Portals are closed until Monday, August 24th. Parents of new students can request an access code and access password through the counselor's office. Please do not email Elisha Parker at before August 20th requesting this information. Information on how to install the app, including the district code, is attached below.