NEWSLETTER | TERM 2 | WEEK 10 | 30 JUNE 2023
Here is the Good News: The God we most deeply want IS the God we actually have, and the god we fear is, in fact, the partial god we’ve settled for. God looks at us and is ecstatic. This God loves the sound of our voices and thinks that all of us are a magnificent work of art. “You’re here.” God’s cheek resting on ours. God’s singular agenda item.
Greg Boyle
(Jesuit priest)
Hi Everyone
Good news - hold that thought!
Thank you for a really enjoyable term this term. It has been solid and substantial!
Best wishes for a great holiday with your child/children. Have a wonderful time!
Monday 17 July
- Pupil Free Day
Tuesday 18 July
- Pupil Free Day
Wednesday 19 July
- Start of Term 3
Tuesday 25 July
- CPSSA Cross Country - Years 3-6
Staffing Update #2
This news was shared some three weeks ago and is included here just as a final reminder!
Mrs Ana Johnson has requested an extension of her maternity leave. She was due back next term but will now be returning at the beginning of 2024.
Mrs Bec Campbell takes long service for term 3 and Mrs Lauren Boland will take Kindy for that time
Mrs Renate Field takes long service for Term 3 and Mrs Liz Laverock will step back into the Siena teacher role for that time. Liz’ role will be undertaken by Mrs Sune Pyne
Mr Dave Edwards takes long service leave for terms 3 and 4. Mr Joe Kinder will take over the role of Assistant Principal for that time. Miss Alexandra Coltrona will be taking over Joe’s class for the rest of the year.
Miss Fiona Ayling is taking leave for terms 3 and 4. Mrs Sophie Stajka will be taking over Fiona’s class for the rest of the year.
Mr Mike Thacker is leaving to live and work in Barcelona! Ms Misty Waters will be taking Mike’s class for terms 3 and 4.
To everyone taking leave or leaving, we thank you so much for your contribution to an amazing first semester! We sincerely wish you every happiness and success ahead.
SEQTA Engage
There is currently an issue with the reports tab on SEQTA Engage not being visible to some families. Please be assured we have contacted SEQTA and made them aware of this issue. They are doing their best to ensure this is resolved as quickly as possible. Thank you for your understanding.
Student not returning in 2024
Online Uniform Orders
“The Perm-A-Pleat Schoolwear annual mid-year break commences on 8 July 2023.
Our office and warehouse will re-open on Monday 24 July 2023.
Orders placed by close of business on Wednesday 5 July will be despatched from Monday 24 July 2023.”
**Wet Weather Jackets**
Interest in the jackets has been far greater than anticipated and more jackets should be available the week commencing 24/7/23. Thank you for your understanding….
On that note, due to the popularity of the new jackets, together with the fact that they are lined, have a zip up hood, and that they are keeping children toasty warm, we will be 'retiring' the black sports jumpers. Children can still wear them for the time being, but they will come off the Uniform List.
I am chasing many overdue books at the close of Term 2. If you child has a lost, damaged or overdue book, can you please ensure that is returned or replaced by the beginning of term 3, so that they can continue to borrow. Thank you for your support of our library. Happy holidays.
Mrs Butson
"People who love each other are always connected by a very special string made of love. Even though you can't see it with your eyes, you can feel it with your heart and know that you are always connected to everyone you love." -The Invisible String By Patrice Karst
Online Ordering: https://quickcliq.com.au/
Monday 17 July: Pupil Free Day
Wednesday19 July: S Twomey, R Cosentino
Friday 21 July: K Maslin, B Madaschi
Wednesday Soup: Chicken & Vegetable
Leanna 0414 953 958
- Five days a week during term time
- Vacation Care during school holidays.
- Available for children attending Kindy through to Year Six
Our Lady of the Rosary Parish
Parish Office - 9446 2055
Father Peter Hoang OP - 0412 445 199
2023 Term Dates and Student Free Days
Monday July 17
Tuesday July 18
Term 3 - Wednesday 19 July - Friday 22 September
Term 4 - Monday 9 October - Friday 8 December
Holy Rosary School
Email: admin@hrs.wa.edu.au
Website: hrs.wa.edu.au
Location: 35 Williamstown Road, Doubleview WA, Australia
Phone: (08)9203 4500