North Point News
October 25, 2024

Upcoming Parent-Teacher Conferences at NPHS
We look forward to visiting with you on parent-teacher conferences!
School Picture Retake Day
School picture retake day is November 7. If you plan on getting a picture retake, please make sure you arrive to school on time. We will start calling students down during 1st hour and finish before WIN Time. Please remember school appropriate attire is required for Trotter to take your picture.
Seniors: If you have not had your picture taken at Trotter in their studio, you will also get your picture taken on this day for the yearbook only.
Upcoming Senior Meeting with Jostens
Jostens will be at NPHS on Thursday, November 14 during Den Time in our auditorium for a Senior Meeting. They will be sharing information about ordering caps/gowns, announcements, and senior apparel. Please plan on attending. If you are unable to attend this meeting, we will have extra packets for you in the Main Office and Student Center.
Grizzly Assist - FREE After School Tutoring
It's hard to believe that 1st quarter has already ended. Please note that grades are always available to view on Focus; however, we only send out grades at the end of each semester. We do not have quarter grades at the high school level. Students, please ensure you are making the most out of both WIN & DEN Time each week by seeking assistance from our staff when you need it. Don't forget we also have FREE tutoring through Grizzly Assist after school on Monday - Thursday. Our staff would love to see you there if you have questions or need extra help. Please check out the flyer below!
Our Administration & Counseling Teams
Mr. Andrew Elemendorf, andrewelmendorf@wsdr4.org - Asst. Principal for Last Names A-G
Mrs. Kristy VanRonzelen, kristinavanronzelen@wsdr4.org - Counselor for Last Names A-G
Mr. Danny Bethmann, danielbethmann@wsdr4.org - Asst. Principal for Last Names H-O
Mr. Kurt Laughman, konradlaughman@wsdr4.org - Counselor for Last Names H-O
Mr. Jim Hieger, jameshieger@wsdr4.org - Asst. Principal for Last Names P-Z
Mrs. Meridith Haley, meridithhaley@wsdr4.org - Counselor for Last Names P-Z
2024-2025 Academic Calendar
Please click on the picture to view a larger image.
Save the Dates
Here are some important upcoming dates for you to save...
- October 29 - Parent-Teacher Conferences 6th-12th Grade (3:30 pm - 7 pm)
- October 30 - No School PK-12 / Parent-Teacher Conferences (10 am - 8 pm)
- October 31-November 5 - No School PK-12 (Fall Break)
- November 7 - NPHS Picture Retake Day
- November 18 - Late Start (9:20 am - 2:20 pm)
- November 27-29 - No School PK-12 (Thanksgiving Break)
- MARK YOUR CALENDARS: June 1 - Class of 2025 Graduation at the Family Arena at 8:30 pm
What's Happening INSIDE the DEN!
Don't forget to follow us on Twitter and Instagram for ALL the latest updates!
Dr. Shelmire - @Dr_Shelmire (Twitter) and north_point_grizzlies (Instagram)
Dr. Adams - @NP_Grizzlies_AD (Twitter) and north_point_grizzlies_ad (Instagram)
Mr. Bethmann - @DBethmann_NPHS (Twitter)
Mr. Elmendorf - @Elmendorf_NP_AP (Twitter)
Mr. Hieger - @NP_Hieger (Twitter)
Contact Information - Dr. Amanda Shelmire
Email: amandashelmire@wsdr4.org
Website: wentzville.k12.mo.us/northpoint
Location: 2255 West Meyer Road, Wentzville, MO, USA
Phone: 636-445-5344