St. Jude Catholic Elementary
January 2025 Newsletter
St. Jude Catholic Elementary
Phone: 905 568 3720
Fax: 905 568 0631
Catholic Trustee
Dufferin-Peel Catholic District School Board of Trustees
Mario Pascucci,
Bruno Iannicca,
Anisha Thomas
Stefano Pascucci,
Luz del Rosario,
Brea Corbet,
Thomas Thomas,
Darryl D’Souza,
Paula Dametto-Giovannozzi
Herman Viloria
Shawn Xaviour
Dulcie Belchior
Principal's Message for a New Year
Happy New Year everyone!! As we ring in a new year, We hope that everyone enjoyed a happy and healthy Christmas vacation and after a nice, rejuvenating rest are eager to resume our learning journey together.
Thank you to the parents and children for their commitment and continued support with all that we do at St. Jude.
On behalf of St. Jude Elementary School, we extend to you and your family our best wishes for a Healthy, Happy and Prosperous New Year!!!
The new year, like a new born child, is placed in our hands as the old year passes away. The days and weeks to come are God's gift; they carry God's blessings. Our hope for the year ending is that all that was good in it remain with us and all that was harmful be left behind.
C. Daniel
Epiphany, also known as Three Kings' Day is a special date in the Christmas story as it's when people celebrate how a star led the Magi - also known as the Three kings or the Wise Men - to visit the baby Jesus after he had been born. Epiphany is a feast that recognizes the manifestation of God in Jesus, and of the risen Christ in our world. The feast of manifestation, or Epiphany, is traditionally celebrated the 12th day after Christmas, January 6th. Christians have historically celebrated a period of 12 days surrounding Christmas.
Christians believe that the 12 days of Christmas mark the amount of time it took after the birth of Jesus for the magi, or wise men, to travel to Bethlehem for the Epiphany when they recognized him as the son of God.
For Families Attending St. Francis Xavier Parish
Registration is now open for First Reconciliation and First Communion Sacramental Preparation programs.
Please visit the church website for details.
Celebrating our Orthodox Traditions
Across Canada and around the world, Orthodox Christians and Eastern Rite Catholics celebrated Christmas on January 7, 2025.
The Virtue for the month of January is Self-Control
Let us Pray for Self-Control
I need your help
That I may control my
Thoughts and words today.
I want to be a blessing to others,
to lift them up that they might
see your goodness
God has given us the ability to choose how we react to what happens around us. Through prayer and concentration we can get better at controlling our reactions.
You are practicing the Virtue of Self-Control when you…
~ Are patient
~ Know how to wait your turn, can calm him/ herself down & think before reacting to situations
~ Know how to avoid physical aggression (hitting, kicking, pushing, fighting, etc.)
~ Can think things through and do what is best for everyone
Tamil Canadian Heritage Month
January is Tamil Canadian Heritage Month. It is an occasion to recognize and celebrate the many achievements and contributions of Tamil Canadians to Canada and an occasion to acknowledge and enjoy the narratives and wisdom of the Tamil culture.
Kindergarten Registration 2025
DPCDSB offers the full-day Kindergarten program in all 125 Catholic elementary schools in Mississauga, Brampton, Caledon, Bolton and Orangeville. Elementary school admissions are open to Catholic children and children of Catholic parents. Kindergarten students must be at least 4 years of age by December 31 of the school year for which they are registering.
Kindergarten registration for the 2025-2026 school year is now open! DPCDSB KINDERGARTEN
Parents/guardians are invited to register their kindergarten-aged children online. The online application process applies to all elementary schools, with the exception of St. James Catholic Global Learning Centre which has its own process and timeline.
Once the online registration has been entered, the original copies of the required documentation can be uploaded and emailed to your school’s info box. This address can be found on the school website.
If parents/guardians are unable to register online, they may register during school hours by appointment only, where a registration package can be provided and returned through the school mail slot.
Kindergarten Registration: Materials & Process
Please note that schools will not be receiving hard copy Kindergarten Registration packages this year. Please note, the Kindergarten Guide for Parents is posted on the Board website. Schools will receive a PDF copy of the Kindergarten Registration flyer and poster from the Communications Department in December.
Documents required for registration:
• Online Application Form or (GF008 E) Registration Form
• Application for Direction of School Support (GF005) Please return to the Admissions Department.
• Separate School Lease (GF006) Only for non-Catholics and Catholics who jointly own or rent the property. Please return to the Admissions Department.
• Proof of Age of Child Birth certificate or passport.
• Original Roman Catholic Baptismal Certificate For child and/or parent/guardian. Includes baptismal certificates from a church in full Communion with the Holy See of Rome. If the child has not been baptized, and the parent/guardian is a baptized Roman Catholic or has been baptized in a church in full communion with the Holy See of Rome, the parent/guardian must present their original baptismal certificate. Greek or Ukrainian Orthodox baptismal certificates are not accepted.
In-Person/Virtual Information Session to Support the Transition of Children with Differing Abilities Into School
January 16 & 20 - DPCDSB Entry Planning Information Sessions for students with Differing Abilities (In-Person & Virtual)
The DPCDSB Special Education and Learning Services Department invites parents/guardians to an information session to support the entry planning and transition for students with differing abilities who will be new to the DPCDSB and beginning September 2025. Parents/guardians will have the option to attend the in-person or a virtual session of this event. During the in-person session, parents/guardians will have the opportunity to meet with board staff and to learn more about the entry planning and transition process for students with differing abilities. The same information presented at the in-person event will be shared at the virtual evening session for those families who choose to attend online.
In-Person Session: Thursday, January 16, 2025, 7:00 p.m. – 8:30 p.m., St. Marcellinus Secondary School, 730 Courtneypark Dr. W. Mississauga
Virtual Session: Monday, January 20, 2025, 7:00 p.m. – 8:00 p.m., Virtual Presentation via Microsoft TEAMS
REGISTRATION: Register online by Thursday, January 16, 2025.Please refer to the event flyer for registration and information. Inquiries regarding registration for the parent information session may be directed to Fara Miranda Fernandes, Resource Secretary, Special Education & Learning Services at 905-890-0708 Ext. 24011 or Fara.MirandaFernandes@dpcdsb.org.
2024-2025 St. Jude Catholic School Council members.
It is with great pleasure that I am sharing the attached that will introduce our 2024-2025 St. Jude Catholic School Council members. Please refer to the links below as parents/guardians are invited to join future meetings virtually/in person.
Parents/guardians are invited to attend either in person or virtually. The link to the virtual meeting is below:
St. Jude Catholic School Council meeting
Wednesday January 22 · 6:30 – 8:00pm
St. Jude Catholic School Council meeting
Wednesday March 26 · 6:30 – 8:00pm
St. Jude Catholic School Council meeting
Wednesday May 21 · 6:30 – 8:00pm
Take care and see you soon,
Take Note
Parents In The Yard
For your child’s safety we request that he/she not be on school property until staggered entry supervision begins at 8:30 a.m.
Please do not drop your child off at the school prior to 8:30 a.m. If not using the Kiss and Ride at dismissal, parents are reminded to refrain from approaching the school building or class lines and allow your child to come to you.
Kiss and Ride
The safety of our students and parents is of great concern to us here at the school. Please drive SLOWLY through the Kiss and Ride lane as well as the drive through lane. Please do not block the Kiss and Ride zone and areas that would hinder the movement of cars. Cars cannot be left in the lanes at any time.
Please use the School Messenger - Safe Arrival reporting system to inform the school of late, early dismissal or absent students. We must hear from a PARENT or AUTHORIZED GUARDIAN.
School Front Door Access Protocol
Arrive at school on time to allow children to enter with their classmates to avoid front entry lates. Our bell time is 8:45 a.m.
If your child arrives late, you will not be allowed to accompany them into the school.
Once the front door has been opened please direct your child to come to the office right away for signing in purposes. The office will take care of signing in your child and directing them to their class. Parents are not allowed entry into the school.
Out of respect and to limit interruptions, access will not be granted once the National Anthem and daily prayer has begun. The door will once again be opened upon their conclusion.
Please be patient as there are times when staff are away from the desk attending other duties.
Thank you for your understanding and co-operation as
we continue to implement the access protocol.
Dogs On School Property
Please be aware that dogs should not
be brought onto school property. If
your dog is escorting you and your
child to and from school please make
arrangements to meet your child on the
sidewalk in front of the school.
Parking Lot Safety Reminders
Do not park in the accessible parking spots (unless you have a valid permit), the drop-
off lanes or the fire route lane.
Indoor/Outdoor Shoes
Students are asked to ensure that they have a pair of indoor shoes at school. As the weather gets wetter, we ask that children change their footwear when they come inside in an effort to keep our classroom floors safe and clean.
Change of clean dry clothing.
Children are expected to participate in Daily Physical Education activities and are reminded to dress for
the weather. It is recommended the children of all grades have a change of clothing at school in the event that they get wet.
Cold Weather is Here!
We also ask that students come prepared for their day in appropriate clothing. Students will be provided space to safely store indoor shoes as cold weather footwear becomes necessary. Please note, students spend a minimum of 2 periods outdoors for outdoor learning time, plus 20 minute lunch recess time. As such, it is critical that students come dressed for the weather. Here are a few helpful tips for dressing for the cold.
Winter Weather Cancellations
BUS CANCELLATIONS During the winter months, inclement weather and/or poor road conditions may cause the disruption of bus transportation. If buses are cancelled in a certain Weather Zone, schools in that Zone will remain open to students and staff. There is no distribution of learning devices in anticipation of inclement weather-related bus cancellations. While students unable to attend in person due to transportation cancellations are not required to access learning materials in the Learning Management System (LMS), they can if they choose to. Learning activities posted in the LMS specifically for inclement weather days provide opportunities for consolidation, curriculum enrichment or practice of skills already taught. It is acknowledged that teachers will be supporting in-person students and therefore may have limited availability to support students who are not in attendance. For students unable to attend in person, no remote access to the classroom will take place. Learning for students will be self-directed. Please be assured that teachers have been advised not to introduce new concepts on days on which buses have been cancelled. As always, parents/guardians can contact their child’s teacher if they have any questions or require support using communication methods that have been established by the teacher. Fully remote classes will continue as usual on bus cancellation days. FULL SYSTEM CLOSURE If there is a full system closure, where all DPCDSB schools and facilities are closed to students and staff, there is no switch to synchronous learning for the day. Similar to bus cancellation days, students can access learning activities posted in the LMS specifically for inclement weather days that provide opportunities for consolidation, curriculum enrichment or practice of skills already taught. This also applies to students in remote-only classes. As always, parents/guardians can contact their child’s teacher if they have any questions or require support using communication methods that have been established by the teacher.
Peel Region Schools (Mississauga, Brampton, Caledon)
For student transportation purposes, schools located in Mississauga, Brampton and Caledon (Peel Region), which are served by Student Transportation of Peel Region (STOPR), are divided into three Weather Zones: ZONE 1, ZONE 2 and ZONE 3.
See the list of schools located in each of the three Weather Zones and the Weather Zone map to find in which zone your school is located. Dufferin County Schools (St. Andrew, St. Benedict, St. Peter Catholic Elementary Schools) For student transportation purposes, DPCDSB's three schools located in Dufferin County (Orangeville), St. Andrew, St. Benedict, St. Peter Catholic Elementary Schools, are served by Service de Transport de Wellington-Dufferin Student Transportation Service (STWDSTS). Although R.F. Hall Catholic Secondary School is located in Peel Region, a significant segment of the school’s student population is transported from Dufferin County by STWDSTS (see below for more information about R.F. Hall). NOTES
All Robert F. Hall Catholic Secondary School student transportation is cancelled on days when buses are cancelled in either STOPR Zone 3 or in Dufferin County (STWDSTS).
Families who reside outside of their school’s Weather Zone are encouraged to check the STOPR Weather Zone map to be aware of the Zone in which they reside. For families who reside outside their School’s Weather Zone, please be aware that their child’s transportation will be cancelled if student transportation is cancelled in either their school’s Weather Zone or in the Zone in which they reside.
Please visit the STOPR website for additional information related to Student Transportation in Peel Region schools, including STOPR’s recent newsletter.
Bus cancellations and school closure notices are posted by 6:00 a.m. or shortly afterwards in the following ways: Websites
Student Transportation of Peel Region (STOPR)
Wellington-Dufferin Student Transportation Services (STWDSTS)
DPCDSB Website (Yellow Alert Banner)
Social Media
X (Formerly Twitter): @STOPRinfo or @STWDSTS
X (Formerly Twitter): @DPCDSBSchools | Instagram: @DPCDSB.Schools | Facebook: @DPCDSBSchools Recorded Phone Message 905-890-0708 or 1-800-387-9501
QUESTIONS? If you have questions related to bus cancellation days, please contact your child(ren)'s school.
Radio: TV:
860 AM Global
ROCK 97.3 CP 24
Z103.5 The Weather Network
99.9 FM
FOXY 88.5 FM
CFNY 102.1
CHIN 100.7 FM / 1540
93.1 FM 1250 102.7 FM (Caledon)
A bus cancellation and/or school closure message will also be available online at www.dpcdsb.org or by calling 905-890-1221.
Before and After School Programs – Register Online Today
PLASP Child Care Services is now accepting registrations for their Before and After School programs, and Early Learning and Child Care Centre at this school. We encourage you to register as soon as possible. Available space is allocated on a first-come, first-served basis.
PLASP programs are licensed by the Ministry of Education and are adhering to strict public health guidelines. Highly trained staff facilitate fun, age-appropriate activities both indoors and outdoors.
Before School programs operate from 7:30 a.m. until school starts and include breakfast daily. After School programs begin at school dismissal, include a substantial daily snack, and run until 6:00 p.m.
The Early Learning and Child Care Centre provides full-day care from 7:00 a.m. to 6:00 p.m. for toddlers and preschoolers. Registered Early Childhood Educators and children engage in a play-based curriculum (High Scope) that supports learning and growth for children. Children receive a nutritious breakfast, lunch and afternoon snack daily.
PLASP Child Care Services is a charitable organization, operating on a not-for-profit basis, providing award winning programs for children, for more than 40 years.
Visit plasp.com to register, or contact the PLASP Support Services Centre at 647-484-4372.
Term 1 Report
Term 1 Report Cards will be sent home electronically on February 14th, 2025
Term 1 Assessment and Evaluation of Pupil Progress will occur on January 20, 2025
Parent Teacher Interview
Parent teacher interview will likely be virtual or by phone this year. Further direction will come from Dufferin-Peel CDSB centrally to all families and staff. This night will be February 16th, 2025
School Organization
Head Office Administrator/Jedi Master - M. Finelli-Kiru
JK/SK - Piacente/Belluz
1 - M. Santoro
2/3 - G. Hahn/A. Karabulut
3/4 - B. Embrack
4/5 - C. Marziliano
6 - A. Palmieri
7 - G. Protomanni
5/6 FI - A. De Sario
6/7 FI - O. Anihouvi
8 FI - A. Markic
FSL - E. Karczewska
CARE - M. Stonious/Ercolani (CYW)
SERC - G. Carnovale
Planning Time - S. Lanzalone
Planning Time/Library - H. Egwuenu
ERW 1 - C. Da Silva
ERW 2 - A. Wazny
CYW - K. Cropper
Social Worker - A. Garber
Psychologist - R. Jardine
Speech-Language Pathologist - M. Nella
ST. Jude Bell Times
8:30 - 8:45 - Soft entry of students
10:05 - 10:20 - Morning Recess (indoors)
11:43 - 12:43 - Lunch Recess (First 40 outside. Last 20 minutes inside)
2:05 - 2:20 - Afternoon Recess
3:15 - K-8 dismissal
Head Injuries
When a student receives an injury/bump to the head (however minor), it is a Board Policy that we inform parents. You will be contacted by phone, a phone message will be left at one of your contact numbers. This is precautionary only and we ask that you check your child when they get home for any signs of a concussion or illness.
Learning potential increases through small, frequent drinks of water throughout the day. Water is important for almost every process that takes place in the body. Drinking water regularly through the school day helps to:
Improve learning and concentration.
Prevent tooth decay.
Reduce feelings of thirst, tiredness and irritability.
Prevent short and long term health problems.
We can get H20 from beverages and food. Our bodies absorb water from beverages and from foods like yogurt, soup and watery fruits and vegetables
Personal Electronic Devices (P.E.D.s)
BYOD– Bring Your Own Devices
Our vision of education in Dufferin-Peel Catholic schools is rooted in the gospel values of faith, hope and love. All sectors of society, including the education sector, must work to keep pace with our rapidly changing world. Our teaching and learning environments - our schools and classrooms - must continue to change and adapt to ensure that our students continue to succeed. Our students and staff are already engaged as 21st century learners, living and shaping ways of being, becoming and belonging in our world. St. Jude School is a PED ready school. DPCDSB Personal Electronic Device Use form with Wi-Fi Network Student Agreement will be signed for all new registrations. It is also be available on our website for download. Please read it over and have yourself and your child sign it so that they may bring their devices to school to be used for educational purposes as directed by staff.
Personal Electronic Devices on Board Premises and/or Board Sanctioned Events for Educational Purposes:
The Dufferin-Peel Catholic District School Board acknowledges the value of the use of technology for learning. Students are permitted to register and use personal electronic devices (PEDs) on board premises and/or board sanctioned events for educational purposes, under the direction of staff and only with parent/guardian permission (GF 066, Network User Application and Agreement). Students may register their PED for the purpose of connecting to the board wireless network. Students are required to adhere to the student “Personal Electronic Device Used with WI-FI Network Student Agreement” and the “Network User Application and Agreement.” Please be advised that the Dufferin-Peel Catholic District School Board will not be responsible for any cost incurred through the use of personal data plans.
PEDs are to be used responsibly and should not interfere with learning; their use must comply with the Catholic Code of Conduct, board policies and procedures. Any personal communications (i.e., phone calls, text messages, etc.) will continue to be directed through the main office. Failure to comply with these guidelines may result in a loss of PED privileges and/or any other consequences deemed necessary by school administration.
The school principal may authorize limited acceptable uses of personal electronic devices during school-sanctioned activities for a specific designated purpose outside of instructional spaces and/or in common areas.
Students are responsible for the safety and security of PEDs at all times and the Board assumes no responsibility for lost, damaged or stolen devices.
School CashOnline
MOVING to School CashOnline
Please follow the link below to register online - it takes less than two minutes!
You will need your child’s name and date of birth. Use of student number is optional.
Should you encounter any difficulties, you can use the parent help desk at 1 (866) 961-1803 or the support link on the school cash online website.
PAY WITH: Credit Card or Debit Card
1. Create Your Profile:
Go to https://dpcdsb.schoolcashonline.com/ and click on "Get Started Today".
2. Confirm Your Email:
Check your inbox for the email confirmation and click on the link inside. Sign in with your new login details.
3. Add a Student
Click "Add Student" and fill in the required fields with your child’s details:
1. School Board name
2. Select a school
3. Legal First Name
4. Legal Last Name
5. Birth Date (Month/Day/Year)
If your child has a medical condition, please ensure that the school is aware of it by submitting the proper forms and medication as soon as possible.