Principal's Update
May 3, 2024
Happy Friday Wolves!
Just a reminder that our Ridges Fair ticket pre-sales end on Tuesday, May 7th. If you would like to pre-order tickets for your child, please see the info shared below. We are also in need of volunteers to make this event happen! If you are able to help, please sign-up using the link below.
Next week there will be no school on Thursday and Friday (May 9th and 10th) due to spring conferences. If you have not yet signed up for a conference time, please see the emails from your child's teacher for more information.
Hope you have a great weekend,
Student Placement Feedback
The Ridges staff realizes that parents provide valuable information regarding their child’s placement. While we do not take requests for specific teachers, parent input will be carefully considered in the formation of classes for the 2024-2025 school year. Our class placement process is a collaborative one, and our Placement Team takes into account a number of factors when forming classes: personalities, academic levels, learning styles, learning needs, and student compatibility. We look at each student as an individual and as a member of a diverse class. This information will be given careful consideration. Every effort will be made to provide the most appropriate educational setting for your child and to establish well-balanced classrooms.
Please keep in mind that parent placement input is not a teacher request form. Any form turned in with a specific teacher’s name requested, will not be considered.
If you are interested in providing placement input, please complete the form linked here no later than 5 pm on Sunday, May 13th.
Our Ridges Fair is in need of volunteers! The fair is completely organized and operated by parent volunteers, and won't be able to run the event without your help. Please consider signing up for a shift and help us provide our Ridges students, families, and Sherwood community with a memorable 2024 Ridges Fair. Click here to sign up to help!
Ridges Fair Ticket Sales Now Available
Our Ridges Fair will be held on May 17th from 5-8 pm, and ticket pre-sales are available now! Please scan the QR code below or use the order form link here, to order your tickets today! Pre-orders will only be available through May 7th, and all pre-ordered tickets will be sent home in Friday Folders on May 10th so you won't have to wait in line at the fair!
Moving to the Middle
If you are a little nervous about moving on to middle school, this is the class for you.
Together we will erase your fears regarding lockers, transitioning between classes, organization, and the new responsibilities that come with being a new middle schooler. You will have the opportunity to meet classmates from other elementary schools, tour the campus, and get a sneak peek of Outdoor School. We will have a great time and are excited to have you join us!
This 4-day class is for incoming 6th graders only and more information can be found linked here.
Location: Sherwood Middle School-Activity Entrance
Cost: $85 - Limited needs-based scholarships are available
Registration is now open for all classes. Please visit the Sherwood School District website:
Contact Sherwood’s Summer Coordinator, Nanci Stauffer nstauffer@sherwood.k12.or.us or
503.825.5015 for scholarship information or other questions.
May PAC Newsletter
Linked here is our PAC newsletter for May, that highlights all our fun upcoming PAC events! Please be sure to check it out for more information about how your Fun Run dollars are being used and how our PAC is supporting our school.
Celebrate Ridges Staff
PAC Elections
Linked here is the form to vote for our PAC board positions. Please complete the form by next Friday (May 3rd).
Thank You- From Our STEM Teachers
Dear Parents,
Thank you so much for your reusable materials donations over the past several weeks. Because of your generosity, we have an abundance now and will not need any more this school year. Our K-2 student engineers have been building some very innovative projects! Some of the remaining projects will be used for the 5th Grade arcade project as well as other activities this year and next. Thanks again!
Terry Evers / Holly Phillips
STEM Specialists
New App for Student Transportation: My Ride K-12
This spring, the Ride 360 app that our district uses to provide families with student transportation information will be replaced by a new app called My Ride K-12. This new app can be downloaded now in the Apple and Android app stores at the links below.
The Ride360 app will be discontinued during the month of May. In order to continue receiving up-to-date information about your student's bus transportation, you will need to download the My Ride K-12 app as soon as possible.
Once you have downloaded the new My Ride K-12 app, you will use your existing Ride360 log-in credentials to access the new app. No further sign-up is needed - all of your student's information, including route, will automatically transfer over to the new app!
For questions or assistance with the new My Ride K-12 app, please contact our Transportation Department at 503-825-5900 or by email at transport@sherwood.k12.or.us
Kindergarten Registration Now Open
Ridges PAC
All volunteers will need to complete and have an approved background check on file prior to volunteering (this must be renewed each school year). The background check process can take 7-10 business days, so please allow sufficient processing time if you are planning to volunteer for a specific event.
The Ridges PAC meets on the first Tuesday of each month from 7-8:30 pm in the Ridges Community Room. They would love to have any and all parents attend!
SHS Spring Fest - May 10
Save the date for this year's Spring Fest event at SHS! Friday, May 10, 5-7:30pm at the SHS stadium field. Unlimited access wristbands are available for $25, or single tickets are $1 each. Wristbands are available for advanced purchase now at https://schoolpay.com/link/shsspringfest24.
Upcoming Dates
May 7th | Ridges PAC Meeting in the Community Room at 7 pm
May 8th | Early Release- Students Dismissed at 1:15 pm
May 9th & 10th | No School for Elementary Students (Conference Days)
May 15th | Early Release- Students Dismissed at 1:15 pm
May 15th | Student Store in the Edy Courtyard from 1:15-1:45 pm
May 17th | Student Store in the Edy Cafeteria from 7:30-7:45 am
May 17th | Ridges Spirit Day (wear your favorite Ridges gear or our school colors)
May 17th | Ridges Fair from 5-8 pm (see info above)
May 20th-24th | 5th-3rd grade state Math testing week
May 22nd | Early Release- Students Dismissed at 1:15 pm
May 27th | No School- Memorial Day
May 29th | Early Release- Students Dismissed at 1:15 pm
May 29th | Student Store in the Edy Courtyard from 1:15-1:45 pm
May 31st | Beach Day- wear your favorite beach attire (no swimsuits please)
May 31st | Student Store in the Edy Cafeteria from 7:30-7:45 am
June 3rd-June 7th | Volunteer Appreciation Week
June 7th | Field Day (more info coming soon)
June 7th | Popcorn Day
June 7th | Spirit Day (wear Ridges gear or our school colors)
June 12th | Fifth Grade Promotion 9:30-11:00 am (more info coming from 5th grade teachers)
June 12th | Last Day of School- students dismissed at 11 am
August 27th | First day of school for Kindergarten students
August 28th | First day of school for all students grades 1st-5th
Helpful Information
Helpful Links for Ridges Families
Miranda M. Johnson
Email: mmjohnson@sherwood.k12.or.us
Website: https://re.sherwood.k12.or.us/
Location: 21472 Southwest Copper Terrace, Sherwood, OR, USA
Phone: 503-825-5700