Oshki Ogimaag Community School
April 19, 2024
Weekly News and Updates
Boozhoo Oshki Ogimaag Community School Families and Community Partners!
One of the threads throughout our work that has been talked about a great deal this week in classrooms, in staff meetings, and even in our OOCS Board's Strategic Planning meeting, is taking care of each other. As educators we take care of our students, and also part of what we teach them is to take care of each other, take care of our community, and take care of our environment. As a staff at Oshki Ogimaag Community School we talk about how we can care for each other and collaborate so that we can learn from one another. As a Board, Oshki Ogimaag Community School wants to communicate to families and the greater community, a message of support and that our school is here to serve the community.
At Oshki Ogimaag Community School we take care of each other, and it is our aim to continue to seek how we can do this in more meaningful and impactful ways for our community.
Oshki Ogimaag will offer grades Kindergarten through 5th grade next year!
Planting Seeds
Gardening is Good for Our Minds and Bodies
At Oshki Ogimaag Community School, students spend a good deal of time tending to the Community Garden. Students engage in planning the garden, planting seeds, tending to the garden and harvesting. Gardening projects are often guided by Miss Kat, Miss Tess Bailey (Grand Portage Community Nutrition Educator) and/or Miss Emily Derke ( Grand Portage Agricultural Coordinator). Planning the garden engages students in hands-on experiential learning and in service-learning. Service-learning is a pedagogical approach that connects academics to community needs, students connect theory, practice and reflection, in a structured learning environment. Service-learning is a practice that Oshki Ogimaag Community School aims to increase as we plan strategically for the future.
Our gardening projects also meet the three prongs of our school's mission 1) projects are community-based, hands-on projects that prepare students to be lifelong learners and reach their academic potential (as academic learning is naturally integrated into the projects); 2) this work preserves Anishinaabe language and culture, as students learn traditional plants and uses for them as well as the Ojibwe words for the plants; and 3) the gardening projects contribute to the wellness of future generations.
Academically, students are engaged in literacy reading about the plants, they take notes and write in journals, and students use math skills, in activities such as measuring plant growth. Students develop critical thinking skills and engage in STEAM learning (science, technology, engineering, art, and mathematics) while planning and tending to the garden.
Research shows that mycobaterium vaccae found in soil increases serotonin production in the brain, so getting our hands dirty as we dig into the soil can elevate our mood! Gardening involves "heavy work" which is shown to support students in being calm and focused. Students develop a sense of purpose and responsibility caring for the garden, and Miss Monica uses items harvested from our garden in meals and snacks!
Community Connections
OrganWise Guys with Miss Tess
Miss Tess Bailey (Grand Portage Community Educator) visits our classrooms to educate students on a variety of topics related to wellness, health and nutrition. Below Miss Tess is using a program called OrganWise Guys to instruct students on different parts of their bodies and how to take care of them! OrganWise Guys is an evidenced-based program proven to positively impact literacy skills, social emotional learning, and is linked to STEM (science, technology, engineering and mathematics), physical education and health academic standards.
Songs and Explorations with Mr. James
Grand Portage Naturalist, Mr. Roger James visited our Ojibwe Language and Culture classes today! Mr. James talked to the students about the arrival of spring and cues of spring in the natural environment. Mr. James taught students songs about spring in Ojibwe. Mr. James also brought compasses for students to practice using and taught students the four directions in Ojibwemowin.
giiwedin - north
zhaawani - south
waabani - east
ninggaabii'an - west
Ribbon Skirt Making with Brittany Anderson
Reading with Elders
Maple Syrup from Sugarbush!
Dr. Erik Redix dropped off maple syrup from Sugarbush today! 2.5 gallons of syrup was made!
On Wednesday, April 24 (9am-11:30am) students will return to Sugarbush to take down the bags, as part of learning how to take good care of the environment with gratitude for the sap that was collected.
Gichigami Nature Journaling and Exploring!
Last Session Scheduled for Wednesday, April 24th!
Open House open to all 4:45-5:30pm! Students are excited to show everyone what they've been working on!
4:45-5 Students will set-up projects they've worked on over the winter, for guests to view
5-5:10 Each student will briefly present on an aspect of their program
5:10-5:30 Hot chocolate and cookies for everyone!
*** Please have your child bring in any items that they made during woodworking, so they can be on display! ***
OOCS Board Meeting Will Be Held on Tuesday, May 14th, 2024 at 4:30pm
Oshki Ogimaag Community School Board Meeting for May has been rescheduled to Tuesday, May 14th, so as to not conflict with the Grand Portage End of Year Awards Banquet on May 15th.
OOCS May Board Meeting
Date: Tuesday, May 14th
Time: 4:30pm
Please: OOCS Conference Area
Miigwech OOCS Families for Your Collaboration at Parent Teacher Conferences!
Chi-miigwech to our Families and Community Partners for your continued support!
Oshki Ogimaag Community School Open Positions:
Join Our Team! Spread the word!
Oshki Ogimaag Community School is hiring for the following positions:
- 2 Licensed Elementary School Teacher positions open for the 2024-2025 School Year
- Indian Home School Liaison (open immediately)
- Custodian Part-Time (open immediately)
Ideal candidates will have knowledge and understanding of Ojibwe language and cultural traditions, and the traditional seasonal activities of the Anishinaabe.
Oshki Ogimaag Community School is an equal opportunity employer. Oshki Ogimaag will not deny anyone the opportunity for training or employment due to race, color, creed, religion, national origin gender, gender identity, marital status, status with regard to public assistance, disability, sexual orientation, age, family, leave care act status, or veteran status.
See our website for more details. Email resumes and applications materials to Oshki Ogimaag Community School Email Below:
Naagaaniid - "One who leads."
- 22 - No School, Staff Workshop Day
- 24 - Sugarbush Takedown 9am-11:30am
- 24 - Last Day of Woodworking Class 3:15-5:30, Woodworkers Open House 4:45-5:30
- 14 - OOCS School Board Meeting at 4:30pm, Location: OOCS Conference Area
- 15 - Grand Portage End of Year Awards Banquet
- 27 - No School, Memorial Day
- 31 - Last Day of School! Fishing and End of Year Feast and Celebration!
- Reading with Elders Tuesdays 12:30-1pm