Vose Owl Notes
Family Newsletter - September/October 2024
Note From the Principals
Dear Vose Families,
We have been in school for over a month already! Students have picked up routines and procedures and classrooms are buzzing with learning. October is a busy month, with many exciting activities. Our PTO's main fundraiser, the Vose Fun Run, is coming right up on Thursday, October 10th. Each class will run during their classroom's Specials time. Many volunteers are needed to make the day a success. Please be sure to apply to be a volunteer with BSD's new Raptor system. You can apply here: Volunteer Application, please do so asap as it can take 10-15 days. More information about a change in district policy for spectators below.
We look forward to other fun events including Walk & Roll to School Day on Wednesday, October 9 (free prizes!) and Trunk or Treat on Tuesday, October 29. Please be sure to read the newsletter carefully to catch up on all the Vose News!
In partnership,
Monique Singleton, Principal
Ellen Arnold, Assistant Principal
Important Upcoming Events
Vose Upcoming Dates
Thursday, October 3: PTO Meeting 6:00pm (on Zoom; link will be sent out prior to the meeting)
Tuesday, October 8: Free Food Distribution - Urban Gleaners, 10:00am-11:00am
Wednesday, October 9: Walk & Roll to School Day
Wednesday, October 9 - Friday, October 11: Chuck E. Cheese Fundraiser for Vose Alumni Scholarship Fund (more info will be sent home soon)
Thursday, October 10: Vose Fun Run (during Specials classes, see schedule and more info below)
Friday, October 11: Staff Development Day - NO School for Students
Monday, October 14: Picture Day
Tuesday, October 15: Free Food Distribution - Urban Gleaners, 10:00am-11:00am
Friday, October 18: Padres Unidos, 7:45am Vose Cafeteria
Tuesday, October 22: Free Food Distribution - Oregon Food Bank, 10:00am-11:00am
Wednesday, October 23: Coffee with the Principals, 7:45am Vose Cafeteria
Friday, October 25: Teacher Work Day - NO School for Students
Tuesday, October 29: Free Food Distribution - Urban Gleaners, 10:00am-11:00am
Tuesday, October 29: Trunk or Treat, 4:30pm-5:30pm
Parent/Teacher Conference Dates for 2024-2025
Wednesday, November 6: Fall Conferences (3:15pm - 7:15pm)
Thursday, November 7: Fall Conferences (7:15am - 7:15pm) - NO SCHOOL FOR STUDENTS
Friday, November 8 - NO SCHOOL FOR STUDENTS
Wednesday, April 23: Spring Conferences (3:15pm - 7:15pm)
Thursday, April 24: Spring Conferences (7:15am - 7:15pm) - NO SCHOOL FOR STUDENTS
Parking Lot Drop Off and Pick Up Reminders
Thank you for continuing to be safe and patient as you drop-off and pick-up in the parking lot. It is always a challenge as we try to move a large amount of people through a small space.
A couple of reminders:
Please park your car if you are planning to get out to go pick up your students. Please do not park in the car pick up lane or block the bus lane in the back of the school
The back parking lot is only for buses and staff parking. Parents should not park in that lot because we have staff that need the parking spots as they come in for their shift at 2:00pm.
When waiting at the end of the day for pick-up, please pull as close as you can to the car in front of you so we can fit as many cars as possible into the pick-up lanes.
VOSE Fun Run - Volunteers Needed!
Save the date for Thursday, October 10, 2024, for the annual Vose Fun Run. This is our school's largest fundraiser. Money raised will help pay for buses for field trips and teacher grants.
We will need lots of volunteers, and if you want to help, you must be approved through the new school district system, Raptor.
Apply here: https://www.beaverton.k12.or.us/departments/communications-community-involvement/volunteer
Here is the schedule for Fun Run (NOTE: 2nd grade & 4th grade switched times so 2nd grade could go on a field trip):
- 2nd grade: 8:45-9:30am
- 5th grade: 9:35-10:20am
- 4th grade: 10:25-11:10am
- Kindergarten: 11:55-12:40pm
- 1st grade: 12:45-1:30pm
- 3rd grade: 1:35-2:20pm
PLEASE NOTE: This year in order to provide additional safety our district has created a policy that does not allow for spectators at events during the school day when individual spectators can't be supervised, so this would apply to our PTO Fun Run. Any parents that wish to cheer on their kids will need to remain outside of the school and may cheer from the fence line. IF YOU WOULD LIKE TO BE PRESENT AT THE TRACK DURING YOUR CHILD'S FUN RUN TIME please be sure to complete the Volunteer Application as soon as possible and sign up for a shift during their grade level's run time.
Art Literacy
Vose Art Literacy welcomes you all back to school! We are looking for volunteers to make this year's art education program successful. Art Literacy is a volunteer-led program organized by Beaverton School DIstrict. We bring art education to the students in their classrooms and we offer flexible volunteer opportunities. Please click the link below to learn more about the program and how to sign up! Go Vose owls Hoot Hoot!
Belonging Begins Here
Attendance is important!
Too many absences – excused or unexcused – can keep students from feeling a sense of belonging and ultimately succeeding in school. Just two missed days per month can really knock students off track.
Please help your child prioritize attendance this year. Need help? Reach out to your teacher, school counselor or principal to work on solutions together.
New Volunteer System - Please Apply Today!
In the Beaverton School District, our top priority is the safety and well-being of our students and staff. To improve that safety, we’re adopting a new visitor and volunteer management system called Raptor Technologies. Along with the new system, we’ll be updating some of our related policies.
For Volunteers
We’ll no longer be using the MyImpact platform. To continue volunteering in BSD, all volunteers must reapply through Raptor and consent to an Oregon criminal records check. Please do this as soon as possible. We need the entire summer to process thousands of applications and background checks. If you wait to reapply, we may not have enough time to clear your application by the start of school — meaning you will not be able to volunteer right away and your school may not have enough volunteers for back-to-school activities. Again, please prioritize submitting your application today.
English Application: https://apps.raptortech.com/Apply/ODkwNTplbi1VUw==
Español: https://apps.raptortech.com/Apply/ODkwNTplcy1VUw==
Also, to provide the safest possible environment for our students, we’ll be requiring all volunteers to go through this process, including the criminal records check, every two years. Once in the Raptor system, you’ll receive an email notification when it’s time to resubmit.
Finally, we’re now requiring that all volunteers, regardless of their frequency of volunteering, apply through the Raptor system, including one-time guest speakers, career day participants, science fair judges and volunteers for activities like art lit, class parties, field days, fun runs, OBOB competitions and more. Any volunteer who has direct or indirect contact with our students will need to be cleared through Raptor.
For Visitors
Every person who visits our schools and district facilities will need to provide an ID (e.g. driver’s license, passport, consulate card) which will be used to conduct an on-the-spot check of the Sex Offender Registry. After clearing the check, you’ll be presented with an ID badge with your name and destination. You’ll also be required to sign out in the main office when you depart.
We hope that you understand and appreciate the need for these increased security measures. This new system is now in effect, so we need volunteers to reapply now to ensure a smooth transition.
Walk & Roll to School Day 10/9/24! More Info Coming Soon!
International Walk + Roll to School Day is October 9th this year. This is a fantastic time to encourage our students and families to walk + roll to school to encourage healthy habits, build community, and increase safety along routes to school. We will have some cool prizes, inculding a scooter/helmet grand prize and six reflective drawstring bags with smaller prizes to raffle off to students.
Parent Square Tips
We’re now using ParentSquare for volunteer sign-ups. How do you view signup opportunities available to you?
*Log into ParentSquare:
Option 1: Scroll through the ParentSquare feed to view sign-ups or use the search option in your feed.
Option 2: On the right side of the screen, there’s a list of Sign-Ups & RSVPs.
Option 3: Under Participate on the left side, there’s a Sign-Ups & RSVPs option.
Mobile App
Make sure you’re logged into the app:
From your home screen, click More with the three dots on the bottom right.
Click Sign-Ups & RSVPs.
You’ll see two tabs: All Sign-Ups, which shows all opportunities available to you, and My Sign-Ups, which shows you what you’ve signed up for.
Free English Classes for Parents
Student Vision or Hearing Concerns
If parents/guardians, students, or teachers have a concern about a student’s ability to see or hear, a District Nurse or Health Assistant will provide a screening and resources for follow up if needed. Students in the newcomer program will have access to a program-wide vision screening.
Beaverton City Library Family Resource Fair
Family Resource Fair
You are invited to Beaverton City Library’s Family Resource Fair!
Saturday, Oct. 12, 10 AM – 1 PM
Beaverton City Library- Main, 12375 SW 5th Street
Come to the library and connect with local non-profits to serve you and your family. Organizations include THPRD, WIC, Beaverton Resource Center, OHSU’s Elks Vision Screening Program, Virginia Garcia Memorial Health Center, and many more!
Visit BeavertonLibrary.org/FRF (or BeavertonLibrary.org/264 for facebook) for a full list of the 20+ organizations.
Feria de Recursos Familiares
¡Usted está invitado a la Feria de Recursos Familiares de la Biblioteca de la Ciudad de Beaverton!
Sábado, 12 de octubre de 10 AM – 1 PM
En la Biblioteca de la Ciudad de Beaverton- Main, 12375 SW 5th Street
Venga a la biblioteca y conéctese con organizaciones sin fines de lucro locales que apoyan a las familias con recursos y servicios. ¡Las organizaciones incluyen THPRD, WIC, Beaverton Resource Center, OHSU’s Elks Programa de evaluación de la visión, Virginia Garcia Memorial Health Center, y muchas más!
Visite BeavertonLibrary.org/FRF (o BeavertonLibrary.org/264 en facebook) para obtener una lista completa de las organizaciones.
Southridge Basketball Youth Tryouts Information
5th-8th grade boys (4th graders allowed to try out for 5th grade team). The number of teams for each grade will be determined by registration numbers as well as coach and gym availability.
- Tryout dates (players should attend both sessions for their grade):
- Sunday, October 27
- 3:30-5:00 PM: 5th & 7th grades
- 5:30-7:00 PM: 6th & 8th grades
- Sunday, November 3
- 2:00-3:30 PM: 5th & 7th grades
4:00-5:30 PM: 6th & 8th grades
2025-2026 Oregon Blue Book Student Essay Contest
The Oregon Blue Book is published every odd-numbered year by the Oregon Secretary of State’s Office and has been in continuous publication since 1911. The 2025-2026 Oregon Blue Book is scheduled to be released in March 2025.
For each edition, we invite Oregon students in grades 3-8 to submit essays which may be selected for publication in the print and/or digital edition of the book. Our essay prompt this time is, “What I love about Oregon”. Here are some essay prompts that might be helpful:
- Describe what you love most about living in Oregon. Why?
- If you had to choose one thing you love most about being in Oregon, what would it be and why?
- If you were to write a letter telling a friend the thing you love most about Oregon, what would you say to them? How would you describe it? Why did you choose this?
Students are encouraged to provide a written or video essay. Written essays must include an illustration they’ve created to go with their essay. Each student whose essay is selected for publication will receive a copy of the 2025-2026 Oregon Blue Book.
The deadline for submission is Sunday, October 27, 2024, at 11:59 p.m. Contest rules and submission information are here: https://sos.oregon.gov/blue-book/Pages/essay-contest.aspx
Apply to Serve on the BSD Educational Equity Advisory Committee
Beaverton School District is seeking candidates to serve on the Educational Equity Advisory Committee (EEAC). Per OAR 581-022-2307, the Equity Advisory Committee will be composed of student, parent/guardian, staff and community member volunteers.
The duties of the EAAC include:
- Advising the school board and superintendent about the educational equity impacts of policy decisions.
- Informing the school board and superintendent about the larger districtwide climate and the experiences of underserved student groups and advising them on how best to support these students.
Applications are due on Tuesday, October 8 by 4 p.m.
Meetings will likely occur monthly at the District Administrative Office, 1260 NW Waterhouse Avenue in Beaverton. Your voice is important to the district as we work to ensure that all students feel a sense of belonging in Beaverton schools and have access to and benefit from a high-quality education.
Committee Application:
English: https://forms.gle/nRXdSCDTbk7Mu9Ha8
Spanish (Español): https://forms.gle/1QWsW5SvbTYLgDnb9
Arabic (اللغة†العربي†ة): https://forms.gle/Gy4JPGTbCJFNMGKp8
Chinese (中文): https://forms.gle/XFWYnwLHtYcPy7ty7
Darsi/Farsi (Persian): https://forms.gle/SbaheRkCF5xfRu3D6
Japanese (日本語): https://forms.gle/ck1K5fNh5vW5dWwT6
Korean (한국어): https://forms.gle/Eh8iSoAbcuv3rvyT8
Russian (Русский): https://forms.gle/DT16bLtDHWDF1N1R9
Somali (Soomaali): https://forms.gle/FNQ85nkB9WGHhKbVA
Vietnamese: https://forms.gle/anq3CxogfP1Ci9Dz8
If you have questions or would like help to submit an application, please contact the Office of Equity and Inclusion at 503-356-4547.
Club K Afterschool Program
Club K After School Zone is excited to continue providing child care services for Vose Elementary families. Club K After School Zone is committed to excellence in care and has been providing before and after school child care programs, full day programs and summer camps since 2006. We offer a personal level of service and attention that enables us to provide positive outcomes for the students in our programs as well as meet the needs of today’s working families. Registration is now open for the 2024-2025 School year and space is limited. Follow the link below to find more information about our program and to register online.
Information from the School Nurse
Welcome to a new school year from your School Nurse! To ensure your child’s health and safety I would like to share a few items with you.
HEALTH CONCERNS: Please inform your School Nurse of any severe allergies, surgeries, accidents or new health problems that occurred during the summer months or that may occur during the school year.
ILLNESS: Please remember to keep your child home when ill. Students may not attend school with a fever greater than 100.4 F° and must be fever free for 24 hours without fever reducing medicine before returning to school.
If your child is sick with a diagnosed communicable disease, please notify the school as soon as possible. This notification will greatly assist others who, due to medical reasons and/or treatments, have weakened immune systems and may require immediate and specialized care.
MEDICATION: Medication may be administered to students who require it during the school day. Parents must transport medication to school in the original container and complete a Medication Authorization Form. Please provide emergency medication if prescribed for your student.
IMMUNIZATION: All students must be up to date with immunizations before the state exclusion day mid-February 2025. Students who are not up to date will be excluded from school. Please review your student’s immunization record with your health care provider and provide any needed documentation.
Please feel free to contact me regarding any health-related question or concern. You can reach me by email via Parent Square at Anita_Good@beaverton.k12.or.us
Vose Elementary School
Email: ellen_arnold@beaverton.k12.or.us
Website: https://vose.beaverton.k12.or.us/
Location: 11350 SW Denney Road, Beaverton, OR, 97008
Phone: (503)356-2430