Instructional Design News
Bianca Rowden-Quince & Andrea Fuentes - November 2023
New SMCCCD Microcourse: The Easy Button: Recordings with Zoom and Panopto
Hot off the press, we've added a new SMCCD Microcourse to the mix. Check out our newest edition to the SMCCD Microcourse offerings, The Easy Button: Recordings with Zoom and Panopto. Remember, the microcourses are short, self–paced learning modules offered through Canvas and provide chances to learn about specific topics in small doses on your own time. Learners will receive a badge and credit for flex hours.
Self-Enroll any time and explore at your own pace! You can choose from:
- The Easy Button: Recordings with Zoom and Panopto - learn about connecting Zoom & Panopto
- #Ungrading - learn more about alternative grading options
- Instructor Feedback: find new ideas to help students learn and grow
- Creating Student Centered Syllabi: make a human connection with students.
Questions? Contact Bianca Rowden-Quince or Andrea Fuentes.
Assessment & GenAI: Rethinking Authentic Evidence of Learning
With the advent of GenAI, many instructors are taking the opportunity — or the charge — to redefine course assessments. There are many approaches to elicit authentic assessment of student learning without excluding GenAI tools. To start, consider these four directions for assessment redesign, for an updated perspective on common assessments used in higher ed. The landscape changes everyday but the above resource offers some key strategies for consideration.
Defining what works best for your course context requires reimagining, both to meet SLOs, but also to engage students in critical thinking, digital literacy, and academic integrity. Looking for support? We can help! Contact Bianca Rowden-Quince or Andrea Fuentes.
Mark your calendars for the AI Mini conference: Leveraging AI and VR/AR: A New World of Teaching on Flex Day, January 11, 2024.
Canvas Feature Update - Gradebook Tips
As the semester winds down, the Canvas Gradebook is a great way to help students gain insight into there progress in your courses. However, the gradebook can get somewhat unwieldy, especially if you have many graded assignments. Consider using the View Options tab under the Gradebook Settings, instructors can create a more focused view of the gradebook.
- Check Notes to create a hidden notes column in which you can jot quick notes for each student submission.
- Unchecking Unpublished Assignments removes gradebook columns for unpublished assignments.
- If you use the Assignment Groups feature to organize assignments, check Hide Assignment Group Totals if you find yourself scrolling too much to see your actual assignment columns.
- You can hide the Gradebook Total column if you are using the gradebook to give feedback on individual assignments.
Note: These settings only control the instructor's view of the gradebook. If you want to omit the Total Column and Assignment Group Totals from the students' view, select the Hide totals in student grades summary checkbox in the setting area of your course.
Podcast Recommendation: Andragogy and Designing Learning Experiences
Curious about how to design learning experiences for adults? Check out the latest episode of Dr. Luke Hobson's podcast. This episode provides insights on Andragogy, the method and practice of teaching adult learners. Best practices around Andragogical principles and how to apply them into your learning experiences are discussed.
Spring 2024 Canvas Shells are LIVE!
Registration for Spring 2024 is here! Now that priority registration is open, Canvas Course shells for Spring have been created. The look, the feel, and the sequence of course shells are important elements for students that support engagement. Reach out to Instructional Designers to talk about Canvas Course Shells. Get some tips to get ready for next semester, or snag some cool templates.
Book an appointment with Bianca Rowden-Quince or Andrea Fuentes.
Get in Touch
Email Andrea | Email Bianca | Browse the Repository
Consult Bianca | Consult Andrea
Email: skylinecttl@smccd.edu
Website: https://skylinecollege.edu/cttl
Location: Building 5, Room 118
Phone: 650-738-7080