Bea Underwood Family Newsletter
October 2024
Dear Parents and Guardians,
We have a lot of things going on this month! The end of the first quarter is Friday 10/18/24. BUE is working on increasing attendance for all students. Your child being in school is one of the greatest gifts that you can give them. It is important to be on time and attend the entire day. Every day missed is time spent away from learning.
If you are needing to change the way that your child is going home after school, please reach out to the school office by 2:30. The office gets very busy at the end of the day and we want to assure that all messages are received and passed on to your child and they are where they need to be.
BUE will have a Costume Parade and party in your child's classroom on Oct 31, 2024 beginning at 2:15 pm. In order to attend the party, you must first have your State Issued ID run through the Raptor system at the front desk of BUE. You only need to do this once a year. We highly recommend that you come to BUE the week prior to party day as the process does take a few minutes for each person and pre-planning will allow you to participate in your students activities.
If your student does not participate in Halloween activities we will have alternate activities for them to do during the last hour of the day. Please plan on sending your student to school as we will still be learning throughout the day.
If you have any questions, please reach out at (970)285-5703.
Warm regards,
Amber Scott - Principal
Ioana Costas - Assistant Principal
Note from our School Counselors
In the upcoming lessons for social emotional learning, students in 5th grade will start their unit on post secondary readiness. These units will include career interest inventory, career cluster identification, research in their chosen career/job and a presentation to their classmates on their chosen career/job. 2nd -4th grade are working on self awareness which includes identifying emotions. They will then work through bullying prevention. Our counselors are excited to work with your children on skills to help them be successful in the school setting. If you would like to learn more about BUE’s school counseling program please email tsherraden@garfield16.org or jdemaio@garfield16.org.
Music News from Mrs Humphrey
We have been rockin’ and rollin’ in music and we are wrapping up our unit on learning about culture and history in music which is the standard of “Response to Music.”
2nd grade: worked on listening to music and identifying instruments they heard, tempo, dynamics, whether it was smooth or separated and articulating how the piece of music made them feel. They also learned about a few composers and a few of their pieces of music (Handel, Debussy & Brahms).
3rd grade & Scilla: learned about Vivaldi, Tchaikovsky, & Strauss Jr. along with learning about some cultural objects from China and creating a Chinese fan as well as learning a song from Japan. It was challenging to sing a song in Japanese.
4th grade & Drake: learned how to listen for certain dynamics and tempos in a piece of music and try to decipher why the composer used that in their music; what message did they want the listener to hear, etc? They also learned about Beethoven, Joplin, Handel and certain pieces from each composer.
5th grade: learned a cultural dance, and about the composers Vivaldi and Mozart and some movement that went along with a few of their musical pieces. They also learned a camp song from French descent that children sing in Canada. There was also a fun movement game to go along with it that included crossing the midlines.
Save the Date: Put these dates on your calendars:
Winter Concerts at BUE (in the gym): Dec. 17 & Dec. 19
2nd Grade (Spencer, Austin, Strong, Mayerle): Dec. 17 at 6pm
3rd Grade (Helzer, Bordelon, Sigmon, C. Myers) & Scilla (all of Scilla’s class): Dec. 17 at 7pm
Musical: A Pirate Christmas
4th Grade (Aldrich, Morris, Fazzi, Reed) & Drake: Dec. 19 at 6pm
5th Grade (Mendoza, Nelson, Emmalyn & T. Myers) Dec. 19 at 7pm
1st semester of choir is Sept. 17-Nov. 5
Veteran’s Day performance at our All School Veterans Day Crew on Nov. 8 at 2pm.
From the Gym with Ms. Stark
Hello from the gym at Bea Underwood. We have just finished our throwing and catching unit and will take a fitness test to measure our strength and cardio fitness next. We will then begin on a short unit of striking(hitting).
In late November or early December we will be combining with Mrs. Humphrey in music to work on our winter programs. We practice with 2 classes in the gym and the first half of the special time is spent on program practice and the second half is playing a game for PE.
From the Palette of Mrs. Schuckers
2nd grade: Marely out of Mayerle's class,
3rd grade: Aaron out of Sigmon's class,
4th grade: Izabell out of Fazzi's class
5th grade: Aaron out of Nelson's class.
There are also several runners up that will be displayed in this year's yearbook. All winners were selected by blind judging(judges did not know names) and purchase of a fundraiser was not required. Be on the lookout for the final design and order form for this year's shirt by the end of the month.
Costume Parade Guidelines
🎃 Keep it Spooky, Not Scary: Children should not have costumes with violent or bloody images. It's okay to look "spooky," but nothing gruesome at school.
👁️ Masks and Makeup: Masks that cover the eyes and face are fine, as long as your child can see clearly. We ask that you save the makeup for Halloween night and not at school. Remember, learning is still happening in your students class and time will be limited.
🧥 Safe Costumes: Make sure your child’s costume doesn’t have anything hanging below the wrist or ankle to avoid tripping or getting things caught.
🚫 No Weapons: Please don’t include any toy weapons in the costume.
✅ Changing into Costumes: Students should bring their costumes to school. Children are not permitted to wear them all day. They will be given a few minutes to change prior to the Costume Parade.
❓Questions: Please call our front office at (970)285-5703
Halloween Party Food Requirements
Your students class will have a small party after the Costume Parade. You are more then welcome to bring treats for your student and their classmates. All treats must be store bought, we are not allowed to give students food that does not enter BUE in store packaging, no homemade goods. Thank you for your understanding.
Trunk or Treat Street at BUE
🎃Please join our community in Trunk or Treat Street at BUE from 4:30 -6:30pm on October 31st.
- The Grand Valley Rec Center is organizing a Trunk or Treat in the front parking lot at BUE.
- Our local Kiwanis and Alpine Bank are grilling and providing hotdogs, chips and water to our families in front of BUE.
- Garfield 16 will have Trick or Treat Alley where students will be able to Trick or Treat in costume through the halls of BUE.
- It should be a safe and fun evening for all please plan on joining us from 4:30 - 6:30pm 🎃🎃
Bus Safety
Many of our students ride the bus to and from school. Our bus drivers number priority is to assure the safe transportation of our students and we need your help with this. We continue to have a few students that are not staying safe in their seats as they ride on the bus. Please take time to engage in conversations with your student on the importance of bus safety.
- Students are expected to sit in the seats on their bottoms facing forward.
- They need to have all of their bodies out of the isles.
- The seat back in front of them is what keeps them safe if the driver needs to brake unexpectedly, sitting correctly will assure their safety.
- Children may not move seats, once they are seated they are to remain seated.
- When the bus is carrying all of our children the noise level can get very loud, they need to use normal talking voices, there is no need to scream and yell.
- Foul language is not permitted.
- Nothing should be thrown on the bus.
- Food and drink are not allowed on the bus.
- Students are expected to follow the rules on the bus just as they would in our school.
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Important Events
October 15th - 25th - Key Club Winter Clothing Drive @ BUE
- Please bring gently worn clothes that no longer fit your child
October 18th - End of First Quarter
October 19th - Buck Fever Fun Run @ the GV Rec Center
October 26th - Halloween Carnival @ GVHS
October 31st - Costume Parade/Halloween Parties 2:15- 3:15pm
Trunk or Treat @ BUE 4:30 -6:30pm
November 4th - 8th - Scholastic Book Fair for your students
November 4th - Parent Teacher Conferences 11-7pm
November 5th - Parent Teacher Conferences 8-4pm
November 5th - No School for CFL & BUE due to Conferences
November 8th - Veteran's Day Assembly 2-3pm
November 15th - All School Crew 2-3pm
November 18th - District Accountability Meeting (DAC) at Admin Building 6:30 - 7:30pm
November 25th - 29th - Fall Break No School
Bea Underwood Elementary
0741 Tamarisk Trail
Parachute, CO
Mrs. Scott and Ms. Costas
Principal and Assistant Principal