Santa Clara Clarion
Staying Connected, February 11, 2024
Major's Minute
This week, my sisters and I were able to steal a night away and attend a painting class. It was fun joking around about our skills during the whole time. But really, it was a bit intimidating. I didn't want to make a mistake. I kept comparing my work to others. At times it was almost hard to even put the paintbrush to the canvas. But at the end of the night everyone, the instructor was able to take our insecurities and guide us into creating pictures that captured our personalities and our efforts. We were proud in the end. Mine is actually up on my wall right now.
God is always teaching and guiding us. He is making something beautiful out of us. He is the great Artist. At the end of the day, if we follow Him, we'll see how he helps us to live lives to be proud of.
Yet God has made everything beautiful for its own time. He has planted eternity in the human heart, but even so, people cannot see the whole scope of God’s work from beginning to end. - Ecclesiastes 3: 11
Major Shoshannah
Ladies let's make more memories together this Friday at Ladies Night Out! Details to come!!
Superbowl Fellowship
This Second Sunday, lunch is grab and go. However, Majors Ruwethin, invite you over to their house to enjoy Superbowl Fellowship @ 3 pm. Bring something if you want to share. See you then!
Sunday, Feb 11, 2024, 03:00 PM
3240 Benton Street, Santa Clara, CA, USA
Preparing our Hearts for the Easter Season. We will be joining in the Lenten Awakening Series. Weekly themes for the series are as follows:
Week 1—February 18, 2024: Jesus Revealing Us
Week 2—February 25, 2024: Jesus Humbling Us
Week 3—March 3, 2024: Jesus Healing Us
Week 4—March 10, 2024: Jesus Re-Creating Us
Week 5—March 17, 2024: Jesus Uniting Us
Palm Sunday—March 24, 2024: Jesus Gifting Peace (United Worship at San Jose Temple)
Good Friday—March 29, 2024: Gifting Paradise
Easter SonRise—March 31, 2024: Gifting Life
Easter—March 31, 2024: Easter People
Blessed in Worship Last Sunday
Brynne opening worship.
Preaching the Word of God.
Angela & Lukas testimonies.
Family and Friends Night Fun
Supporting each other outside of church
Sunday school joy.
Praying for all things.
Suisan Kroc music day.
Music day fun.
Hammer Theater celebration.
Kaleidoscope Concert.
SAY (Salvation Army Youth) Rally
It’s finally that time of the year again for our SAY Rally! We are excited to announce that our rally will be at Camp Redwood Glen, February 17th.
Golden State SAY Rally Details
- Location: Camp Redwood Glen(3100 Bean Creek Rd, Scotts Valley, CA 95066)
- Ages: 6-18
Salvation Army 101 Classes Starting
Sharing with you a new initiative for 2024 from Territorial Headquarters…4 in 24!
Every unit/church is encouraged to enroll -
- 4 New Senior Soldiers in 2024
- 4 New Junior Soldiers in 2024
What are Senior Soldiers? Believers, who are at least 14 years old who understand and agree with what the Salvation Army believes and wants to officially call The Salvation Army their "home church" as a member. We encourage you to take the classes when they are offered in a couple weeks time to first learn about what we believe.
What are Junior Soldiers? Youth who are between the ages of 7 - 13 who also take classes to learn the basics about what the Salvation Army believes and also want to officially call The Salvation Army their "home church" as members.
This is just the basic definition. You'll learn more about what being a "Salvationist" or Salvation Army soldier means during the course of the Salvation Army 101 Class.
Territorial Congress Details - Plan and Register ASAP!
We are all focused on the upcoming holiday season, but I wanted to give you a bit of information regarding the upcoming Territorial Congress:
- Date: June 13-16, 2024
- Location: Pasadena Convention Center
- Theme: Testify!
- Visiting Leaders: General Lyndsay and Commissioner Bronwyn Buckingham
- Mission Statement/Scripture: Teach, Train and Motivate Salvationists to tell the Story of Jesus more often, and to more people, through words and actions. “Always be prepared to give an answer to everyone who asks you to give the reason for the hope that you have.” (1 Peter 3:15)
- ARC Command will be receiving their own travel subsidy for current beneficiaries. Those who have graduated and attend your corps can be included in your non-officer counts.
Registration is now open, and the registration website also has links to the hotels that we have negotiated room rates for. We encourage everyone to register and book rooms early. PLEASE note Retired Officers must book their hotel room directly through Major Nancy Dihle.
The Ordination and Commissioning ceremonies will take place as part of the Friday night opening celebration session of the Congress, with the appointments being given out in the final meeting on Sunday afternoon. What an exciting way to start the Congress!
Registration at the congress includes 5 meals for the entire family. This will be a wonderful time for fellowship.
There is a goal of sending 200 delegates (no officers or retired officers included in this count) from the Golden State Division. There will be a subsidy available of $350 per delegate for the first 200 delegates. We are still working out details regarding the subsidy and how it will be distributed.
As more information becomes available, it will be shared. Here is the link to an article on The Landing about the Territorial Congress:
Art Competition for "Testify"
If you're a Salvationist with a passion for art, this is for you! The theme is "Testify" – teach, train, and motivate others to share Jesus' story through their words and actions. 1 Peter 3:15 reminds us to "Always be prepared to give an answer to everyone who asks you to give the reason for the hope
that you have."
To enter, submit your original artwork that represents your ideas and thoughts on the theme. All submissions must be the original work of the participant, and open to Salvationists of all artistic abilities across the Western Territory.
1 Winner per category will have their art featured on an item sold during Congress, June 14-16, 2024.
Each winner will also receive a $50 Amazon gift card! Entries are due by April 7, 2024.
Email submission must include your name, age and Corps/Division
Creating Artwork for the “Testify” Theme
If you're a Salvationist with a passion for art, this is for you! The theme is "Testify" – teach, train, and motivate others to share Jesus' story through their words and actions. 1 Peter 3:15 reminds us to "Always be prepared to give an answer to everyone who asks you to give the reason for the hope
that you have."
To enter, submit your original artwork that represents your ideas and thoughts on the theme. All submissions must be the original work of the participant, and open to Salvationists of all artistic abilities across the Western Territory.
Your artwork may be hand-drawn or digital but must include The Salvation Army red shield. It should be no larger than 8 1/2" by 11", and submitted in JPEG, JPG, PDF, or PNG format. Only one entry is allowed per person.
Adults 20+
Teen 19-13
Children 12 below
Remind App
Please help us keep you informed by signing up for the Remind App. Simply follow the directions. The goal is to touch base with a newsletter once a week and avoid 25 responses to a group text. This is a secure way for us to do this. Text to: 81010, Send the message: @chkhc6.
Feel free to share the info. Thank you in advance.
General Schedule
- 9:30 AM Sunday School for Youth and Adults
- 10:30 AM Worship service
- 11:00 AM Junior Church
- 12:30 PM Potluck & Fellowship (3rd Sunday unless scheduled otherwise)
Illuminate Youth Schedule
- 4:00 PM Troops Youth Character Building Program
- 5:00 PM Music Instruction: Singing, Timbrels, Drumming, Solo Practice
- 6:30 PM Dinner for All
- 7:15 PM Adult Bible Study/Youth Drama
- 5:00 PM Teen Youth Group (Monthly - Dates vary)
- 7:00 PM Women's Fellowship - Ladies Night Out (Monthly - Dates vary)
The Salvation Army - Santa Clara
Location: 3090 Homestead Road, Santa Clara, CA, USA
Phone: 408.247.4588