Lakewood's Going Places
January 2025

January 2025
Superintendent's Message: Creating a Community
It is difficult to believe that the first semester of the school year comes to a close this week on January 30. With this, comes the official midway point in the school year. January 31 is a day off for all students.
As a district, we are so grateful for the support we receive from our greater Lakewood community. We are honored to educate and serve our students and families. The dedication and commitment our students demonstrate each day as they work to learn and achieve at high levels is made even more special by the strong and supportive relationships developed across our district. Together, we seek to create an educational community in which each student feels known, respected, and that they belong. We are grateful for your partnership in this endeavor.
Members of our Lakewood community have been spending time together over the past couple of months working on updating our district strategic plan. With more than 80 volunteers serving on the strategic planning committee, the engagement and support of our students, staff, family and community members has been the foundation of this effort. In the next month, we plan to finalize a draft of the plan, which will include definitions of our three foundational pillars, with goals and indicators for each. I invite you to share your feedback and provide input in the coming months. A survey will launch in early March, with an opportunity for a community in-person open house on March 12 at 5:30 p.m. at Lakewood High School and virtually on March 13 at 5:30 p.m. where you can learn more and provide feedback.
We are excited to share some updates about work and celebrations occurring across the district. Over the past two weeks, schools across our district have held assemblies in honor of Martin Luther King Jr. Messages of service, leadership, and treating others with kindness and respect were common themes. Students at Lakewood High School celebrated Temperance and Good Citizenship Day on January 16 with a school voter registration drive for interested students. We also celebrated Lakewood High School science and leadership teacher, Christina Pedersen, and her selection of VFW Post 1561 and District 1 high school teacher of the year.
With the end of January quickly approaching, our winter sports will be drawing to a close in the next month, with the start of high school spring sports beginning on February 24. In the next month, we are also hoping to launch two capital projects across the district – funded in part by the recently passed Capital Improvements levy, a grant from the Washington State Department of Commerce, and an energy incentive program from Snohomish PUD. The grant and incentive funding the district is allocated to receive is over $500,000, with the focus of the projects, including upgrades to the lighting system at Lakewood Middle School, replacement of stadium and locker room lighting at Lakewood High School, and the recommissioning of the Lakewood High School system.
The grants/incentives will cover a large portion of these projects. In addition, we anticipate a reduction in future utility costs as a result of these updates. As we continue to work on projects such as these, please visit our district website where you can learn more about your tax dollars at work.
Thank you for the opportunity to partner with you in support of your student. We are excited for the future ahead and wish you and your family a wonderful start to 2025!
All my best,
Lakewood awarded $538,885 to increase energy efficiency
Funds will help schools meet required Clean Buildings Performance Standards
As part of its commitment to improve energy efficiencies and reduce utility costs, Lakewood School District is pleased to announce it has been awarded a grant from the Washington State Department of Commerce and an energy incentive from Snohomish PUD. The total energy-efficiency funding of $538,885 will be used to install energy-efficient LED lighting at Lakewood Middle School and Lakewood High School’s Dick Cardinal Stadium.
The grant award of $293,663 from the Department of Commerce is one of 26 grants in Washington state and one of four in Snohomish County. Snohomish PUD incentivized Lakewood’s grant with a contribution of $245,222. Funded by the Climate Commitment Act, the Commerce grants are expected to play a key role in helping buildings meet Washington’s Clean Buildings Performance Standards.
Lakewood School District made an additional commitment toward energy efficiency this year by joining the Snohomish PUD Commercial Strategic Energy Management (CSEM) cohort, which is helping Lakewood facilities staff to integrate energy management into regular business practices. As part of the SEM framework, the businesses and organizations participating in the two-year cohort receive energy scans, coaching calls and evaluation of progress from Snohomish PUD.
Superintendent Dr. Erin Murphy said small changes made after the energy scans and the coaching sessions have already started to yield results through decreased energy usage. “We are pleased to have the opportunity to improve the learning environment for our students while demonstrating responsible stewardship of taxpayer dollars,” she said.
Master clock and bell system at LMS runs out of time
We were hoping the bell/master clock/intercom system at Lakewood Middle School would hang in there a little longer... but it had other plans. This fall, it officially clocked out for good.
While we originally had replacement scheduled for this summer, the unexpected failure fast-tracked the project. School days run smoother when everyone’s on the same page (and time).
The new bell system is up and running and the digital classroom clocks have arrived. Over the next few weeks, they’ll be installed in every classroom. Sorry, no more excuses for being late!
Thank you, Lakewood School Board!
Do you know what your School Board does? As part of School Board Recognition Month, we asked some Lakewood Elementary students this question.
Lakewood’s five elected School Board directors play a crucial role in helping students thrive by ensuring that schools remain responsive to the needs of their communities and future generations. If you would like to learn more about what our School Board does, you can check out Board meeting agendas, minutes and materials, and even recordings on our website: https://www.lwsd.wednet.edu/our-board/meet-the-board.
Better yet, we invite you to attend a meeting in-person. Meetings are usually held the first and third Wednesday of each month at 6 p.m. in the Lakewood High School library (check the district calendar to confirm). The Lakewood School Board includes Sandy Gotts, Leah Tocco, Dana Krueger, Steve Larson and Dawn Taylor. High school student advisors include Saya Barber and Amelia Escalante.
In honor of Board Recognition Month, LHS Swingbeat sang during the Jan. 15 meeting. Check out their performance below:
LHS teacher is District 1 VFW Teacher of the Year
In her classes, Pedersen makes connections with students and helps them become socially aware citizens. Whitney, a junior in Pedersen's leadership class, said he appreciates how he is learning to work with a team. He also appreciates the flexibility and ownership that he has when it comes to class projects. Senior Eyden said Pedersen is not just a wonderful teacher but a wonderful person. "I come to her with my highs and my lows. She makes me feel included."
In addition to leadership, Pedersen teaches science. Using special projects, she helps students understand what it means to be a part of society, the responsibility that comes from being a citizen, and the impact of individual choices. Students are encouraged to think about the role of government and citizens on scientific issues.
OSPI Educator of the Year nominations open
The Office of Superintendent of Public Instruction (OSPI) is excited to share that nominations for the Regional Educator of the Year are now open. Anyone can nominate a school official by filling out the Regional Educator of the Year Nomination form. You may include a written explanation detailing why you believe this person deserves the nomination.
Stillaguamish grant will fund 2025 elementary yearbooks
Thanks to a grant from the Stillaguamish Tribe of Indians, every elementary student in our district will receive a yearbook this June — at no cost to families.
The grant, totaling $11,611, was in support of Lakewood's efforts to foster inclusion and lasting memories for every student.
We are grateful to the Stillaguamish Tribe for their commitment to our students and their belief in the power of celebrating friendships, milestones, and school experiences.
Important Dates
- January 30: Semester Ends
- January 30: Winter Concert for 5th grade Band and LMS Symphonic Band
- January 31: Semester Break (No School)
- February: Black History Month
- February 3-7: National School Counseling Week
- February 5: Regular Board Meeting, 6 p.m., LHS library
- February 7: Early Release Friday
- February 14: Midwinter Break (No School)
- February 17: Presidents Day (No School)
- February 10-14: National FCCLA Week
- February 15-22: National FFA Week
- February 19: Regular Board Meeting, 6 p.m., LHS library
- February 21: Early Release Friday
- February 22: School Bus Driver Appreciation Day
- February 27: LHS Spring Course and Curricular Fair
- February 28: Early Release Friday
- March 5: Kindergarten registration begins
- March 12: Community Open House led by Strategic Planning Committee, 5:30-6:30 p.m., LHS Library
- March 13: Virtual Community Open House led by Strategic Planning Committee, 5:30-6:30 p.m., Zoom
Stories from our Schools
Living the dream of Martin Luther King
Schools have been celebrating Martin Luther King Jr. and his legacy of love, compassion and service. At elementary schools, students sang songs or played instruments, and students took turns speaking about King's life.
At LMS and LHS, James Layman, director of the Association of Washington Student Leaders, spoke during school assemblies. Layman said King was an influencer before it was cool. In the words of Martin Luther King Jr., he asked students, "What are you doing for others?" and encouraged students to "Be Love" and "Live the Dream." After the LMS assembly, Layman received a plaque made by STEM Lab teacher Ron Detrick, that said, "The Dream Begins with You."
At LHS, nine advanced American Sign Language students volunteered to sign for the entire assembly.
Inside Cougar Cabinet: Learning from each other
During their January Cougar Cabinet, facilitators started with a collaborative game called, "Monkey, palm tree, elephant," which helped students practice collaborating with the two people on either side of them. After meeting in school groups, students met in mixed groups to share ideas. Some favorite examples included creating posters and PSA public service announcements to encourage classmates to clean up after themselves, peer mentoring, and thinking up ways to be welcoming to new students and substitute teachers.
Future voters at LHS learn how to register to vote
January 16 was Temperance and Good Citizenship Day, a day where educators across Washington State promote the importance of civics education and engagement.
One of the many ways educators do this is by helping 16- and 17-year-olds pre-register to vote through the state's Future Voter program. Students who sign up for the program will be automatically registered to vote when they turn 18.
LHS teacher Jeremiah Wohlgemuth reminded seniors in his civics class about the process for registering to vote. Are you registered to vote? We have voter registration forms at our schools and the district office. Or, register to vote online at VoteWa.gov.
Three students perform with NW High School Honor Band
Three Lakewood High School students performed in the Northwest High School Honor Band with about 325 of the finest high school musicians in the Pacific Northwest. Congratulations to Alec Clark, junior, on tenor saxophone; Lukas Gibb, junior, on tuba; and Elliot Burelo, sophomore, on alto sax.
Students learn to bounce back — just like a yo-yo
Students at Lakewood Elementary learned from Ned and his friends how to: (1) Never give up; (2) Encourage others; and (3) Do your best. The common thread during NED’s resiliency ride assembly was a yo-yo that traveled with NED through the galaxy.
School Snippets
Saxophonist Jeff Kashiwa visited LHS to work with 11th Avenue.
Congratulations to ECE students who were recognized during the January board meeting.
Thank you to Third Street Book Exchange in Marysville for donating two boxes of books for the LMS and LHS libraries.
We Are Hiring!
Open positions at Lakewood School District
Apply online for the following open positions:
- Teacher - Elementary MLL
- Teacher - LMS Math
- Bus Driver (Multiple positions)
- Mechanic
- Paraeducator (Multiple positions)
- Student Supervision (CCE and LES)
- Assistant Coach (Baseball, Football, Girls Golf)
- Athletic Trainer (LHS)
- Strength Coach (LHS)
- Weight Room Supervisor (LHS)