Northwood Notes
Together we soar!
Northwood Elementary: 1/31/25
Principal Note
Dear Northwood Family,
Happy Friday! It is the last day of January and the days are beginning to get a little longer. We had a wonderful Kindergarten Information Night last night with a big turnout. Students have been learning from each other as they share their "My Heritage" projects. We also celebrated our PTA Reflections artists today. See more below.
Just a reminder that students must wear coats outside for recess, unless it is above 50 degrees. Also, when there is snow on the ground, students need snow pants & boots to play on the field.
Next week 2/5 is a Late Start Wednesday, when staff will be participating in professional development.
Have a wonderful weekend!
Molly Bascom-Keller, Ed.S.
Northwood Elementary Principal
Northwood Calendar
February 5: Late Start First Bell 9:20 am
February 10: PTA Meeting 7:00 pm
February 12: Northwood Nests
February 14-18: No School - Mid-winter Break
February 19: Northwood Nests
February 20: Tornado Drill
February 26: Late Start First Bell 9:20 am
Late Start Wednesdays
- 2024-25 Late Starts: September 11, 18, 25; October 9, 16, 23, 30; November 13, 20; December 11, 18; January 29; February 5, 26; March 5, 12, 19, 26; April 23, 30; May 7, 14
- On Late Start Wednesdays, professional learning is taking place for staff.
First bell for students is at 9:20 AM, second bell 9:25 AM.
Homework Club: 8:20-9:20 AM, only for students who are signed up. Students enter through the main office. Homework Club Form
- Breakfast Club: Student can be dropped off anytime from 8:55-9:10 AM - free and no sign up necessary. Students enter through the main office.
Non-Late Start Wednesdays: Northwood Nests
- On many non-late start Wednesdays, we have our Northwood Nests meetings!
- Students are in multi-aged groups led by a staff member to work on our OAKS positive behavior expectations and character traits.
- See our PBIS section below for more information.
Reflections: Northwood Artist Showcase
Congratulations Artists!
Please join me in celebrating 25 Northwood students who were inspired by this year’s National PTA Reflections theme: ACCEPTING IMPERFECTION. These artists had the courage to reflect, create, and share a piece of themselves with us.
All visual artwork was blindly judged based on: Interpretation of Theme, Creativity, and Technique. Congratulations to our four winners: Henry, Gabriela, Hannah, and Scarlett! Their artwork will advance to the state level competition.
Congratulations to all the Northwood Reflections Artists!
My Heritage Month
This month is a very special time at Northwood with our "My Heritage Month". Students worked on projects and shared their heritages with their classes. Exploring different heritages is a wonderful way to celebrate all of our students!
Kindergarten Enrollment for Royal Oak Residents Begins February 3
Royal Oak Schools is pleased to welcome children and their families to kindergarten. Kindergarten enrollment for the 2025-2026 school year begins on Monday, February 3, 2025. District-wide enrollment for all kindergarten programs, including Developmental Kindergarten, is processed through our Central Enrollment Office.
All enrollments into Royal Oak Schools are done online. Documents uploaded should be in PDF format and legibly. We may require in person documentation if the proofs uploaded online are not clear.
Kindergarten Age Requirements
A resident child must be five (5) years of age on or before September 1st in order to be eligible to attend kindergarten.
If a child is not five (5) years of age by the September 1st enrollment eligibility date, but will be five (5) years of age no later than December 1st, the parent/guardian may still enroll the child in kindergarten. The parent must notify the school district, in writing, prior to the beginning of the school year. Notification, by way of a completed Kindergarten Age Waiver, must be received in order for a child born between September 1 and December 1 to be enrolled in kindergarten.
If you need assistance navigating the online process or do not have a home computer, please call Theresa Baughman at 248-435-8400 x 1260. Appointments are highly recommended if you'd like to enroll in person.
- What is Developmental Kindergarten?
The program allows students additional time to physically and emotionally develop in a safe and secure environment before attending kindergarten. Students experience similar opportunities as other kindergarten students, but are taught at a pace and intensity dependent on individual readiness. Developmental Kindergarten students will be taught by a certified teacher endorsed in early childhood, and they will participate in many activities around language & literacy, math, science, social studies, technology & computers, social experiences, and dramatic play. Students also attend traditional specials classes, including physical education, Spanish, art, and music. - How do I know if it is right for my child?
There is no single definition or assessment to determine placement. Most students will attend traditional kindergarten. Parents who are already considering another option before kindergarten are most likely to consider Developmental Kindergarten. Any parent who indicates that they are interested in Developmental Kindergarten at the time of enrollment will be contacted by the principal of the school in their attendance area. - What is the typical class size in Developmental Kindergarten?
The exact size and number of classes will be determined after enrollment, taking into consideration school space availability. - Where and when is this program?
Developmental Kindergarten is being offered at all the elementary schools. Students will attend a full day, beginning at 8:25 a.m. and ending at 3:30 p.m. - In what grade will my child be enrolled after he/she completes Developmental Kindergarten?
Students who complete Developmental Kindergarten are expected to attend kindergarten the following year.
RESOURCES for Kindergarten/DK Enrollment
Royal Oak Schools Enrollment Webpage
Enrollment Link (begins Feb. 3)
Documents Specific to Kindergarten Enrollment:
Vision, Hearing and Dental Screening for Kindergarten Entry
- Vision & Hearing Screening Flyer
- OCHD Vision Screening Website
- OCHD Hearing Screening Website
- OCHD Kindergarten Oral Health Assessment Flyer
- Kindergarten Oral Health Assessment
More information regarding Kindergarten Eligibility can be found on the following sites:
Report Cards
Book of the Month - February
A festive account of one family’s Chinese New Year celebration. A little girl describes the preparations—everything from cleaning and shopping to food preparation and gifts—leading up to a magical Lunar New Year. In one dreamy sequence, the girl imagines herself in Ancient China, riding on a dragon, and watching the celebration unfold.
While recalling her own most ``positively magical'' Lunar New Year, a girl describes the customs and rituals surrounding the celebration. Liu's artwork is appropriately festive, and the illustrations of the family's holiday are divine. - Publisher's Weekly
Title: Chinese New Year's Dragon
Author:Rachel Sing
Illustrator:Shao Wei Liu
Author Rachel Sing grew up in a bi-racial family in the United States. She lived and worked in China from 1982-1985. She has taught Chinese language in an elementary school in Hawaii and at Wellesley College. She studied child development and curriculum design at the Harvard Graduate School of Education.
Illustrator Shao Wei Liu was born in Hangzhou, China and came to the United States in 1982. Her art has appeared in newspapers, magazines and on greeting cards. She currently works as a free- lance illustrator and designer.
Science Olympiad - Registration Open
Event Date: Friday, March 7th, 6:30-8:30 PM
Event information and registration instructions will go home in green folders next week. Paper registrations will be available on the PTA cabinet in the main office. Scholarships are available; please contact Mrs. Bascom-Keller.
The web link address to registration is: https://sites.google.com/site/northwoodmadscientists/registration.
Please turn in your permission slips and supply fees ASAP. All slips and fees must be turned in by Friday, February 14, 2024.
There is no late registration period!
VOLUNTEERS: WE NEED YOU! Please see the info being sent home in the green folders or the online registration page for volunteer information. If you would like to attend with your child(ren), please consider a volunteer position, like team leader, cleanup/setup, check in/out, or floater. These are event night positions that help during the duration of the event.
Volunteer approval form can be found at this web link:
Royal Oak Schools Volunteer Form
Contact Jess Sorbo with questions: 517-881-1874
PTA Fundraiser - Karate Classes Register by 1/31
Here is a great program that also helps the schools PTA!
Karate program runs for six weeks (ages 6-12). One-time fee includes one, 30-minute class per week, the karate uniform with patches, test and promotion (to Yellow belt).
Classes are held on Mondays at 5:30 PM, beginning February 3, 2025.
PKSA Karate Royal Oak
4304 S Rochester Rd
Royal Oak, MI 48073
Corner of Rochester & Whitcomb
Support Northwood Elementary. Registration is open! https://pksaroyaloak.com/northwood-registration
Please follow the link for more information and/or to register! Please reach out to Courtney Hoffman with any questions ccucco24@gmail.com or contact PKSA directly.
National African American Read-In
Royal Oak is proud to be a watch site for the 2025 African American Read-In. Oakland Schools will host author Jacqueline Woodson as our guest for this year's read-in (virtually). She's the award-winning author/illustrator of numerous critically acclaimed books for children. The first 500 Oakland County households who register will receive a copy of one of Jacqueline Woodson's books. See flyer below for more information and use the link or QR code within to register.
Outdoor Gear & Recess - Winter Guidelines
The children go outside for fresh air and robust active play every day for lunchtime recess. At times there will be extreme weather or extremely cold conditions that prohibit children from being outdoors for recess. As a general rule, when the "feels like" temperature approaches 12 degrees we consider keeping students in, however this guideline is subject to the administrators discretion. Some other factors considered include, but are not limited to, the presence of sunshine and the strength of the wind.
It is very helpful when kids come to school prepared to dress for all possible weather, and it's important that students come to school daily with appropriate outdoor gear. In the winter, that includes coats, hats & gloves, snow pants, and boots. When there is snow on the ground, we ask that students wear snow pants and boots to play on the field, in order to avoid wet, cold pants and shoes.
Winter Guidelines
- Outdoor gear brought daily - Winter: coats, hats & gloves, snow pants, boots
- Outdoor recess daily, unless windchill 12 degrees or below
- Snow pants and boots required to play on the field when it is snowy
- No throwing snow or snowballs at school - including before and after school
- If it is below 50 degrees, coats are required
Collecting Caps & Lids
Last year, Mrs. Guthrie headed up an initiative to collect over 200 lbs of colored plastic and worked with Belle Isle to have it turned into a bench. She is hoping to do it again!
Families can help by collecting colored plastic caps & lids and sending them in. Please make sure they are clean and drop them in the container located in the front office vestibule. Some examples are caps and lids from Tide, peanut butter, Gatorade, pop, milk, etc. Please see the list for all acceptable plastics. Thank you in advance for your help with this amazing project!
Staff Thank You
Our staff works so hard everyday focusing on our students and school community. If you would like to say thank you to any staff member, please fill out and submit the form linked below. I will be sure they get your messages, which I know will make their day!
Northwood Breakfast & Lunch
Thanks to the Michigan School Meals Program, a state-funded program that allows all students to receive meals at no cost for the 2024-2025 school year, breakfast and lunch will be free to all students. Second meals are not free and will be considered ala carte. Elementary school second lunches will be charged $2.60.
Although all students can receive meals at no cost, it is still vital that eligible families fill out a free/reduced meal application: A school’s eligibility for federal Child Nutrition Programs such as Summer Food Service Program and others is based on free and reduced-price eligibility. Students and families may qualify for other program fee reductions based on their eligibility for free or reduced-price meals. Federal and state education finding uses free and reduced-price eligibility.
Please complete the 2024-2025 online application on our website under Free and Reduced Meals Information. Paper applications will be sent out this month and available at the district office and in all schools in August.
Breakfast Club
If your child is coming for Breakfast Club any time this year, they should arrive between 7:55-8:10 AM (8:55-9:10 AM on late start Wednesdays) and enter through the Main doors only. If a family member needs to enter the school to walk their child down to breakfast, the adult will need to sign into the office to enter the building and sign back out when leaving. Thanks so much!
Lunch Menu
Blessings in a Backpack
“Blessings in a Backpack” is a program designed to provide students on the free and reduced lunch program with enough food for three meals a day during the weekends. If you agree to take part in this program during the school year, your child will receive a bag filled with food for the weekend. A bag of food will be put in your child's locker for take home on Fridays. The simple meals may include food like macaroni and cheese, beef ravioli, canned fruit, granola bars, soups, juice and other items. Students will receive a bag every week.
If you would like to have your child participate in this program, fill out the form below.. Please be sure to indicate on the form if you child has any food allergies. If your child has a food allergy, you as the parent are responsible for checking all food labels when the food arrives home. Royal Oak Schools, as well as Blessings in a Backpack, will not be held responsible for any accidental food allergen exposure.
Northwood News By Students For Students: NBS
Check out our student news broadcasts: NBS Broadcast!
Student Senate
Our Northwood Student Senate supports classrooms, participates in events, and has fundraisers to benefit a specially chosen non-profit yearly. This year's fundraisers will benefit Camp Casey. Camp Casey is a non-profit organization that provides cost-free horseback riding programs to children with cancer, sickle cell disease, and other life-threatening illnesses. For more information, see the Camp Casey website.
Specials News
PTA Corner
PTA Newsletter
PTA Newsletter
The Northwood PTA sends out a weekly newsletter to keep families informed about important school announcements, volunteer opportunities, upcoming events, and ways to connect with our community on social media. We also share how you can support Northwood when shopping locally. Our goal is to reach as many Northwood families as possible, so please help us spread the word!
There are two ways to receive the newsletter:
1. Join the PTA and automatically receive the newsletter: northwood.givebacks.com/store
2. Sign up without joining the PTA: northwood.givebacks.com/join/cecb14
Questions? Contact Kristen Borchardt-Mazur (kristen.borchardt@gmail.com)
PTA on Facebook
Join the Northwood Elementary Official PTA Facebook group to stay up-to-date on PTA events and see what's happening at Northwood.
Grade-level groups: This is your place to connect with other families or ask grade-specific questions.
- Northwood Kindergarten 2024-2025
- Northwood First Grade 2024-2025
- Northwood Second Grade 2024-2025
- Northwood Third Grade 2024-2025
- Northwood Fourth Grade 2024-2025
- Northwood Fifth Grade 2024-2025
To join our groups, all membership questions must be answered. You will be added to the group once your information is approved with the district.
Kroger Community Rewards
Help the Northwood PTA fundraise by linking your Kroger Shopper's Card to our organization! It's easy to do & it's free. Just follow the directions below & the PTA will earn extra funding. Thanks so much!
1. Create or sign in to your digital account
2. Link your Card to an organization: Select: Northwood PTA and click "Save"
Box Tops
Collecting Box Tops is a great way for Northwood to earn money. Northwood earns 10¢ for every box top collected. Download the app and start scanning your receipts to earn money for Northwood!
Special Education News
Please click the link for special education news and information. Check it often as it is being updated regularly. Special Education Program
Royal Oak Parent Advocacy Committee
The Royal Oak Parent Advocacy Committee (ROPAC) is our school district's Parent Advisory Committee - a group made up of parents/caregivers of students with IEPs or 504 Plans, those that want to learn more, those that think their student may benefit from special education services. ROPAC sincerely welcomes any parent or caregiver with a student(s) in Royal Oak schools to join us in our mission to make this a destination for students receiving special education services. Learn more about the ROPAC here: ROPAC Info Flyer. To join our mailing list for meeting reminders and other updates, complete this quick form: ROPAC Email List
The next ROPAC meeting will be held virtually on February 18. More information to come.
Young Oaks Latchkey
If you have students currently enrolled in the program you will be contacted directly by the Young Oaks Coordinator. Any families interested in the program can use the link below for information about the program.
Salvation Army After-School Program
PBIS: Positive Behavior Intervention and Support
Northwood PBIS Program - Positive Behavior & Character Traits
Our Positive Behavior Interventions & Supports (PBIS) program at Northwood uses the acronym of O.A.K.S to promote positive behavior throughout our building. Our O.A.K.S. program serves as a reminder to our students that they are to be:
Outstanding Learners
Always Respectful
Kindness Counts
Safety First
Following is our Northwood Behavior Expectations & Character Traits Matrix, which focuses on expectations for all of the areas of our school. Teachers and staff emphasize this daily and we also have monthly "Nest" meetings to work on OAKS expectations and being role models and leaders at school. One of the tools we may use if a student has a behavior challenge is a "Think Time Sheet", which allows the student to think about their behavior, consider how it relates to OAKS expectations, and most importantly reflect on how they can grow from the experience and make better choices in the future. These forms go home to communicate with families and foster positive conversations about our OAKS expectations for positive behavior. Thank you so much for your support at home to reinforce these important expectations and traits!
Support Resources
Positive & Effective Parenting Information
- Positive Parenting Tips for children of all ages
- Child Development Basics & Effective Parenting Practices
Supporting Children's Mental Wellness: Tips for Families and Caregivers
Parents, family members, and caregivers can encourage mental wellness and promote social,
emotional, and academic success. Good mental health is not simply the absence of illness, but also
includes skills necessary to cope with life’s challenges.
Oakland County Health Network Resources:
- OCHN’s non-emergency behavioral health access department is available Monday-Friday from 8 a.m. - 8 p.m. at 248-464-6363.
- OCHN’s Mental Health School Navigators (MHSN) connect youth and families to behavioral health and substance use supports, as well as financial assistance. For more information about the School Mental Health Navigator Program please call 248-462-6294 or email SchoolNavigator@oaklandchn.org
- Call 988 for Crisis and Emergency Support
- Programs and supports provided by OCHN's service network are available at oaklandchn.org
Speech and Language Resources
English Language Development News
Important School Procedures & Information
Northwood Arrival and Dismissal Information
Arrival and dismissal are very busy times for everyone. It’s critical that we all follow the rules to keep everyone safe and to keep traffic flowing. If you would like to volunteer from 8:15-8:30 AM and/or 3:15-3:30 PM to help with arrival/dismissal, please let the office know. Please share the following important information with anyone who will be driving your child to or from school. Thank you for working together with us as a school family to keep all of our students safe!
Arrival, Dismissal & Parking - Important!
Arrival: 1st bell 8:20 AM, 2nd/tardy bell 8:25 AM
Late Starts: 1st bell 9:20 AM, 2nd/tardy bell 9:25 AM
Dismissal: 3:30 PM
Kiss & Go Lane (along the front of the building - See photo): For quick drop-off of students who can walk independently to their doors, please pull into the Kiss & Go lane along the curb in front of the building. This is a moving lane for drop-off and pick-up (no parking). If there is a line, we appreciate your patience. Thank you for your cooperation!
- Pull all the way forward, allow your child to exit on the passenger side of the vehicle, and move forward to exit. Your child will walk to their class door.
- For pickup, your child will exit their class door and come to the lane to look for your vehicle. Please do not pull in front of your child's class door to wait, as this impedes the line and causes a backup.
- If you need to exit your vehicle, please find a parking spot. This will keep things moving, which is safest and most efficient for everyone.
- Please do not let your child exit your vehicle in the driveway or thru lane and try to walk between moving cars. The children’s safety is the priority.
Parking: If you need to leave your car for any reason, please find a parking spot.
- We have 2 visitor lots you can use: front lot and north lot.
- You may park and walk your students to and from their class door.
- If you would like to park on the street, please consider parking on a side street other than McDonald, due to traffic.
- Please do not pick up or drop off in the south lot. This lot is for staff parking and a bus lane only. Thank you for your understanding.
- These are great options and decrease traffic.
- Adults and students should remain on sidewalks and cross at crosswalks only.
- Students must wear a helmet.
- All bikes must be walked on school property.
- Please do not stand or park bikes in the Kiss & Go lane.
- New Crosswalk! We have a new crosswalk from the front of the building to McDonald on the north side of the driveway. By pedestrians using that crosswalk, vehicles will now be able to turn left and exit the lot more efficiently, which should alleviate the line.
- Dogs are not allowed.
As students arrive, they are expected to join their class line and wait patiently for the bell to ring at 8:20 AM (9:20 on late start Wednesdays) when classes enter the building. Students are not supervised by staff outside before school begins, so shouldn't be dropped off early without supervision. On school grounds, students should always be following school rules and expectations, including safety, respect, and kindness.
- Carpool
- Walk/bike (students must wear helmets and walk bikes on school property)
- Breakfast: Drop your child off early at the main office doors for free breakfast anytime between 7:55-8:10 AM (8:55-9:10 on Late Starts)
- Drop your child where there are adult crossing guards at either the Crooks or 12 Mile Rd Crosswalks
- Drop your 3rd-5th grader off at W. Houstonia/McDonald or W. Houstonia/Vinsetta. Safety patrol students are at the W. Houstonia/McDonald crosswalk.
If your child is arriving after 8:25 AM (9:25 AM on Late Starts), please park in a parking spot (not along the curb) and walk your child in. You will sign your child in on the clipboard in the vestibule. Your child will enter the office to get a late pass from the office and head to class.
Reporting Absences
All absences should be called in to the Safety Check number. Absences that are not reported are considered unexcused.
Safety Check number: 248-541-0229 option #1
Dropping Off Forgotten Items
If your child forgets items at home, we ask that only essential items be brought up to school. Please do not drop off nonessential items. We do not want to interrupt teaching and student learning, unless it is essential. If you need to drop off an essential forgotten item for your child, please enter the main doors, put it on the table, and leave a note with your child’s name and teacher. The office staff will check the table periodically and let the class teacher know there is something for the child in the office. If you are dropping off something for the office, like medication, a form, or other important information, please proceed to the office door and our office staff is happy to help.
Essential item examples - OK to drop off
Medication - Take into office secretary
Note: Students can get a hot lunch if a lunch is forgotten, and water fountains are available throughout the school if a water bottle is forgotten.
Nonessential item examples - Please do NOT drop off
Homework - Turn in next school day
Library Books - Turn in next school day
Recess Items
Theme items for special days (pajamas, tiaras & hats, stuffed animals, other): While it is disappointing when items are forgotten on special theme days, it happens. Fortunately, there are many special days and more opportunities to remember to bring or wear special items. We do not want to interrupt instruction during the school day, unless it is necessary. Thank you so much for understanding!
Visitors & Volunteers
In our efforts to continue to keep our school community safe, anyone visiting the school will need to check in with office staff from the vestibule. Any parent, caregiver, or adult entering into the school for any reason, including PTA and classroom volunteering, will need to sign in at the office and get a visitor’s badge. Visitors who would like to meet with a staff member will need to have a scheduled appointment. Thank you!
Lost & Found
Our Lost & Found is located in the office vestibule, just inside the main entrance. Please label your child's items so we can help get them back to students. Please check our lost & found regularly, as it builds up quickly. Thank you!
School Health Guidelines
School Health Guidelines
In consideration of your own child and others, please do not send a child who is ill to school. As a guideline, a child should not be sent to school if the child:
- has a temperature (a child MUST be fever-free for 24 hours without use of fever-reducing medication)
- is vomiting (24 hours since last episode) or has diarrhea
- has green or yellow discharge from the nose
- has any contagious disease
Student Electronic Devices Policy
Students are allowed to possess electronic communication devices on school property; however, such devices shall not be used during the school day or in a manner that disrupts school activities or events. If brought to school, these items should be left in the student’s locker. This includes but is not limited to the following: smart phones, smart watches, bluetooth earbuds, tablets, etc. Any device found to be used for any illegal purpose or used in a manner that violates the Student Code of Conduct may be confiscated pending a parent conference. Where appropriate, police authorities may be contacted. The school is not responsible for lost or stolen electronic devices.
Northwood Student Handbook, page 9
If your student needs to bring an electronic communication device to school please make certain they understand that it must be kept in their locker and they may not text, call, watch videos, etc. on their device during the school day.Thank you so much for your support with this important issue!
Personal Toys and Trading Cards Policy
Students should not bring toys, trading cards, and other similar items to school. These items are very distracting and disruptive. The school is not responsible for lost, stolen, or broken personal items. Please see Northwood Student Handbook, page 14:
Personal Items
Students’ personal items that should not be brought to school include anything of great value. Other items that should not be brought to school include electronics that are potentially disruptive to the classroom, toys or other distracting items, trading cards or other items with numerous loose pieces, and any other items that are not directly used in the classroom for instructional purposes.
Allergy Awareness & School Food Policy
Classrooms: Do not send snacks containing peanuts or tree nuts.
Lunch Room: There is a separate table for any students with nut allergies.
Class Parties: If party donations are requested, do not send items that have peanuts or tree nuts.
- Halloween - If you send in goodies to be sent home, do not include any food items.
- Valentine's Day - If you send in goodies to be sent home, do not include any food items.
Birthdays: Do not send food or beverages as birthday treats.
i-Ready Testing Information
Students K-5 take i-Ready reading and math diagnostic assessments three times per year to enhance our understanding of them as learners and to help inform our instructional decisions. Your student's results report from each testing period will be uploaded into the MiStar Parent Portal under "Student Documents", along with report cards. To access the parent portal, go to royaloakschools.org, click on "Parents/Guardians" on the menu bar, and then click on "MISTAR Parent Portal." Please use the login assistance links if you need help logging in. Understanding Your Student's i-Ready Diagnostic Report includes helpful information for you as you review your child's reports.
Social Media Posting
Social Media Posting
At Northwood we take pride in making sure we have a kind, caring, environment. Our parents & families play a large role in helping us to achieve this goal. Before posting to social media or any other venue, please consider the feelings of all our community members. Before you post, remember to T.H.I.N.K.
Family Tech Support
Family Tech Support
If you need information or technology support for your student's district-issued Chromebook, click the link below.
District News You Can Use
Royal Oak Schools App
Stay in touch with Royal Oak Schools by downloading our new mobile app! Download on your mobile device today and select 'yes' to receive push notifications with the latest news and updates from the District. Use this link for more download information.
Free 4-year old Preschool at Addams ECC
Winter Blast
Embrace winter with the fun for the family from the enhanced Medieval Village featuring animate dragons and Knights on horseback, spectacular Ice Sculptures, a 300-foot zipline, 17 food trucks, live music, heated tents, and more. It’s also the one weekend you can skate for free at The Rink At Royal Oak, plus live music in heated tents, marshmallow roasting, and so much family fun. ADMISSION TO THE FESTIVAL IS FREE, and Parking is $5 or less.For all the details and schedule of events, go to winterblast.com
Royal Oak School Skate Days at the Centennial Commons
We’re excited to announce the return of Royal Oak Schools Free Skate Days at the Centennial Commons, located in downtown Royal Oak, proudly sponsored by M3 Investment Services! These fun-filled evenings are a fantastic opportunity for our students to enjoy a night out on the ice while connecting with friends and family.
Northwood's Mission Statement
Northwood Elementary School will provide higher-level learning opportunities for all students to maximize their potential in a safe, nurturing, respectful, and diverse environment.
Fun Fact:
Did you know that Northwood is a Michigan Green School at the Evergreen level? We not only recycle, but our students compost their food scraps, trays, napkins, and milk cartons in our cafeteria every day!