Aragon Gator News
Welcome Back 2025
Please Welcome Ms. Blanca & Mrs. Jenn, our new office staff! They are looking forward to working with Aragon & the community.
- FFC8 will be hosting it's first Adult ESL classes starting March 4th-20th. Please see Flyers down below for more information. ( This is for district 8 families only)
- FFC8 will be hosting Kindergarten Kick-Off March 3rd. Please see Flyers down below for more information. (For all incoming 2025-2026 kindergarteners. Students must be 5 years old by Oct. 1. 2025) (Aragon @ 2:45-3:45)
- APEX Fun Run Fundraising - March 3rd-14th (See flyers down below for more info)
- March 3rd: FMS Counselor speaking to 5th grade
- Monday 3rd- "The Cat in the Hat" (Wear Red, White and/or a hat
- Tuesday 4th- "Oh The Places You'll Go" (Wear any college or career outfit or shirt
- Wednesday 5th- "Wacky Wednesday" (Wear miss matched clothes)
- Thursday 6th- "Green Eggs and Ham" (Wear Green)
- Friday 7th- "The Sleep Book" (Wear Cozy clothes or PJs _________________________________________________________
- March 6th: FMS Band playing for 5th grade @ Aragon
- March 24th-28th: NO SCHOOL (Spring Break)
- April 4th - Muffins and Morning Meeting
- Parents for security purposes please bring your driver license for early check out for you child.
- If you have to make any changes to contact information please come to the office and fill out a form.
- *END OF DAY PICK UPS BY 2:00 pm*
- TRANSPORTATION: If there is a transportation change that is different from the regular daily routine, please call the office 719-382-1340 before 1:30 pm.
- Student Apparel: Parents please write your child's name on their jackets and sweaters.
- Winter Dress: There are days that our students go outside for recess. If you can please make sure they are dressed in warm clothing and have a warm jacket with them at all times we would greatly appreciate it.
Summer EBT
Subject: Summer Electronic Transfer Benefit Program (S-EBT) for FFC8 households participating in the National School Lunch Program
FFC8 Families:
What is Summer-EBT?
Summer-EBT is a new program that provides nutritious food to eligible students in the summer months when they are not in school. ($120 per student/one time EBT payment)
Who is eligible for Summer-EBT?
Students who may be eligible for Summer-EBT include:
- Those who have already been processed and qualified for free or reduced-price meals while attending a school participating in the National School Lunch Program (NSLP) or School Breakfast Program (SBP).
- Those who are receiving other assistance benefits, including SNAP and Colorado Works.
- You may qualify through Medicaid if your income is within the National School Lunch guidelines.
If you have not already applied or qualified for free or reduced eligibility for the 2024-25 school year, please fill out the Family Economic Data Survey by February 21, 2025 to see if you may qualify for Summer-EBT benefits.
How do I get Summer-EBT?
Many families will automatically receive Summer-EBT if their student qualified for free or reduced-price school meals or if they participate in SNAP, Medicaid or Colorado Works.
An EBT card will be mailed to each eligible student directly by the state. You should keep any existing Summer-EBT cards, if you already have one. Summer-EBT cards will be issued by a State agency and will not be issued by Fountain-Fort Carson School District 8.
To prepare for this, make sure your student's address is correct and up-to-date in Infinite Campus parent portal, as well as parent/guardian information.
If you are receiving SNAP, Colorado Works or Medicaid, you should ensure your case has a current address on file.
When will Summer-EBT be available?
Summer-EBT payments will be sent out during the summer months.
For more information on student eligibility and common questions, visit the Colorado Department of Human Services Summer-EBT webpage.
District questions please contact Nutrition Services at (719) 382-1334.
This Institution is an Equal Opportunity Provider
A Message From Nurse Wendy
March is National Nutrition Month
Eating healthy on a budget can be challenging but here are a few tips that can help. Plan your meals for the week and write a list of what you already have and what you need to buy, sticking to the list when at the store is helpful. Checking what’s on sale for the week is a budget friendly idea when planning the weekly menu. Make enough food so that you have leftovers for lunch the next day instead of eating fast food for lunch. Drinking water flavored with a couple of slices of fruit is a great way to drink healthy and it’s cheaper!
Nurse Wendy
Thank you for keeping all our Aragon Alligators healthy!
Family Economic Data Survey
FFC8 Families
Fountain-Fort Carson School District 8 provides no-cost Breakfast and Lunch for all students. It is important for households to still provide income information as qualifying households may be eligible for Summer EBT benefits and students may receive discounted technology fees, summer school fees, college testing fees, and more.
Please fill out the Family Economic Data Survey here:
"Change Happens... such as loss of housing , homelessness, job and need for resources. If this is you, please reach out to your District Liaison. There are a number of resources including school food pantry, clothing closet, parent resource nights and much more. We are here to support you! Contact Wendy Stevenson, MSW, LCSW at 719-382-1568 or www.wstevnson@ffc8.org."
CALL 211 for essential community services such as food, clothing banks, shelters rental assistance, utility assistance and more.
Do you have questions or need to sign up for food assistance or Medicaid?
You can visit the El Paso County Department of Humas Service office in Fountain located inside the Peak Vista Health Center at 350 Lyckman Dr. You can also use the Colorado PEAK website to check eligibility and apply for benefits at https.//www.colorado.gov/curated/search-peak
Do you need help navigating Health First Colorado ( Colorado's Medicaid Program)?
CCHA care coordinators can help navigate the health care system and connect you with medical and non-medical services, 719-598-1540
Is your child in need of clothes or supplemental food?
We all know kids grow so fast and the cost of groceries is astronomical. If your family needs some support with this and more, please contact Ally West, Aragon's School Counselor for more info at allysonwest@ffc8.org
Are you looking for a Local Food Pantry?
- FFC8 hosts a Community Food Pantry at the Fountain Valley YMCA on Wednesdays at 4pm
- Sunnyside Market is a food pantry where you can simply grab a cart and choose the food you want. Make sure you enroll online first at https://sunnysidemarket.org. Sunnyside Market is located at 501 East Iowa Ave. Check online for shopping days and hours or to volunteer
- Fountain Valley Foundations - Salvation Army. The Fountain Valley Salvations Army Client Choice Food Pantry is where you can shop for groceries one time per week. Located at 208 Cunningham Dr., 80911. Operating hours: M, W, F from 9am-3pm, closed for lunch 12pm-1pm
Do you need Housing Assistance?
- Are you at risk of becoming homeless (pending eviction/unable to make rent) or maybe living with others due to economic purposes, contact Wendy Stevenson with FFC's McKinney Vento Liaison and district supports. wstvenson@ffc8.org
- Partners in Housing, https://partnershousing.org provides one year if transition housing and supportive services to families experiencing homelessness or at imminent risk of becoming homeless with the goal of achieving self-sufficiency. Approval can take many months so apply ASAP.
For the most up to date information and more, please visit our School Community Resources at https://www.ffc8.org/programs/special-education/parent-resources
The Aragon Spirit Store is still open!
Hey Aragon Elementary School fan!
Heads up! Your NEW 24/7 Aragon Elementary School Sideline Store is officially up and running. You can shop the store by clicking the link below.
Parent Pickup and Drop Off Lane Safety
Aragon Elementary School
7:10 Students Arrive
7:20 Tardy Bell
2:25 Student Dismissal
Website: https://aragon.ffc8.org/
Location: 211 South Main Street, Fountain, CO, USA
Phone: 719-382-1340
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/AragonElementary/