Weekly Update
July 26, 2024

Happy Friday Eaton Olympians!
It was a wonderful week at Eaton as we enjoyed the much needed sunshine and dryer weather conditions! To wrap up the week, be on the lookout in your child's folder for interim reports -- these were sent home today. Next week is a bit different with the schedule -- please keep in mind that Wednesday, August 21, 2024, is a teacher workday and our school is closed for students.
We are looking for Level 2 Volunteers to support the cafeteria team every Thursday with Ice Cream sales from 10:45 am - 12:30 pm. We currently have one (1) volunteer for alternating Thursdays but need a few more to support this aspect of the cafeteria. If you are interested, please sign up using the following link. You must be a level 2 volunteer to serve in the cafeteria.
Additional School Information to Review
- August 19, 2024: Our 1st through 5th grades will begin welcoming volunteers in our building. Kindergarten teachers will contact families about beginning volunteer dates or enjoying lunch with students.
- August 21, 2024: Official room parent orientation/introduction will be held via google meet on from 7-7:45pm. Invitations from PTA organizers have been sent to identified room parents.
- August 29. 2024: McTeacher night at McDonald's on Eastwood Road & Military Cutoff Road. Come hand with Grimace & enjoy crafts and games
- August 30, 2024: Fall Picture Day
- September 5, 2024: Boombalatti's Spirit Night -- You scream, we scream, we all love ice cream especially from Boombalatti's in the Forum.
A few reminders as we welcome families to visit for lunch next week:
- All visitors are required to sign in and out in the front office / please have picture ID ready
- When coming for lunch, you and your student will sit at a separate table due to spacing challenges in the cafeteria.
School Safety:
- Photo Identification is required to sign in to the school and/or check out a stduent.
- Walker Tags: Please ensure you have these out and visible when you approach the school.
- If you need a replacement sign, please email Dina.Dillon@nhcs.net.
- All afternoon transportation changes must be communicated in writing, in the form of a paper note, with a parent signature. Changes cannot be made by email or phone. In some cases, we can accept a transportation change via email, if a photograph of a valid government-issued ID along with a signature can be shared via email. We cannot guarantee that something sent via email will be read during the school day, and thus this form of communication for a transportation change is not optimal or recommended. All of our transportation procedures are in place to keep children safe.
- All visitors on school grounds must report to the front office to sign in during school hours.
If you need anything or have additional questions, please email either the principal or the assistant principal, respectively: rosemarie.wheeler@nhcs.net and/or karen.mccarty@nhcs.net
We look forward to serving you this year!
Student Device/Cell Phone Use at School
Eaton Elementary School policy states that student personal devices (cell phone, smartwatch, ipad, etc.) must remain off and in bookbags during the day. This includes when students are on the bus. We are seeing an increase in distracting behaviors as students playing with watches during instruction.
2024-2025 De-Assignment Procedures
In an effort to reduce late arrival & departures to & from school, students hwo do not meet ridership eligibility will be permanently de-assigned from NHCS's Transportation department. Exceptions are made on an individual basis. To remain eligible to ride a bus, students and parents/guardians/caregivers must:
- ride the bus at least three (3) times per week
- follow the procedures for 'meeting at the bus stop' for K-2 and special education students
- follow safety procedures when riding the bus
Arrival & Dismissal Information
Morning drop-off and afternoon pick-up is located in the front of our school (Gordan Road entrance at traffic light). Please follow the flow of traffic which lines up in font of the school and circles through the gravel lot. Parking is not permitted in the grass area of the gravel loop.
Arrival / We encourage all drivers to maintain composure and patience in our car line!
- To assist in a safe and speedy arrival, students should have backpacks on and ready to exit cars when you near the zone of transition.
Late Arrival (Tardy)
- The tardy warning bell rings at 7:35 am. The tardy bell rings at 7:40 am. Students arriving to class after this bell will need to visit the front office to receive a tardy slip for class.
- Parents: If you arrive to car drop off after the tardy bell at 7:40 am, you will need to park in a designated parking space, walk with your child to the front office, and sign your child in to the front office.
Departure (Car Pick Up) -- We encourage all drivers to maintain composure and patience in our car line!
- Car Tags: This sign should be displayed at all times until after you have pick up your student.
- Only vehicles with the signs will be allowed to pick up your child. If you give your sign to another person, you are giving that person permission to pick up your child. Without a sign, you will need to park and go to the front office and provide photo identification before picking up a student.
- Students will only be loaded from the passenger side of the car.
Early Pick-Up (Early Check-Out) -- Deadline is 1:45pm
- If you need to pick up your student (s) early, you must do so before 1:45pm. Photo identification is required every time you check out students.
We appreciate everyone's role in helping to ensure and maintain a
safe arrival and departure for all stakeholders!
Smart Snacks and Healthy Meals
MySchoolBucks: allows parents/guardians to prepay for meals. In addition, you are able to set up low balance alerts to keep your student's account balance in the positive.
MySchoolApps: MySchoolApps is the fast and secure way to apply for free and reduce meals online.
Student Support Services Updates
Anne Matney, School Counselor
We are pleased to have our School Counselor, Ms. Anne Matney, at Eaton this year.
5th Grade Service Club Project
The 5th grade Service Club would like to offer a coffee/treat cart once a month for the Eaton staff. If you would like to help them with this service project, please visit the SignUp Genius page to add your name. There are 5 Wednesdays for this semester, so there are plenty of opportunities to help. You can drop off any items in the front office to the attention of Mrs. Matney, the school counselor. We thank you, in advance, for helping us serve the wonderful staff at Eaton.
The 5th Grade Service Club thanks those of you who have already signed up to send in items for the staff coffee cart. The first date is August 28, 2024, and we still have some open slots, most importantly for coffee and treats. The Service Club appreciates all of your support, for we couldn't do it without the generous donations of our wonderful Eaton parents!
Donations Needed
If you are willing and able, we are accepting donations of small rewards (erasers, stickers, small toys, etc.) to use as incentives for our school-wide positive behavior system.
Email: anne.matney@nhcs.net
Phone: 910-397-1544 x71706
Friendly reminder from your Data Manager: Amy Wooten
Parents/guardians of returning students, grades 1-5, must go online and fill out your beginning of year paperwork in scribbles. Remember: You must fill this out using your zoned school.
Here is your link: https://nhcsncc.scriborder.com/
Allie Miele, School Social Worker
We are pleased to have our School Social Worker (SSW), Ms. Allie Miele, at Eaton this year. She will work part-time at both Eaton and Codington.
Email: allison.miele@nhcs.net
- Codington Elementary School 910-790-2236 ext. 71309
- Eaton Elementary School 910-397-1544 ext. 71712
Please see the information regarding Nourish NC below. Parents may sign up using the QR code in the link below or contact Ms. Miele.
Volunteer Information
We love our volunteers! All visitors to the building must complete Level I orientation and pass the assessment with 80% or better:
- Read all of the information in this presentation, Volunteer Orientation, and the NHCS Volunteer Handbook (we will get this to you as soon as it becomes available).
- Complete the Volunteer Orientation Assessment with a score of 80% or higher.
If wanting to attend a field trip or work with students in small groups outside of the classroom, you will then complete Level II requirements:
- Background Check Application.
- Cost: $22.50
- Valid for three (3) years
If your background check expires on or before 9/15/24, you will be unable to volunteer as a Level II until Dr. McCarty receives Level II credentials including a new expiration date from NHCS district staff. She is monitoring this information on a weekly basis.
General Guidelines after receiving district clearance to serve as a volunteer:
- Please have your photo ID ready when coming to campus to either sign in.
- When volunteering, please respect the instructional day and stay within your volunteer area.
Eaton Volunteer Coordinator: Dr. Karen McCarty, Assistant Principal
as necessary to keep families informed our school events.
Eaton Elementary Contact Information
Principal: Romi Wheeler
Website: https://eaton.nhcs.net/
Location: DR HUBERT EATON SR ELEMENTARY 6701 Gordon Road Wilmington, NC 28411
Phone: (910) 397-1544