Transition Plus
Make today so awesome yesterday gets jealous
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Extra Busy this Week
Just so you know there will be a number of extra people in the building this week Tuesday through Thursday from across the state. They will primarily be in the auditorium for a training being done by Marc Gold Associates. I have directed them parking will be difficult and they will need to park on the streets around the neighborhood. You may want to ensure your parking by getting here a little earlier if you usually park on the streets.
The group is learning about how to develop customized employment through a discovery process. we have some of our students who will be participating in this and will be receiving a small stipend for their time. Matt Hentges is helping with the coordination of students.
PD End of the year
ESP staff is contractually to work June 11 & 12 (PD Days)
Licensed staff is contractually to work 11& 12 (PD Days) 13th is record keeping day.
There will be staff on ILT that will be trading the 11th for the 13th- They will be at a 2 day Beyond Diversity Training at WMEP- See Laura if you have not signed up yet.
Non-violent Crisis Intervention (NCI), CPR, and First Aid Training on June 11th
ESPs requiring NCI, CPR, and/or First Aid certification as a required component of their position of employment should attend this training on June 11th to meet the annual and bi-annual certification requirements. CPR and First Aid training will be limited to 260 participants. eCompass verification of attendance and training will be provided to school principals. Session overview and registration links available here.- If you are an ESP staff planning on attending CPI, CPR or First Aid you need to commit to this by signing up on ecompass
- and then signing up in the office or letting Melissa know-- this is necessary so we can plan appropriately.
Training at TPlus
Monday June 11- All staff attending will report at 8 am-
- 8-11:30 -------- SEL Session
- 11:30-12:30--- Lunch will be on your own.
- 12:30 - 4 pm--- Licensed staff will meet in teams/work in rooms
- 12:30-2:30----- Non Licensed staff will attend a job coach training
Tuesday June 12 - All staff attending report at 8 am
- 8-11:30-------- Equity session
- 11:30-12:30--- Lunch will be on your own.
- 12:30 - 4 pm--- Licensed staff will meet in teams/work in rooms/ work on their racial autobiographies
- 12:30-2:30----- Non Licensed staff will work in rooms/ work on their racial autobiographies/ check out with Jason
Wednesday June 13 - Licensed staff grading day
- All graduation summaries/ ESY plans need to be completed if not already done
- Expect a check off list to be coming out soonGrades need to be entered
- ---Counselor will sign off- grades are completed
- Progress notes need to be completed for all students
- ---Social Workers will sign off -Due process is complete
- Rooms will be packed up- please get rid of things not going to use in preparation for fall move
- ---Daphne will sign off-rooms are packed accordingly
- All ESY equipment / work labeled and turned in
- If staff attended Visit Tplus night - may leave at 2:00
Mental Health Team Tip of the Week
May is Mental Health Awareness Month!
Here is a great website, loaded with great information/tips/resources: This would be a great site to share with students as well.
Here's a link to daily challenges to inspire whole body health:
The #4Mind4Body Challenge | Mental Health America
Search form. Search . Home; Store; Career Center; Affiliate Login; Contact Us
ESP End of the year.
Make sure you have completed your portion in ecompass.
We will review your goals and how the year was for you.
Please read and be familiar with the “Exit, Graduation and Follow Up Procedures”, in the Due Process Manuel.
When a student will be graduating and exiting from Transition Plus, the following steps must be completed:
1. SUMMARY OF PERFORMANCE (formerly called Exit Summary): This is in Ed Plan under Documents on the left hand side. The first section addresses the progress the student has made on their goals, accommodations and assistive technology that helpful etc. The second section is a student advocacy statement with the intent of being completed with the student in the student’s voice. Community agencies the student is working with should also be included. All students need a summary of performance.
Note (taken from Due Process Manuel): Before a special education student graduates or ages out of special education, the school district is legally required to provide a summary of the student's academic achievement and functional performance, including recommendations on how to assist the student in meeting his/her future goals.
This document can be completed ahead of time (at an IEP meeting, when meeting with student)
2. NOTICE OF DISCONTINUATION OF ALL SPECIAL EDUCATION SERVICES- this is the Notice of Proposed Action or Denial on EdPlan with the third option checked. A copy is given to the student/guardian.
A PWN needs to be completed on every student who taking their diploma before May of the year that they age out of service.
3. DIPLOMA REQUEST FORM- complete all sections and turn in to the social worker for the student’s team. Please indicate which high school the diploma should be issued from. Diplomas can come from the student’s previous high school, home school, Transition Plus or a generic Minneapolis Public School.
See your social worker if you have any questions.
Time and Effort Reporting
As the end of the years draws near, please ensure all
Time & Effort reports are completed before you leave for the summer.
Also, all Periodic reports (bi-yearly) will be posted towards the end of June and will need to be completed as well.
Another reminder will be sent the 2nd or 3rd week in June for the Periodic deadline.
Valic is Back!
Eric Gross from Valic will be back on site next week Tuesday May 22nd to answer questions regarding the MPS 403b retirement plan.
A signup sheet will posted on the front desk in the main office.
Remember, the 403b is a different benefit than PERA or TRA.
Please sign up to meet with Eric if you would like to:
- Learn more about the MPS 403b retirement plan
- Enroll in the plan
- Find out how to take advantage of the MPS District match!
- Increase your contribution
- Review your account
- If you have retirement or other financial planning questions
- Find out if you are “on track” to retire
- If you are a new employee to the MPS district.
Please try and take advantage of this meeting opportunity.
Thank You
MPS has designed a new student teacher placement portal to streamline the process of placing and tracking student teachers.
Universities are still expected to work with sites directly to arrange placements, and then to log those placements in the new portal.
If you have someone contact you regarding a placement, be aware there is a process. Please let Jason know of anyone contacting you to try to have a placement at Transition Plus.
Music Therapy Opportunity
Experience community, support and creativity in Music Therapy!
Transgender, nonbinary, gender nonconforming teen and young adults.
Mondays at 1pm and 2pm, May 21-August 13
Parent support and education
Wednesdays at 5pm, May 23-August 15
Attend one or both groups. Use health insurance or sliding fee scale for payment. To sign up, contact Emma Moonier at 612-340-1241
T plus Has Talent
The Transition Plus Talent Show is this
Friday, May 25th,
in the Auditorium from 1:00-3:00.
Come and see some awesome performances!!!
Checkout the TPlus Downtown Library Display
Klayton was our very helpful student who went with Peggy & Sue last Friday to set up our Transition Plus display at the Downtown Public Library. Everyone should get down there to have a look, and please comment on how we can improve/fill out our "glimpse for the public" to see some things that we do at T+.
- And please thank Klayton for being such a great help.
Upcoming at T- Plus
Monday --------
Tuesday -------- Licensed Meeting***** C205 *****
Wednesday ---
Thursday------- SIP Quarterly Review
Friday ----------- ILT
--------------------- ESP Meeting C205- 9:30-10 & 10:05 -10:35
--------------------- M/W schedule
June 6------------ Project Search Graduation
--------------------------HCMC---------- 9:30-10:30
--------------------------Children's---- 11-12
June 7 ----------- Graduation with reception at T Plus following
--------------------- Convention Center 11am
June 8 ----------- Barbecue/ Field Day
June 11& 12--- PD days
June 13 --------- Record Keeping Day