Back to School

Hello! This is Mrs. Anderson the Principal at Mustang Creek! We are so very excited to see all of the Creek kids tomorrow! This call is going out to all Mustang Creek families. We have a few quick reminders just to help everything go as smoothly as possible the first few days.
Please make certain that you place the 1st Day Sticker, you received at Open House, on your child’s shirt. Since parents are not allowed in the building on the first day of school, this will help us get all the students to their classrooms.
Leave the car tag on your rearview mirror the entire time you are in the car rider line for pick up. The numbers on the students' backpacks correspond to the number and it will ensure we are placing the students in the correct vehicle.
I am attaching the back to school newsletter in an email. Please take a few moments to review the drop off and pick up procedures as they have changed.
In case you haven't noticed there is a little bit of construction going on in front of Creek Elementary... Please know that the City of OKC is carrying out these construction projects, and they are not affiliated with MPS or the City of Mustang. We are trying to help as much as possible with the flow of traffic on SW 15th in order to expedite drop off and pick up as much as and as safely as possible. We will be turning the parking lot on the East side of the building into a staging area for drop off and pick up - there will no longer be parking allowed in that parking lot. Parking will need to be done on the West side of the building in the parking lot between Creek and North Middle School. Thank you for your patience as we all, staff, students, and parents, try to adapt to the needed changes to help with the construction. Once everyone is accustomed to the routine we will be completed by AM: 7:40 for K-4 and 7:50 for PK and PM complete by 2:50 PK-4. However, to make this happen we need your help:
Please have your children unbuckled and ready when they reach the drop off area.
Please have them open their own car door and exit when your car is stopped at the curb.
We ask that all students exit on the passenger side for safety reasons.
Please do not park across the street and walk your children to the car rider line. 15th St. is extremely busy and we have people stationed to assist with the car line.
As always, we appreciate your partnership and look forward to a great year at Creek Elementary.
IMPORTANT Car Rider Line Information
PM Car Rider Line
MPS New Personal Technology Device (PTD) Policy
Please click the button below and complete
Please make certain to have your voicemails set up identifying your names and ensure your mailboxes are not full. Teachers will begin contacting parents by phone or email on August 7th to notify of their class placement by phone or email.
How will I find out who my child’s teacher is?
We know how exciting it is to hear from your teacher!
You will be notified via email or phone call prior to Open House on August 8th.
If your phone or email is not up to date please contact the Mustang Creek Office 405-324-4567
If you have not heard who your child’s teacher is by 8:00 AM on August 8th (by phone/email), please contact the school office on that morning and that information will be provided for you!
What will Open House look like and will I get to meet my child’s teacher?
On August 8th, students will have the opportunity to meet their teacher and drop off their school supplies. This is always an exciting time!
Open House
Thursday, August 8, 2024
In order to help with traffic/parking Open House will be broken up into last name alphabet letter groups.
Thursday, August 8th- Open House/Meet the Teacher
2:00-2:45 A-H
3:00:3:45 I-P
4:00-4:45 Q-Z
5:00-5:45 Make-ups (with teacher approval and appointment time)
Parents will need to complete their child’s packet from their teacher. It will include:
Dismissal tags will be given to all families even if students are not car riders. Tags will be used if your child needs to be a car rider, picked up early through the office, etc. Every family will be assigned a number. Bronco Club will have their own pick up tag.
A “first day of school” sticker. Since parents are not allowed into school the first day, this sticker will help staff get each student to their classroom.
School forms and information.
A Note From the Office
Please remember your I.D. when you are coming to check out a student in or out. Thank you for your continued understanding and cooperation.
If someone other than a parent or guardian is picking up a student, they must be on the pick-up list or the parent/guardian must call the Office. Do not email teachers with transportation changes, the OFFICE will notify the teacher. All changes must be made PRIOR to 1:30 p.m.
Water Bottles
Water fountains and bottle fillers will be on and available for hands free refilling of personal water bottles. Students are strongly encouraged to bring their own bottle and not share with others. It is important that students are able to open and close bottles securely by themselves. PLEASE LABEL WITH YOUR CHILD'S NAME.
Health & Medicine
Parents must complete a clinic form in order for prescription or non-prescription medication to be administered at school.
You must get the Official School Form from the school’s nurse for all prescription and non-prescription medicine and return it with the medicine. The nurse or the principal’s designee will be the only individual allowed to give medicine. If your child becomes ill at school, we will contact you immediately. If we cannot reach you, we will use the emergency contact information you have provided.
Cafeteria News and Free/Reduced Lunch Application
Over the past two years, all students have received free school meals due to USDA federal waivers. Unfortunately, these federal waivers have expired. Mustang Public Schools is encouraging all families to complete a free and reduced meal application this year. It is more important now than ever before.
Meal Prices for 2022-23:
Student Breakfast - $2.25
Student Lunch -$3.25
Enroll in “My School Bucks” to monitor your child’s lunch account and deposit money; see if you are available to receive financial support for your child’s breakfast and lunch costs by completing the online “Free and Reduced Lunch” application. Child Nutrition/Food Service - Mustang Public Schools
Please help our site remain a Title I school by completing the application below, even if you don't believe you will qualify. Many qualify, so we encourage everyone to fill it out. Thank you!
Bus Information
Transportation - MPS Buses Are Safest Way To School
Mustang Public School’s buses are the safest way to get to and from school each day. Statistics from the School Bus Information Council show that buses are safer for students than airlines, passenger trains and passenger cars, which have the highest injury rate.
Mustang’s bus drivers go through strict training, which includes written tests as well as driving instruction and a driving test. New bus drivers will have a minimum of 15 hours on-the-road training with Mustang transportation department staff before they begin transporting children. Training is provided in-house.
Besides the benefits of safety, when more students ride the bus it significantly reduces congestion around the schools. It is also means a gas savings for parents.
Routes - To access route information, simply go to elink.mustangps.org. Be sure to uncheck the box next to “Authenticate using Network Credentials.” Then enter the username of mustang, and the password is guest.
If your address is NOT populating in the finder, please call our district office for assistance at (405)376-2630.
As always, we appreciate your patience with our team each year as our school district continues to grow and new neighborhoods are established.
Safety - Please take a moment to review this to view an Infographic on Oklahoma Bus Laws. Drive Safely!
If you are interested in helping in the classrooms, recess, art, music, PE, parties, field trips, or reading with students we would love to have your help! Please follow the link to complete a secure background check https://bib.com/secure-volunteer/mustang-public-schools/home
Easy ways to help Creek PTO have an AMAZING year full of fun family events:
- Sign-up to JOIN!
- Interact with us on Social Media by liking, commenting and sharing posts!
Dress Code Policy for Students
Nurse will be available at Open House to turn in medical forms
Here are the forms needed from parents for food allergies, epi pens, milk allergies, and asthma. All of the other medical issues, do not require any documentation
Bullying Information, Reporting Procedures, and MPS Board Policy
Bullying means any pattern of harassment, intimidation, threatening behavior, or physical act, directed toward a student or group of students that results in or is reasonably perceived as being done with the intent to cause negative educational or physical results for the targeted individual or group and is communicated in such a way as to disrupt or interfere with the school’s educational mission or the education of any student.
There are three ways to report bullying.
A student may report bullying to a teacher, counselor, or school administrator
An online form is also available here. (Click on the link)
Once submitted and received, the investigation process will begin. Keep in mind, this process can only be as thorough as the information provided.
To review our school district’s policy on bullying, you can view our policies and procedures here:
The Policies and Procedures of Mustang Public Schools
The policy addressing bullying is MPS Board Policy- #5110
Resources for Parents
Mustang Parents - Are you need child care after school? Our elementary program is designed for children in grades Pre-K through 4 and is geared to meet the needs and characteristics of our elementary children. Children will participate in carefully planned activities that encourage optimal physical, mental, and social development, while fostering each child's positive self-image and sense of independence. Follow this link for more information https://www.mustangps.org/families-students/bronco-club
Meal payments online...not in line!
Registering for MySchoolBucks.com
- Click here to go to MySchoolBucks.
- Click Sign Up and enter the required information.
- Click Finish to complete the initial registration process.
Add Students to Your Family Account
- When you log in you will be taken to the homepage.
- Click MyKids from the main menu OR from the blue navigation bar above.
- This is a listing of the students in your account. It will be empty on your first visit to the site.
- Click Add Child and enter the required information.
- Click Add (next to your child’s name) to continue.
- Click Add Child to repeat the process for additional children.
- NOTE: Your child’s transaction history report will not display information during the initial account set up process.
How to Make a Deposit
- Click Deposit Money located next to Add Student.
- Enter an amount in the Deposit column next to your child’s name.
- If you have more than one child, enter the amount you wish to deposit into the column next to each child’s name. DO NOT deposit money for your entire family into ONE child’s account.
- Click Calculate.
- Click Make Deposit.
- You will be directed to the PayPal web site to enter your payment information.
- You have the option to use your existing PayPal account or a major credit card to make your payment.
- If you are using your PayPal account, enter your email address and PayPal password to continue.
- If you are using a credit card, enter the required information. For your protection, MyNutrikids.com will not store your financial information.
- Click Pay Now when finished.
- Click Pay once again to finish the process.
Substitute Teaching
Do you want to directly impact students’ lives? Encourage their hopes and dreams? Help them prepare for success in college, the workforce, and life? If so, join the ranks of Mustang Public Schools' Guest Teachers (AKA substitute teachers). Guest teaching can be a part-time job or full-time profession, and you may even want to turn your classroom experience into a career! Follow this link for more information https://www.mustangps.org/departments/human-resourcespersonnel/substitute-information
Mustang Creek Elementary
Website: https://creek.mustangps.org/
Location: 10821 Southwest 15th Street, Yukon, OK, USA
Phone: 4053244567
Facebook: facebook.com/MustangCreekElementarySchool