Whitney Wolverines Community News
November 4, 2024
Directions to translate this newsletter
We are Grateful for YOU!
- We know it is not always easy to get children to school, but we are so grateful that we have parents and families at Whitney who understand how important it is.
- We are thankful for parents and family members who are able to join us at Whitney, whether it is to play at recess during Friday Family Fun, to attend a music program, or to participate in a family event in the classroom.
- We appreciate all you do at home to support your child's learning, from reading at home to communicating with our teachers. It all makes a difference.
Important Dates You Don't Want to Miss!
Tuesday, November 5th:
- No School- Election Day
Wednesday, November 6th:
- Wolverine Walkers (walking club) during lunch recess. See volunteer sign-up below.
Friday, November 8th:
- Friday Family Fun during lunch recess (see schedule below).
- St. Luke's Mobile Health Clinic at Whitney, 12:30 to 2:45 PM. Call 208-706-6457 to make an appointment.
- Third grade Family Engagement Event, 2:30 PM.
Tuesday, November 12th:
- Understanding Special Education Workshop, 5:30 to 7:30 PM, Whitney Library. See flyer below for details and registration.
Wednesday, November 13th:
- Wolverine Walkers (walking club) during lunch recess. See volunteer sign-up below.
Friday, November 15th:
- No Friday Family Fun due to other staff commitments.
Wednesday, November 20th:
- Wolverine Walkers (walking club) during lunch recess. See volunteer sign-up below.
Friday, November 22nd:
- Friday Family Fun during lunch recess (see schedule below).
- St. Luke's Mobile Health Clinic at Whitney, 12:30 to 2:45 PM. Call 208-706-6457 to make an appointment.
Monday, November 25th- Friday, November 29th:
- No school- Autumn Break
Wednesday, November 27th:
- Whitney Community Thanksgiving Dinner, 4:30 to 6:30 PM. All are invited.
The Boise School District calendar can be found here.
Wolverine Walkers Needs Volunteers!
The Whitney walking club, Wolverine Walkers, happens every Wednesday during lunch recess. Students and staff are invited to walk the Whitney path to earn cool prizes. We could use volunteers to scan the walkers' badges as they complete laps. If you can spare thirty minutes (or more) on a Wednesday, please sign-up. This is an easy and fun way to volunteer at Whitney and see your student at recess.
The Whitney Podcast
Every other month, Ms. Boan, our ML teacher, puts together the Whitney Podcast. On the latest episode, you'll hear Mrs. Greene's third graders share their posters on Latin American leaders, Ms. McCroskey's third graders read their opinion essays about their favorite movies, Mrs. Cardwell's fourth graders teach morphemes they're learning as part of our new Morphology curriculum, sixth grade orchestra students play two new songs, band students learn to play La Bamba, and some multi-language fifth and sixth grade students practice reading fluency with some fun tongue twisters.
We hope you'll spend a few minutes listening here to the first episode of the Whitney podcast of the 24-25 school year, or listen here on Spotify.
Call for Donations of Hand Sanitizer and Wipes
What's on the Menu?
School breakfast and lunch are free for our students. Please note that students who bring their lunches from home can buy a milk for 80 cents (or they can take a fruit, vegetable, and milk for no charge). More information can be found at the BSD Food & Nutrition Services website.
Dress for the Weather
Birthday Celebrations
We love having our birthday students announced each week and watching them select books from our Birthday Book Cart! Students with November birthdays will receive a treat in the cafeteria at lunch time on Friday, November 22nd.
*We will no longer accept birthday treats or goodie bags for class birthday celebrations. This will help us celebrate every student and ensure we’re following BSD Board policy.
Learn About the Impact of Social Media on Children
As we enter this busy time of year, we want to share an important update regarding the Jefferson LIKE Film and Panel event scheduled for November 7th. Due to low enrollment, we will be canceling the in-person event and offering a flexible virtual option instead. Recognizing that the impact of social media on our children is a significant concern for many parents, we invite you to watch LIKE together with your family, neighbors, or other groups. To facilitate meaningful discussions, we are including discussion questions and resources. Families that complete the discussion questions will have a chance to win a fun family night! Please make sure to watch the film and hold your discussion by December 15th, as this will be the last opportunity to view LIKE. To get started, view this flyer! If you have any questions, please reach out to Sara Nord at sara.nord@boiseschools.org.