MLK Day Activities
January 2025
"The time is always right to do what is right."
How perfect that we celebrate the life of MLK just at the start of the new year -- it offers the opportunity to make resolutions about the steps we each can take to foster a more just world.
This template offers a range of resources for communicating the remarkable legacy of Dr. King.
"We must walk on
in the days ahead
With an
audacious faith
In the future."
Find more MLK quotes here.
Starter Set of Resources for Teaching MLK
Before you start your planning!
Here's a really helpful list of Do's and Don'ts for celebrating MLK Day, from the smart folks at Learning for Justice.
The Legacy of Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. | BrainPOP
Click the photo for a range of lesson plans & curricula 👇🏽
Teaching "I have a dream..."
Listening to those powerful words
Find an audio file of the speech here -- no visuals!
Enacting MLK's dream
The Maccabeats and Naturally 7 - Shed a Little Light - MLK Jr. Day - (James Taylor Cover)